Office of Research and Development Publications

National Center For Computational Toxicology (NCCT) Research Publications

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Records 1 to 25 of 111 Journal - Peer Reviewed Journals from [ORD-NCCT] published between 03/18/2013 and 03/18/2018

Strope, C., K. Mansouri, H. Clewell, J. Rabinowitz, C. Stevens, AND J. Wambaugh. High-Throughput in-silico prediction of ionization equilibria for pharmacokinetic modeling. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 615:150-160, (2018).
Bell, S., X. Chang, J. Wambaugh, D. Allen, M. Bartels, K. Brouwer, W. Casey, N. Choksi, S. Ferguson, G. Fraczkiewicz, A. Jarabek, A. Ke, A. Lumen, S. Lynn, A. Paini, Paul S Price, C. Ring, T. Simon, N. Sipes, C. Sprankle, J. Strickland, J. Troutman, B. Wetmore, AND N. Kleinstreuer. In vitro to in vivo extrapolation for high throughput prioritization and decision making. TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 47:213-227, (2018).
Roberts, D. AND G. Patlewicz. Non‐animal assessment of skin sensitization hazard: Is an integrated testing strategy needed, and if so what should be integrated? JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Indianapolis, IN, 38(1):41-50, (2017).
Mansouri, K., C. Grulke, R. Judson, AND A. Williams. OPERA models for predicting physicochemical properties and environmental fate endpoints. Journal of Cheminformatics. Springer, New York, NY, 10:10, (2018).
Truong, L., G. Ouedraogo, L. Pham, J. Clouzeau, S. Loisel-Joubert, D. Blanchet, H. Noçairi, Woodrow Setzer, R. Judson, Chris Grulke, K. Mansouri, AND M. Martin. Predicting In Vivo Effect Levels for Repeat Dose Systemic Toxicity using Chemical, Biological, Kinetic and Study Covariates. Archives of Toxicology. Springer, New York, NY, 92(2):587-600, (2018).
Phillips, K., A. Yau, K. Favela, K. Isaacs, A. McEachran, Chris Grulke, A. Richard, A. Williams, J. Sobus, R. Thomas, AND J. Wambaugh. Suspect Screening Analysis of Chemicals in Consumer Products. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 52(5):3125-3135, (2018).
Chiu, W., K. Guyton, M. Martin, D. Reif, AND I. Rusyn. Use of High-throughput in vitro toxicity screening data in cancer hazard evaluations by the IARC Monograph Working Groups. ALTEX. Society ALTEX Edition, Kuesnacht, Switzerland, 35(1):51-64, (2018).
Nguyen, E., W. Daly, N. Le, M. Farnoodian, D. Belair, M. Schwartz, C. Lebakken, G. Ananiev, M. Saghiri, T. Knudsen, N. Sheibani, AND W. Murphy. Versatile synthetic alternatives to Matrigel for vascular toxicity screening and stem cell expansion. Nature Communications. Nature Publishing Group, London, Uk, 1(0096):1-34, (2018).
McCollum, C., J. Conde Vancells, C. Hans, M. Vazquez-Chantada, N. Kleinstreuer, T. Tal, T. Knudsen, S. Shah, F. Merchant, R. Finnell, J. Gustafsson, R. Cabrera, AND M. Bondesson. Identification of vascular disruptor compounds by analysis in zebrafish embryos and mouse embryonic endothelial cells. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 70:60-69, (2017).
Zang, Q., K. Mansouri, A. Williams, R. Judson, D. Allen, W. Casey, AND N. Kleinstreuer. In Silico Prediction of Physicochemical Properties of Environmental Chemicals Using Molecular Fingerprints and Machine Learning. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 57(1):36-49, (2017).
Kapraun, Dustin F., John F. Wambaugh, C. Ring, R. Tornero-Velez, AND R. Woodrow Setzer. A Method for Identifying Prevalent Chemical Combinations in the US Population. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC, 125(8):1-16, (2017).
Pradeep, P., K. Mansouri, G. Patlewicz, AND R. Judson. A systematic evaluation of analogs and automated read-across prediction of estrogenicity: A case study using hindered phenols. Computational Toxicology. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4:22-30, (2017).
Baker, N., T. Knudsen, AND A. Williams. Abstract Sifter: a comprehensive front-end system to PubMed. F1000 Research. Faculty of 1000, London, Uk, 6:1-10, (2017).
Malloy, T., V. Zaunbrecher, E. Beryt, R. Judson, R. Tice, P. Allard, A. Blake, I. Cote, H. Godwin, L. Heine, P. Kerzic, J. Kostal, G. Marchant, J. McPartland, K. Moran, A. Nel, O. Ogunseitan, M. Rossi, K. Thayer, J. Tickner, M. Whittaker, AND K. Zarker. Advancing Alternatives Analysis: The Role of Predictive Toxicology in Selecting Safer Chemical Products and Processes. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, KS, 13(5):915-925, (2017).
Sipes, N., J. Wambaugh, R. Pearce, S. Auerbach, B. Wetmore, J. Hsieh, A. Shapiro, D. Sboboda, M. DeVito, AND S. Ferguson. An Intuitive Approach for Predicting Human Risk with the Tox21 10k Library. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, (51):10786-10796, (2017).
Fitzpatrick, J. AND G. Patlewicz. Application of IATA - A case study in evaluating the global and local performance of a Bayesian Network model for Skin Sensitization. SAR AND QSAR IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. Taylor & Francis, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 28(4):297-310, (2017).
Sauer, S., M. Tarpley, I. Shah, A. Save, H. Lyerly, S. Patierno, K. Williams, AND G. Devi. Bisphenol A activates EGFR and ERK promoting proliferation, tumor spheroid formation and resistance to EGFR pathway inhibition in estrogen receptor negative inflammatory breast cancer cells. CARCINOGENESIS. Oxford University Press, Cary, NC, 38(3):252–260, (2017).
Saili, K., T. Zurlinden, A. Schwab, A. Silvin, N. Baker, S. Hunter, F. Ginhoux, AND T. Knudsen. Blood-Brain Barrier Development: Systems Modeling and Predictive Toxicology. Birth Defects Research, Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Indianapolis, IN, 109(20):1680-1710, (2017).
Hutson, S., M. Leung, N. Baker, R. Spencer, AND T. Knudsen. Computational Model of Secondary Palate Fusion and Disruption. CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 30(4):965-979, (2017).
Kleinstreuer, N., P. Ceger, Eric Watt, M. Martin, K. Houck, P. Browne, R. Thomas, W. Casey, D. Dix, D. Allen, S. Sakamuru, M. Xia, R. Huang, AND R. Judson. Development and Validation of a Computational Model for Androgen Receptor Activity. CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 30(4):946-964, (2017).
Pearce, R., Woodrow Setzer, J. Davis, AND J. Wambaugh. Evaluation and Calibration of High-Throughput Predictions of Chemical Distribution to Tissues. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOKINETICS AND PHARMACODYNAMICS. Springer, New York, NY, 44(6):549-565, (2017).
Escher, B., J. Hackermüller, T. Polte, S. Scholz, A. Aigner, R. Altenburger, A. Bohme, S. Bopp, W. Brack, W. Busch, M. Chadeau-Hyam, A. Covaci, A. Eisentrager, J. Galligan, N. Garcia-Reyero, T. Hartung, M. Hein, G. Herberth, A. Jahnke, J. Kleinjans, N. Kluever, M. Krauss, M. Lamoree, I. Lehmann, T. Luckenbach, G. Miller, A. Mueller, D. Phillips, T. Reemtsma, U. Rolle-Kampczyk, G. Schuurmann, B. Schwikowski, C. Tan, S. Trump, S. Walter-Rohde, AND J. Wambaugh. From the exposome to mechanistic understanding of chemical-induced adverse effects. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 99:97-106, (2017).
Juberg, D., T. Knudsen, M. Sander, N. Beck, E. Faustman, D. Mendrick, J. Fowle, T. Hartung, R. Tice, E. Lamazurier, R. Becker, S. Fitzpatrick, G. Daston, A. Harill, R. Hines, D. Keller, J. Lipscomb, D. Watson, T. Bahadori, AND K. Crofton. FutureTox III: Bridges for Translation. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 155(1):22-31, (2017).
Pearce, R., Woodrow Setzer, C. Strope, N. Sipes, AND J. Wambaugh. HTTK: R Package for High-Throughput Toxicokinetics. Journal of Statistical Software. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 79(4):1-26, (2017).