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A rapid assessment methodology for quantifying and visualizing functional landscape connectivity
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jul 04, 2024]
Context: The number of publications that evaluate or use landscape connectivity has grown dramatically in recent years. But the biological realism of common connectivity assessments remains limited. To address this shortcoming, I introduce a flexible methodology for evaluating fu...
Identifying priority ecosystem services in tidal wetland restoration.
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jul 08, 2024]
Classification systems can be an important tool for identifying and quantifying the importance of relationships, assessing spatial patterns in a standardized way, and forecasting alternative decision scenarios to characterize the potential benefits (e.g., ecosystem services) from...
Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) Form Template Tool for Addressing Environmental Contamination by Pathogens using ArcGIS Survey123
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 07, 2023]
Following an intentional or unintentional release of an environmentally persistent pathogen, remediation of contaminated areas might be required to protect human health and the environment. Remediation can include efforts to determine the extent and location of contamination (sit...
Inferring snowpack contributions and the mean elevation of source water to streamflow in the Willamette River, Oregon using water stable isotopes
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 27, 2024]
Much of the water that people in Western Oregon rely on originates as snow in the Cascade Range, which is predicted to decrease in coming years with climate change.  The Cascade snowpack has varied dramatically in the past decade when compared to median peak snowpack values ...
The Impacts of Landslide Deposits on Streamflow Generation and Water Routing in Mountainous Headwaters
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 27, 2024]
In volcanic mountains, complex subsurface architecture can have a significant impact on subsurface water dynamics. Despite this, the degree to which geomorphic landscape features (e.g., colluvial deposits, glacial features, and active earthflows) influence subsurface water dynami...
Marked heterogeneity in hydrology among headwater catchments gives rise to main stem seasonal dynamics
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 27, 2024]
Headwater streams play a crucial role in the landscape as sources of water and solutes to downstream locations. These streams are diverse and influenced by local physiography (geology, geomorphology) and meteorological factors, such as the amount and form of precipitation inputs....
Engineering bioremediating bacteria for open-release application
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 27, 2024]
From Superfund sites, to oil spills, to the ubiquity of microplastics, anthropogenic pollution is an ever-growing threat to human health and the environment. Synthetic biology can potentially address this problem with microbes engineered to degrade pollutants, and also further im...
Conductivity, Spatially Explicit Models, and the spmodel R Package
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 06, 2024]
Conductivity is an important indicator of the health of aquatic ecosystems and is linked to anthropogenic activity. Understanding patterns and drivers of conductivity is important for effective management. We modeled lake conductivity data (n = 3,311) collected as part of the U.S...
Spatial Analysis and Statistical Modeling with R and spmodel
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 06, 2024]
Statistical models often assume that the data are independent. Incorrectly assuming data independence can harm models, resulting in incorrect slope estimates, misleading p-values, and poor predictions. The independence assumption is often inappropriate for spatial data, as spatia...
The Importance of Standardized Toxicological Methods for Aquatic Organisms
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jan 24, 2023]
Recent concerns about the potential toxicity of sunscreen active ingredients (ultraviolet [UV] filters) on aquatic organisms led to a congressional mandate for the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) to evaluate the state of the science on the environm...
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 15, 2022]
Effective environmental decision making requires consideration of ecosystem services to ensure the aspects of the environment that stakeholders rely upon and enjoy continue to exist and function as needed. Many researchers and organizations have developed decision support tools t...
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 15, 2022]
Human well-being relies on goods and services provided by ecosystems to sustain our society, human health, and economy. These benefits from nature are often overlooked or taken for granted in decision making. Decision and policy makers struggle to protect and manage natural habit...
The comparison of decay rates of infectious SARS-CoV-2 and viral RNA in environmental waters and wastewater
(JOURNAL) [To be published : Oct 10, 2024]
Understanding the decay characteristics of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in wastewater and ambient waters is important for multiple applications including assessment of risk of exposure associated with handling wastewater samples, public health risk...
Wildfire Smoke: A Wild West Public Health Issue Goes Nationwide
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 24, 2024]
APHL Webinar Description: The Clean Air Act has been a public health success story, decreasing key air pollutant emissions by 50% since 1990 and annually preventing hundreds of thousands of cases of serious health effects. However, since at least 2016, wildfire smoke contribution...
Water Quality and Emissions
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 25, 2024]
The National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) program has been monitoring water chemistry and reporting on the condition of water quality for over 15 years.  These data may be of particular interest to efforts to construct natural capital accounts, such as those being conduct...
High Resolution Groundwater and Surface Water Characterization: Advanced Techniques to Improve Conceptual Site Models
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 06, 2024]
Background: Metals contamination including zinc and cadmium have impacted groundwater and surface water at the Bonita Peak Mining District Superfund Site. One area of concern is along the Animas River near Silverton, CO where mining occurred from the late 1800s through 1997 and u...
Combining non-targeted analysis with computer-based hazard comparison approaches to support prioritization of unregulated organic contaminants in environmental media
(PRESENTATION) [To be presented : Jul 17, 2024]
Assessing and addressing the risks associated with the exposure to anthropogenic organic compounds is challenging considering the ever-increasing number of chemicals that are produced and emitted into the environment. In addition, many of these chemicals are likely to degrade aft...
Removing Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances from Contaminated Water using Chitosan Coated Micro-polyamide
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 30, 2023]
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are known as “forever chemicals” due to their ubiquitous environmental persistence and adverse human health effects. Short-chain PFAS are of increasing concern due to their high solubility and mobility in the water while poss...
Value of Information Case Study: Human Health and Economic Trade-offs Associated with the Timeliness, Uncertainty, and Costs of the Draft EPA Transcriptomic Assessment Product (ETAP)
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Jun 25, 2024]
Time is an important, but underappreciated component in chemical safety decisions. An estimated 15% of the chemicals in domestic commerce have traditional repeated dose toxicity testing data and even fewer have human health assessments that can be used to inform regulatory action...
Evaluation of PM2.5 Air Pollution Sources and Cardiovascular Health
(JOURNAL) [Published : Oct 26, 2020]
Introduction: Long-term air pollution exposure, notably fine particulate matter (diameter ≤ 2.5 μm, PM2.5), is a global contributor to morbidity and mortality and a known risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD) and myocardial infarctions (MI). Knowledge of impacts rel...
Evaluation of PM2.5 Air Pollution Sources and Cardiovascular Health (Poster)
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 27, 2020]
Introduction: Air pollution exposure, notably fine particulate matter (diameter ≤ 2.5 μm, PM2.5), is a global contributor to morbidity and mortality and a known risk factor for myocardial infarctions (MI) and coronary artery disease (CAD). Novel modeling methods can provide sourc...
EPA’s Role in Animal & Agricultural Emergency Response Activities
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 08, 2021]
EPA is a support agency under the National Response Framework's ESF#11.  This presentation will describe what the EPA's role is in animal health emergencies and give an update on the carcass grinding research effort being done with USDA. There are three key takeaways: 1) Was...
The Small Communities – Big Challenges Competition: Leveraging the Federal Challenge and Prize Competition Program to Support Rural Environmental Public Health
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jul 15, 2024]
Presentation on the EPA's Small Communities - Big Challenges Competition and how it leveraged the Federal Challenge and Prize Competition Program to support ORD's understanding of rural environmental public health issues and engagement strategies for collaborating with local...
Associations between neighborhood socioeconomic cluster and hypertension, diabetes, myocardial infarction, and coronary artery disease within a cohort of cardiac catheterization patients
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 26, 2021]
Neighborhood-level socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with health outcomes, including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes, but these associations are rarely studied across large, diverse populations. We used Ward’s Hierarchical clustering to define eight neighbo...