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Records 1 to 7 of 7

Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on message and Micro-RNA in human lung BEAS-2B cells
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 01, 2024]
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) lack sufficient quality cytotoxicity, toxicity, genotoxicity and genomic data on which to make environmental and regulatory decisions. Therefore, we did a multidisciplinary in vitro study of 3 MWCNTs in human lung cells (BEAS-2B) w...
Asbestos and Iron
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 03, 2023]
Abstract    Theories of disease pathogenesis following asbestos exposure have developed which focus on a participation of iron. These are integrated to provide a complete assessment of the relationship between asbestos and iron. After exposure, an open network of negati...
Estimating children’s soil and dust ingestion rates using novel methods and approaches
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 27, 2023]
Chemicals found in our everyday environment may pose health risks to humans via various exposure pathways. For children of different lifestages, soil and dust ingestion may potentially be a major route of exposure to environmental chemicals such as lead, mercury, polychlorinated ...
Asbestos: What Every Real Estate Professional Should Know
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 21, 2022]
Development of an Aggressive-Air Activity-based Air Sampling System for Collection of Bioaerosols in Outdoor Areas
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 07, 2022]
CESER/HSMMD is conducting research to investigate the reaerosolization of surrogate bacterial spores in the Aerosol Test Facility and through field tests to determine the most representative air sampling methods to use for detection (characterization) and clearance of large outdo...
Triangulation-based adjustment factors for combined cancer risk of chrysotile asbestos
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 09, 2022]
This abstract describes how triangulation-based methods were used to leverage available information using additional external information in the 2020 Risk Evaluation of Chrysotile Asbestos.
EPA Draft Risk Evaluation of Asbestos
EPA evaluated the following categories of conditions of use of chrysotile asbestos in this draft risk evaluation: Manufacturing; processing; distribution in commerce; occupational and consumer uses; and disposal.