Science Inventory

Simulating Human Variability in Toxicokinetics with R Package “httk”


Wambaugh, J., M. Breen, S. Davidson-Fritz, AND C. Ring. Simulating Human Variability in Toxicokinetics with R Package “httk”. Human In, Human Out: Using Primary and Population Data for PBPK Analyses, Virtual, NC, November 10, 2022.


This is a presentation to the Human In, Human Out: Using Primary and Population Data for PBPK Analyses virtual meeting Summit scheduled for November 10. The presentation is entitled: “Simulating Human Variability in Toxicokinetics with R Package “httk””.


Learning objectives: 1) What is HTTK? 2) For what can I use HTTK? 3) How does HTTK simulate human variability? 4) On what information is HTTK human variability simulator based? HTTK allows dosimetric adjustment of high-throughput screening (HTS) data. Chemical-specific HTTK data or predictions are available for thousands of chemicals, HTTK is open source, free, and evaluated software. HTTK accounts for human population diversity using biometrics from the CDC NHANES to predict toxicokinetic model parameters. Variability is simulated using a Monte Carlo approach. Breen et al. (2022) updated R package “httk” to the most recent three NHANES cohorts and adds children under the age of 6. Toxicodynamic variability is not included. HTTK in vitro parameters are generated from pooled adult tissues.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/10/2022
Record Last Revised:01/03/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 356712