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Records 1 to 22 of 22 records from author Bayou Demeke

Demeke, B., T. Roitberg, AND D. Bernstein. Economic Impacts of Brownfields Cleanup and Redevelopment in Fulton County, GA. Georgia Brownfield Association Seminar, Atlanta, GA, April 09, 2024.
Demeke, B., T. Roitberg, AND D. Bernstein. Economic Impacts of Brownfields Cleanup and Redevelopment in Fulton County, GA (TENSOS conference). Tennessee Environmental Network Show of the South Conference, Chattanooga, TN, May 15 - 17, 2024.
Roitberg, T., D. Bernstein, AND B. Demeke. The impact of brownfield remediation on property values: a hedonic analysis of home sales. Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference, Washington, DC, May 29 - 31, 2024.
Morelli, B., J. Miller, S. Rath, S. Arden, Cissy Ma, B. Demeke, S. Cashman, S. Nepal, AND G. Azevedo. Performance, Environmental Impacts and Cost of Wastewater System Compliance in Rural Small Communities - Denmark. SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) Conference and Workshops, AarhusD, June 26 - 30, 2023.
Miller, J., B. Morelli, F. Wang, S. Sauter, B. Demeke, S. Nepal, G. Azevedo, R. Venkatapathy, S. Cashman, AND A. Henderson. Kickapoo River Watershed Integrated Management Study - Kansas. SAW Knowledge Sharing Series, NA, KS, March 10, 2022.
Wang, F., J. Miller, B. Morelli, S. Apfelbaum, S. Sauter, Cissy Ma, B. Demeke, G. Azevedo, S. Nepal, AND R. Venkatapathy. Kickapoo River Watershed Integrated Management Study Progress Updates, Wisconsin. Stakeholder Updates in Kickapoo Learning Hub Monthly Meeting, NA, WI, March 15, 2022.
Morelli, B., S. Arden, S. Cashman, J. Miller, F. Wang, G. Azevedo, S. Nepal, B. Demeke, AND Cissy Ma. Performance, Environmental Impacts and Cost of Wastewater System Compliance in Rural Small Communities. Presented at Improving Small Municipal WWTP Compliance: A National Symposium, Cincinnati, OH, October 25 - 27, 2022.
Bernstein, D. AND B. Demeke. The Impact of Brownfields and Superfund Sites on Property Values: A Meta-Analysis. SEA 92nd Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, November 19 - 22, 2022.
Ma, Cissy, B. Demeke, S. Nepal, M. Bennett, AND S. Weiss. Kickapoo River Watershed Integrated Management Study. Kickapoo River Watershed Integrated Management Study Stakeholder Meeting, NA, OH, September 14, 2021.
Miller, J., S. Nepal, R. Venkatapathy, S. Apfelbaum, S. S. Sauter, A. Henderson, S. Arden, B. Morelli, S. Cashman, Cissy Ma, AND B. Demeke. Kickapoo River Watershed Integrated Management Study Progress updates. Kickapoo River Watershed Integrated Management Study Progress update meeting, N/A, Ohio, April 22, 2021.
Demeke, B. AND A. Argoti. Application of Green-Accounting Methods for the Assessment of the Chicago Metropolitan Area’s Sustainability Trends. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, November 10 - 15, 2019.
Gleason, T., R. Boumans, S. Balogh, A. Argoti, B. Demeke, D. Campbell, L. Erban, H. Walker, C. Tremper, AND H. Cabezas. Integrated Solutions for Sustainable Communities. Trans-Atlantic Research and Development Interchange on Sustainability, Estes Park, Colorado, September 09 - 11, 2019.
Argoti-Caicedo, A., A. Dewey, H. Cabezas, AND B. Demeke. An Exploration of the Variables Driving the Ecological Footprint for the Chicago Metropolitan Area. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Buffalo, NY, June 25 - 28, 2018.
Demeke, B. AND A. Argoti-Caicedo. Assessment of Urban Sustainability of the Chicago Metropolitan Area Using Green Accounting Methods. International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 12 - 15, 2018.
Demeke, B., A. Argoti-Caicedo, AND A. Dewey. Assessment of Urban Sustainability: An Exploration based on Two Metrics for the Chicago Metropolitan Area. AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 28 - November 02, 2018.
Demeke, B. AND A. Argoti-Caicedo. Application of Green Net Metropolitan Product to Measure Urban Sustainability: Preliminary Exploration for the Chicago Metropolitan Area. To be Presented at ISIE and ISSST joint Conference, Chicago, IL, June 25 - 29, 2017.
Argoti-Caicedo, A., A. Dewey, B. Demeke, AND H. Cabezas. Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA) for the Chicago Metropolitan Area: Initial Estimation - slides. ISIE and ISSST Joint Conference, Chicago, IL, June 25 - 29, 2017.
Argoti-Caicedo, A. AND B. Demeke. Measuring Sustainability of Urban Systems: An Exploration based on Two Metrics for the Chicago Metropolitan Area. NAS– Research Associateship Program (RAP) Site Visit, Cincinnati, OH, August 07 - 08, 2017.
Ingwersen, W., M. Ceja, A. Weisbrod, H. Cabezas, B. Demeke, T. Eason, R. Smith, D. Sengupta, E. Zanoli, M. Gausman, S. Lee, Cissy Ma, B. Weber, M. Alvarez, J. Bare, J. Abraham, M. Gonzalez, AND G. Ruiz-Mercado. Evaluating Consumer Product Life Cycle Sustainability with Integrated Metrics: A Paper Towel Case Study. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 55(12):3433-3441, (2016).
Demeke, B., W. Ingwersen, A. Wiesbrod, M. Ceja, AND B. Weber. Green Net Value Added as a Sustainability Metric Based on Life Cycle Assessment: An Application to Bounty® Paper Towel. Presented at 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 13 - 18, 2016.
Vineyard, D., W. Ingwersen, T. Hawkins, X. Xue, B. Demeke, AND W. Shuster. Comparing Green and Grey Infrastructure Using Life Cycle Cost and Environmental Impact: A Rain Garden Case Study in Cincinnati, OH. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION. American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA, 51(5):1342-1360, (2015).
Ingwersen, W., H. Cabezas, A. Weisbrod, T. Eason, B. Demeke, Cissy Ma, T. Hawkins, S. Lee, J. Bare, AND M. Ceja. Integrated Metrics for Improving the Life Cycle Approach to Assessing Product System Sustainability. Sustainability. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 6(3):1386-1413, (2014).