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Records 101 to 124 of 124 records from author Marc Weber

Olsen, Tony, Tom Kincaid, M. Weber, R. Hill, AND S. Leibowitz. National Aquatic Resource Surveys: Use of Geospatial data in their design and spatial prediction at non-monitored locations. JSM, Seattle, WA, August 08 - 13, 2015.
Hill, R., M. Weber, S. Leibowitz, Tony Olsen, AND D. Thornbrugh. The Stream-Catchment (StreamCat) Dataset: A database of watershed metrics for the conterminous USA. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION. American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA, , 9, (2015).
Weber, M., R. Hill, S. Leibowitz, AND Tony Olsen. Towards national mapping of aquatic condition (I): The Stream-Catchment (StreamCat) Dataset. 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, OR, July 05 - 10, 2015.
Hill, R., M. Weber, S. Leibowitz, AND Tony Olsen. Towards national mapping of aquatic condition (II): Predicting the probable biological condition of USA streams and rivers. 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, OR, July 05 - 10, 2015.
Payton, Q., M. McManus, M. Weber, Tony Olsen, AND Tom Kincaid. micromap: A Package for Linked Micromaps. Journal of Statistical Software. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 63(2):16, (2015).
Hill, R., M. Weber, S. Leibowitz, AND Tony Olsen. Developing a large-scale model to predict the effects of land use and climatic variation on the biological condition of USA streams and rivers. American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15 - 19, 2014.
Symanzik, J., X. Dai, M. Weber, Q. Payton, AND M. McManus. Linked Micromap Plots for South America -- General Design Considerations and Specific Adjustments. Colombian Journal of Statistics. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogata, Colombia, 37(2):451-469, (2014).
Brooks, J. Renee, J. Gibson, S. Birks, Marc H. Weber, Kent D. Rodecap, AND John L. Stoddard. Stable isotope estimates of evaporation: inflow and water residence time for lakes across the United States as a tool for national lake water quality assessments. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Lawrence, KS, 59(6):2150-2165, (2014).
Brooks, J. Renee, J. Compton, A. Herlihy, D. Sobota, J. Stoddard, AND M. Weber. USING delta15N OF CHIRONOMIDAE TO HELP ASSESS CONDITION AND STRESSORS IN LAKES, RIVERS AND STREAMS OF THE UNITED STATES. Presented at Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, May 19 - 23, 2014.
Brooks, J, Renee, J. Compton, A. Herlihy, D. Sobota, J. Stoddard, AND M. Weber. Using delta15N of Chironomidae as an index of nitrogen sources and processing within watersheds as part of EPA’s National Aquatic Resource Surveys. American Geophysicl Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15 - 19, 2014.
Kaufmann, Phil AND M. Weber. HOW WELL CAN YOU ESTIMATE LOW FLOW AND BANKFULL DISCHARGE FROM STREAM CHANNEL HABITAT DATA? Presented at 2013 Annual Meeting of the Society of Freshwater Science, Jacksonville, FL, May 19 - 23, 2013.
PECK, D. V., A. R. OLSEN, M. H. WEBER, S. G. PAULSEN, C. PETERSON, AND S. HOLDSWORTH. Survey design and extent estimates for the National Lakes Assessment. Freshwater Science. The Society for Freshwater Science, Springfield, IL, 32(4):1231-1245, (2013).
WEBER, M. H. AND A. R. OLSEN. Creating the spatial framework for National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS): Melding National Aquatic Data Sets with Survey Requirements. Presented at National Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR, April 30 - May 04, 2012.
PAYTON, Q. C., M. H. WEBER, M. G. MCMANUS, AND A. R. OLSEN. Linked Micromaps: Statistical Summaries in a Spatial Context. Presented at National Water Quality Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR, April 30 - May 04, 2012.
OLSEN, A. R., D. V. PECK, M. H. WEBER, AND T. KINCAID. National River and Stream Assessment Monitoring Design. Presented at 8th National Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR, April 30 - May 04, 2012.
SHIRAZI, M. A. AND M. H. WEBER. Spatially Explicit Predictors of Indicators of Water Quality: Example from Wadeable Streams in the U.S. Presented at 8th National Water Quality Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR, April 30 - May 04, 2012.
Brooks, Reneej, J. Compton, A. Herlihy, D. Sobota, J. Stoddard, AND M. Weber. Using d15N of Chironomidae to help assess lake condition and possible stressors in EPA?s National Lakes Assessment. Presented at ESA 2012, Portland, OR, August 05 - 10, 2012.
Brooks, J. Renée, J. Gibson, J. Birks, K. Rodecap, AND M. Weber. Using water stable isotopes to assess evaporation and water residence time of lakes in EPA’s National Lakes Assessment. Presented at American Geophysical Union, December 03 - 07, 2012.
BROOKS, RENEEJ, D. V. PECK, J. VANSICKLE, S. G. PAULSEN, K. RODECAP, AND M. H. WEBER. Using 2H and 18O in assessing evaporation and water residence time of lakes in EPA’s National Lakes Assessment. Presented at 8th National Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR, April 30 - May 04, 2012.
WEBER, M. H. AND J. VAN SICKLE. Building spatially-explicit model predictions for ecological condition of streams in the Pacific Northwest: An assessment of landscape variables, models, endpoints and prediction scale. Presented at International Association of Landscape Ecology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, April 03 - 07, 2011.
HUGHES, R. M., P. R. KAUFMANN, AND M. H. WEBER. National and regional comparisons between Strahler order and stream size. JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN BENTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. North American Benthological Society, Lawrence, KS, 30(1):103-121, (2011).
VAN SICKLE, J. AND M. H. WEBER. Predicting macroinvertebrate MMI for geographic targeting. Presented at 59th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Providence, RI, May 22 - 26, 2011.
WEBER, M. H. AND J. VAN SICKLE. Stream ecological condition modeling at the reach and the hydrologic unit (HUC) scale: A look at model performance and mapping. Presented at The National Map Users Conference and USGS Geographic Information Science (GIS) Workshop, Lakewood, CO, May 10 - 13, 2011.
BROOKS, D. V. PECK, J. VAN SICKLE, S. G. PAULSEN, K. RODECAP, AND M. H. WEBER. Using δ2H and δ18O in assessing water quality condition of the nation’s water. Presented at The roles of stable isotopes in water cycle research, Keystone, CO, March 29 - 31, 2011.