Science Inventory

ToxValDB: Compiling Publicly Available In Vivo Toxicity Data


Judson, R. ToxValDB: Compiling Publicly Available In Vivo Toxicity Data. Presented at EPA's Computational Toxicology Communities of Practice Monthly Meeting, RTP, NC, December 20, 2018.


Presentation to the EPA's Computational Toxicology Communities of Practice monthly meeting in December 2018 on ToxValDB, a comprehensive collection of quantitative summary data from public data sets.


Laboratories have been running in vivo animal-based toxicology studies for 50 years or more, which can provide a large resource for assessing individual chemicals to which people are exposed, or for building a variety of models to help predict the toxicity of untested chemicals. However, most of this data is dispersed among many individual databases and reports. To address these issues, we are developing a comprehensive collection of quantitative summary data from public data sets. This resource, called ToxValDB, collects data from 34 unique sources including those from the EPA, DOE, DOD, CDC/ATSDR, FDA, ECHA, EFSA, Health Canada, and the California EPA. The data is largely limited to summary values from individual studies or chemical-level assessments, and is focused on quantitative values such as LOAELs, NOAELs, BMDs, LD50s and RfDs. Data covers both mammalian studies relevant for human health risk assessments as well as ecological studies. The current database contains approximately 700,000 records for over 25,000 chemicals. The data is being made public both through the EPA Comptox Chemicals Dashboard ( as well as in large database export files. This talk will summarize database and several current applications including the development of QSAR models for human health and ecotoxicological points of departure. This work does not reflect the official policy of any federal agency.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:12/20/2018
Record Last Revised:04/08/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 344315