Science Inventory

Nutrient Explorer: A Downloadable R Shiny Analytical Framework to Visualize and Investigate Drivers of Surface Water Quality (Version 1.0)


Pennino, M., M. Fry, R. Sabo, AND Jim Carleton. Nutrient Explorer: A Downloadable R Shiny Analytical Framework to Visualize and Investigate Drivers of Surface Water Quality (Version 1.0). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2023.


This is a downloadable interactive user interface (UI), which we developed using R code (R Shiny), to quantify the relationships between water quality and landscape variables.  This product is associated with a journal article and readers of the article will be able to download the R code and run similar vizualizations and models created by this UI. 


This is a downloadable (zip file) interactive user interface (UI), which we developed using R code (R Shiny), to quantify the relationships between water quality and landscape variables.  For this UI we utilized total phosphorus (TP) concentrations measurements from lakes in 17 northern midwestern and northeastern U.S. states (LAGOS-NE), which were combined with watershed-scale landscape metrics.  The UI can we create visualizations of the datasets and relationships across space and time.  The UI can also develop random forest and multilinear regression models to determine which factors best explain spatial variability in TP and where lake TP is highest across the Upper Midwest and Northeast U.S.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/08/2023
Record Last Revised:07/03/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 358039