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Records 1 to 25 of 64 records from author Jill Awkerman

Awkerman, J., D. Glinski, Matt Henderson, R. Van Meter, AND Tom Purucker. Framework for multi-stressor physiological response evaluation in amphibian risk assessment and conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland, 12:1336747, (2024).
Awkerman, J. Interpreting multi-stressor physiological and population response for wildlife risk assessment and conservation. Gulf of Mexico Conference (GOMCON) 2024, Tampa, FL, February 19 - 22, 2024.
Awkerman, J. AND C. Greenberg. Hydroperiod variability constrains populations of amphibians dependent on ephemeral wetlands. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, August 14 - 19, 2022.
Evich, M., M. Davis, J. McCord, B. Acrey, J. Awkerman, D. Knappe, A. Lindstrom, T. Speth, C. Stevens, M. Strynar, Z. Wang, E. Weber, W. Henderson, AND J. Washington. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the environment. SCIENCE. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington, DC, 375(6580):eabg9065, (2022).
Ferreira da Silva, B., J. Aristizabal-Henao, J. Aufmuth, J. Awkerman, AND J. Bowden. Survey of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in surface water collected in Pensacola, FL. Heliyon. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8(8):e10239, (2022).
Seim, R., D. Glinski, C. Lavelle, J. Awkerman, B. Hemmer, P. Harris, Sandy Raimondo, M. Snyder, Brad Acrey, Tom Purucker, D. MacMillan, A. Brennan, AND Matt Henderson. Using metabolomic profiling to inform use of surrogate species in ecological risk assessment practices. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY - PART D: GENOMICS AND PROTEOMICS. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 41:100947, (2022).
Awkerman, J. AND Sandy Raimondo. Amphibian Toxicity Translators. Office of Pesticide Products (OPP) Environmental Fate and Effects Division (EFED) Aquatic Biology Technical Team (ABTT) Workgroup Session, NA, FL, May 20, 2021.
Ahmadireskety, A., B. Da Silva, J. Awkerman, J. Aufmuth, R. Yost, AND J. Bowden. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in sediments collected from the Pensacola Bay System watershed. Environmental Advances. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5:100088, (2021).
Awkerman, J., C. Lavelle, W. Henderson, B. Hemmer, C. Lilavois, P. Harris, N. Zielinski, M. Hoglund, D. Glinski, D. MacMillan, J. Ford, R. Seim, E. Moso, AND S. Raimondo. Cross-Taxa Distinctions in Mechanisms of Developmental Effects for Aquatic Species Exposed to Trifluralin. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, , 1-16, (2020).
Awkerman, J., C. Lavelle, W. Henderson, B. Hemmer, C. Lilavois, P. Harris, N. Zielinski, M. Hoglund, D. Glinski, D. Macmillan, J. Ford, R. Seim, E. Moso, AND S. Raimondo. Cross-taxa distinctions in developmental effects of trifluralin exposure between representative toxicological species for aquatic risk assessment. SICB Annual Meeting 2020, Austin, TX, January 03 - 07, 2020.
Kadlec, S., J. Awkerman, D. Miller, N. Pollesch, Sandy Raimondo, M. Thiel, AND M. Etterson. Development of Toxicity Translator Models for Population Level Risk Assessment. SETAC North America, Fort Worth, TX, November 15 - 19, 2020.
Awkerman, J., Sandy Raimondo, A. Schmolke, N. Galic, P. Rueda-Cediel, K. Kapo, C. Accolla, M. Vaugeois, AND V. Forbes. Guidance for Developing Amphibian Population Models for Ecological Risk Assessment. SETAC Europe, Dublin, Virtual Presentation, IRELAND, May 03 - 07, 2020.
Raimondo, Sandy, M. Etterson, N. Pollesch, K. Garber, A. Kanarek, W. Lehmann, AND J. Awkerman. Identifying uncertainty trade-offs of ecological risk assessment objectives to guide model complexity. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, On Line, On Line, IRELAND, May 03 - 07, 2020.
Seim, R., D. Glinski, J. Awkerman, B. Hemmer, P. Harris, Sandy Raimondo, AND Matt Henderson. Metabolomic Profiling to Inform Use of Surrogate Species in Ecological Risk Assessments. 2020 SOT Virtual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 15 - 19, 2020.
Raimondo, Sandy, A. Schmolke, C. Accolla, N. Galic, J. Awkerman, A. Kanarek, A. Moore, M. Vaugeois, P. Rueda-Cediel, N. Pollesch, AND V. Forbes. Pop-GUIDE: Population modeling Guidance, Use, Interpretation, and Development for Ecological Risk Assessment (SETAC). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, Dublin, N/A, IRELAND, May 03 - 07, 2020.
Pollesch, N., Sandy Raimondo, J. Awkerman, D. Miller, AND M. Etterson. Toxicity Translation: An emerging theme for modeling to understand adverse effects of chemical exposures on wildlife populations. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, Dublin, Virtual Presentation, IRELAND, May 03 - 07, 2020.
Raimondo, Sandy, J. Awkerman, S. Yee, AND M. Barron. Case Study: Using a Combined Laboratory, Field, and Modeling Approach to Assess Oil Spill Impacts. Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills – Fighting the Next War. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, , 272-284, (2019).
Lavelle, C., P. Harris, C. Lilavois, J. Awkerman, N. Zielinski, M. Hamilton, H. Skowronski, AND S. Raimondo. Comparative Trifloxystrobin Toxicity of Early Life Stage Zebrafish, Fathead Minnow and African Clawed Frog. Southeast SETAC Meeting, Pensacola, FL, September 13 - 14, 2019.
Awkerman, J., Sandy Raimondo, A. Schmolke, N. Galic, P. Rueda-Cediel, K. Kapo, C. Accolla, M. Vaugeois, AND V. Forbes. Guidance for Developing Amphibian Population Models for Ecological Risk Assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, KS, 16(2):223-233, (2020).
Raimondo, S., A. Schmolke, C. Accolla, J. Awkerman, M. Etterson, N. Galic, A. Moore, M. Vaugeois, P. Rueda-Cediel, N. Pollesch, AND V. Forbes. Pop-GUIDE: Population modeling Guidance, Use, Interpretation, and Development for Ecological Risk Assessment. SETAC, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, November 03 - 07, 2019.
Raimondo, S., A. Schmolke, C. Accolla, J. Awkerman, M. Etterson, N. Galic, A. Moore, M. Vaugeois, P. Rueda-Cediel, N. Pollesch, AND V. Forbes. Pop-GUIDE: Population modeling Guidance, Use, Interpretation, and Development for Ecological Risk Assessment. SETAC, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, November 03 - 07, 2019.
Raimondo, S., A. Schmolke, C. Accolla, J. Awkerman, M. Etterson, N. Galic, A. Moore, M. Vaugeois, P. Rueda-Cediel, N. Pollesch, AND V. Forbes. Pop-GUIDE: Population modeling Guidance, Use, Interpretation, and Development for Ecological Risk Assessment. (SETAC). SETAC, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, November 03 - 07, 2019.
Raimondo, S., A. Schmolke, C. Accolla, J. Awkerman, M. Etterson, N. Galic, A. Moore, M. Vaugeois, P. Rueda-Cediel, N. Pollesch, AND V. Forbes. Pop-GUIDE: Population modeling Guidance, Use, Interpretation, and Development for Ecological Risk Assessment.. SETAC, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, November 03 - 07, 2019.