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Records 1 to 25 of 391 records from author James Lazorchak

Nietch, C., Kristina Laidlaw, A. Tatters, H. Mash, J. Lu, J. Lazorchak, T. Sanan, E. Pilgrim, P. Weaver, L. Webb, R. Labiosa, M. Tidd, H. Snook, AND N. Smucker. Harmful benthic cyanobacteria proliferations in streams and rivers: USEPA research to inform sampling and analytical procedures for risk assessment. 2024 Society of Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, June 02 - 06, 2024.
Yeardley, R., Jim Lazorchak, M. Mills, AND M. Griffith. Multi-Plate Samplers – How Robust Is This Macroinvertebrate Sampling Method? 2024 Society of Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, June 02 - 06, 2024.
Otter, R., Marc A. Mills, Ken M. Fritz, James M. Lazorchak, Dalon P. White, Gale B. Beaubien, AND D. Walters. PCB concentrations in riparian spiders (Tetragnathidae) consistently reflect concentrations in water and aquatic macroinvertebrates, but not sediment: Analysis of a seven-year field study. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 912:169230, (2024).
Nietch, C., Kristina Laidlaw, R. Labiosa, A. Tatters, H. Mash, J. Lu, J. Lazorchak, T. Sanan, E. Pilgrim, P. Weaver, AND L. Webb. USEPA Regions Research Assessing Field Sampling and Analytical Procedures for Characterizing Risk Posed by Harmful Benthic Cyanobacteria in Streams and Rivers. Benthic HAB Workgroup Meeting, Cincinnati (Virtual), OH, March 26, 2024.
Yeardley, R., B. Duffy, K. Kimbrough, J. Lazorchak, M. Mills, AND E. Johnson. A Comparison of Two Macroinvertebrate Multi-Plate Sampling Methods to Inform Great Lakes Monitoring and Remediation Efforts. Journal of Environmental Protection. Scientific Research Publishing, Inc., Irvine, CA, 14(12):933-953, (2023).
Etzel, R., J. Laurenson, C. Flaherty, H. Zahner, K. Gallagher, W. Hunter, C. Cooper, K. Lee, K. Fitzgerald, L. Strutz, S. Glassmeyer, C. Williams, L. Larimer, B. McIntyre, B. Knieser, K. Prinn, A. Jarvis, B. Soares, Jim Lazorchak, AND D. Iwanowicz. Activities of the Federal Interagency Workgroup on Pharmaceuticals in Water. Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Lazorchak, J., A. Kascak, S. Goodrich, J. Fischer, S. Decelles, T. Sanan, H. Mash, J. Lu, AND I. Struewing. Acute and chronic toxicity of microcystin to four standard toxicity test organisms using lysates from large cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa. 2023 SETAC NA Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Mazzolini-Blanchard, B., D. Knickerbocker, AND J. Lazorchak. Advancing Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination, and sustainability in Ohio through a regenerative approach. 2023 SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Nietch, C., G. Youngstrom, L. Gains-Germain, T. Linscome-Hatfield, E. Harmeling, J. Lazorchak, AND S. Keely. Application for HAB Monitoring of the Ohio River. 13th National Monitoring Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, April 24 - 28, 2023.
Corra, J., I. Dunn, T. Hollenhorst, M. Kravitz, J. Lazorchak, M. Mills, Tamara Newcomer Johnson, AND M. O'Brien. Bird communities as a tool for assessing restoration effectiveness. Great Lakes Areas of Concern Conference 2023,, Green Bay, WI, September 13 - 14, 2023.
Yeardley, R., J. Lazorchak, AND M. Mills. Choosing the right organism for use in sediment avoidance behavior tests; how other behaviors affect this choice. SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Sanan, T., J. Lazorchak, S. Goodrich, J. Fischer, AND D. Sundaravadivelu. Development and validation of analytical methods for measuring diverse cyanotoxins in complex matrices using automated solid phase extraction, isotope dilution LC-MS/MS. Presented at SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Lazorchak, J., S. Decelles, A. Kascak, S. Goodrich, T. Sanan, J. Lu, AND I. Struewing. Development of a Microcystis aeruginosa culture method to produce sufficient amounts of microcystin to conduct multispecies acute and chronic toxicity tests. (SETAC Europe). SETAC Europe, N/A, Dublin, IRELAND, April 30 - May 12, 2023.
Lazorchak, J. EPA’s existing Whole Effluent and Receiving water toxicity test methods plus the new ones under development. ENV350 Environmental Toxicology Class, NKU, KY, November 21, 2023.
Yeardley, R., M. Mills, AND J. Lazorchak. Effects of Spatial Variability of Macroinvertebrate Communities on Assessment of Remediation and Restoration Efforts at Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) Sites. 2023 SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Otter, R., D. Walters, Jim Lazorchak, K. Fritz, AND M. Mills. Impact of dredging on river sediment, water, aquatic macroinvertebrate, and riparian spider PCB concentrations. 2023 International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments, Austin, TX, January 09 - 12, 2023.
Gains-Germain, L., C. Nietch, G. Youngstrom, T. Linscome-Hatfield, E. Harmeling, J. Lazorchak, AND S. Keely. Interagency Data Aggregation to Support HAB Monitoring of the Ohio River. 13th National Monitoring Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, April 24 - 28, 2023.
Lazorchak, J., V. Hanley, K. Nimmer, AND G. Martin. Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) Microplastics Outreach Toolkit. 2023 SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Melnyk, L., J. Lazorchak, D. Kusnierz, G. Perlman, J. Lin, R. Venkatapathy, D. Sundaravadivelu, J. Thorn, J. Durant, K. Pugh, AND M. Stover. One Health Assessment of Persistent Organic Chemicals and PFAS for Consumption of Restored Anadromous Fish. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology . Nature Publishing Group, London, Uk, , 1000, (2023).
Weaver, P., J. Lazorchak, R. Herrmann, S. Decelles, G. Israel, A. Kascak, S. Goodrich, J. Rhodus, AND M. Griffith. Standardization of Acute and Short-term Chronic Methods for Whole Effluent and Receiving Water Toxicity Using the Mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer. 2023 SETAC North America Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Lazorchak, J., S. Kadlec, A. Kascak, D. Mount, C. Jenson, W. Backe, S. Goodrich, L. Glimsdal, J. Hockett, A. Johnson, AND T. Norberg-King. Standardization of a short-term chronic method using Daphnia magna (SETAC EU). SETAC Europe, NA, Dublin, IRELAND, April 30 - May 04, 2023.
Sesin, V., J. Judy, L. Kapustka, B. Opeolu, M. Ottinger, P. Bertsch, Y. Wang, Jim Lazorchak, T. Smythe, AND R. Stahl. The Importance of Fostering and Funding Scientific Research, and its Relevance to Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, 42(3):581-593, (2023).
Nietch, C., N. Smucker, L. Gains-Germain, C. Peck, S. Guglielmi, S. Decelles, J. Lazorchak, B. Johnson, AND P. Weaver. Using Single-Species and Whole Community Stream Mesocosm Exposures for Identifying Major Ion Effects in Doses Mimicking Resource Extraction Wastewaters. WATER. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 15(2):249, (2023).
Newcomer-Johnson, T., D. White, M. Kern, J. Hoffman, M. Mills, G. Beaubien, T. Angradi, Jim Lazorchak, M. Struckhoff, A. Trebitz, D. Walters, K. Williams, AND S. Green. A review of habitat restoration projects in Great Lakes Areas of Concern: Restoration targets, goals, and monitoring paradigms. 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM), Grand Rapids, MI, May 14 - 20, 2022.
See, Mary Jean, D. Bencic, R. Flick, Jim Lazorchak, AND A. Biales. Characterization of vitellogenin concentration in male fathead minnow mucus compared to plasma, and liver mRNA. AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 236:113428, (2022).