Office of Research and Development Publications

National Health And Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL) Research Publications

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Records 1 to 25 of 29 records from [ORD-NHEERL] published between 04/18/2014 and 04/18/2019 from author Matthew Harwell

Russell, M., R. Fulford, K. Murphy, C. Lane, J. Harvey, D. Dantin, F. Alvarez, J. Nestlerode, A. Teague, M. Harwell, AND A. Almario. Relative importance of landscape versus local wetland characteristics for estimating wetland denitrification potential. WETLANDS. The Society of Wetland Scientists, McLean, VA, 39(1):127-137, (2019).
Harwell, M., L. Sharpe, S. Yee, AND C. Jackson. Decision Support Tools as Opportunities for Engagement and Communication. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 26 - 30, 2018.
Harwell, M. AND Ted DeWitt. Ecosystem Goods & Services and their Direct Linkages to Human Health & Well-Being. Integrating Human Health and Well-being with Ecosystem Services – EPA STAR Research Meeting, RTP, North Carolina, May 14 - 15, 2018.
Bolgrien, Dave, T. Angradi, J. Bousquin, Tim Canfield, Ted DeWitt, R. Fulford, M. Harwell, J. Hoffman, T. Hollenhorst, JohnM Johnston, J. Launspach, J. Lovette, Bob Mckane, T. Newcomer-Johnson, M. Russell, L. Sharpe, A. Tashie, K. Williams, AND S. Yee. Ecosystem goods and services case studies and models support community decision making using the EnviroAtlas and the Eco-Health Relationship Browser. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-18/167, 2018.
Sharpe, L., J. Bousquin, M. Harwell, C. Jackson, AND M. Russell. FEGS Community Scoping Tool. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 26 - 30, 2018.
Harwell, M. AND J. Molleda. FY 16 Output SHC 2.61 Ecosystem Goods and Services Production and Benefit Functions Case Studies Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-18/189, 2018.
Harwell, M. AND C. Jackson. FY 17 Output SHC 2.61 Practical Strategies for Assessing Final Ecosystem Goods and Services in Community Decision Making. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-18/183, 2018.
Littles, C., C. Jackson, Ted DeWitt, AND M. Harwell. How can our understanding of coastal habitat dependencies facilitate better decision making? Coastlines & People Scoping Meeting, San Diego, CA, September 26 - 28, 2018.
Littles, C., C. Jackson, Ted DeWitt, AND M. Harwell. Linking People to Coastal Habitats: A meta-analysis of final ecosystem goods and services on the coast. Ocean & Coastal Management. Elsevier, Shannon, Ireland, 165:356-369, (2018).
Littles, C., N. Lewis, Ted DeWitt, AND M. Harwell. Recreational Final Ecosystem Goods and Services (Fegs) Supported by Tampa Bay, Fl. ACES, Washington ., DC, December 03 - 06, 2018.
Sharpe, L., K. Williams, AND M. Harwell. Shifting contexts: How changes in governance frameworks, stakeholder engagement, and research application influence project outcomes. A Community on Ecosystem Services, Arlington, VA, December 03 - 06, 2018.
Cicchetti, G., Ted DeWitt, M. Harwell, S. Jackson, M. Pryor, K. Rocha, Debbie Santavy, L. Sharpe, E. Shumchenia, AND S. Yee. THE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES GRADIENT AND THE BIOLOGICAL CONDITION GRADIENT LINK CHANGES IN BENEFITS AND BIOLOGY TO INCREASING STRESS IN AQUATIC SYSTEMS. A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES), Washington, DC, December 03 - 06, 2018.
Littles, C., Ted DeWitt, M. Harwell, AND C. Jackson. Ecosystem Services Linking People to Coastal Habitats. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, August 06 - 11, 2017.
Littles, C., Ted DeWitt, M. Harwell, AND C. Jackson. Ecosystem services Linking People to Coastal Habitats. Coastal & Estuarine Reserch Federation 2017, Providence, RI, November 05 - 09, 2017.
Rogers, Johne, M. Russell, AND M. Harwell. Improved method for calibration of exchange flows for a physical transport box model of Tampa Bay, FL USA. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH. Coastal Education Research Foundation Incorporated, West Palm Beach, FL, 33(4):972-988, (2017).
Yee, S., J. Bousquin, Randy Bruins, Tim Canfield, Ted DeWitt, R. DeJesus-Crespo, B. Dyson, R. Fulford, M. Harwell, J. Hoffman, C. Littles, JohnM Johnston, Bob Mckane, L. Ruiz-Green, M. Russell, L. Sharpe, N. Seeteram, A. Tashie, AND K. Williams. Practical Strategies for Integrating Final Ecosystem Goods and Services into Community Decision-Making. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-17/266, 2017.
Harwell, M., J. Molleda, AND C. Jackson. The Science of Strategic Communication. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration 2017 conference, Coral Springs, FL, April 17 - 20, 2017.
Johnston, JohnM, R. DeJesus-Crespo, M. Harwell, C. Jackson, M. Myer, N. Seeteram, K. C. WILLIAMS, S. Yee, AND J. Hoffman. Valuing Community Benefits of Final Ecosystem Goods and Services: Human Health and Ethnographic Approaches. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-17/309, 2017.
Littles, C., Ted DeWitt, M. Harwell, AND C. Jackson. A Hypothesis-Driven Framework for Assessing Climate Induced Changes in Coastal Final Ecosystem Goods and Services. A Community on Ecosystem Services, Jacksonville, FL, December 05 - 09, 2016.
Russell, M., S. Yee, M. Harwell, Ted DeWitt, Randy Bruins, P. Ringold, C. Rhodes, C. Carollo, C. Kelble, D. Yoskowitz, JohnM Johnston, L. Smith, AND R. Fulford. An operational structured decision making framework for assessing changes in final ecosystem goods and services and consequences to human well-being. A Community on Ecosystem Services, Jacksonville, FL, December 05 - 09, 2016.
Harwell, M., E. Hinchey, T. ODonnell, AND T. Pierce. Large Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring for Decision Makers: Monitoring to Target and Evaluate Success of Ecosystem Restoration. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Coral Springs, FL, April 18 - 22, 2016.
Harwell, M., C. Jackson, J. Molleda, Ted DeWitt, AND M. Russell. Strategic Communication and its Utility in Ecosystem Service Science. A Community on Ecosystem Services, Jacksonville, FL, December 05 - 09, 2016.
Fulford, R., M. Russell, J. Harvey, AND M. Harwell. Sustainability at the community level: Searching for common ground as a part of a national strategy for decision support. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-16/178, 2016.
Harwell, M. The science of Strategic Communication and its utility in natural resource management. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration 2016, Coral Springs, FL, April 18 - 22, 2016.
Harwell, M., R. Fulford, Ted DeWitt, M. Russell, S. Yee, J. Hoffman, Bob Mckane, AND Tim Canfield. Comparative community case studies as research tools: A national effort to support local sustainability planning. CERF 2015, Portland, OR, November 08 - 12, 2015.