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Records 101 to 125 of 159 records from author Steven Purucker

Wang, M. AND Tom Purucker. Promoting Ecohealth through Geography and Governmental Partnerships. EcoHealth. Springer, New York, NY, 12:206, (2015).
Hong, T., C. Pascale, J. Flaishans, M. Snyder, AND Tom Purucker. Back-end Science Model Integration for Ecological Risk Assessment. Presented at 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, CA, June 15 - 19, 2014.
Hong, T., C. Pascale, J. Flaishans, M. Snyder, AND Tom Purucker. Back-end Science Model Integration for Ecological Risk Assessment. In Proceedings, 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, CA, June 15 - 19, 2014. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Manno, Switzerland, 251-258, (2014).
Price, Katie, Tom Purucker, S. Kraemer, J. Babendreier, AND Chris Knightes. Comparison of radar and gauge precipitation data in watershed models across varying spatial and temporal scales. Hydrological Processes. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Indianapolis, IN, 28(9):3505–3520, (2013).
Oladeinde, A., T. Bohrmann, Kelvin Wong, Tom Purucker, K. Bradshaw, R. Brown, B. Snyder, AND M. Molina. Decay of Fecal Indicator Bacterial Populations and Bovine-Associated Source-Tracking Markers in Freshly Deposited Cow Pats. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC, 80(1):110-118, (2014).
Purucker, Tom, T. Hong, J. Flaishans, M. Snyder, AND C. Pascale. Decision Support and Web-based Implementation of Algorithms for the Ecological Assessment of Pesticides. Presented at 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, CA, June 15 - 19, 2014.
VanMeter, R., D. Glinski, T. Hong, Mike Cyterski, Matt Henderson, AND Tom Purucker. Estimating terrestrial amphibian pesticide body burden through dermal exposure. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 193:262-268, (2014).
Glinski, D., R. Van Meter, Matt Henderson, AND Tom Purucker. Pesticide Detection in Rainwater, Stemflow, and Amphibians from Agricultural Spray Drift in Southern Georgia, USA. Presented at 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 11 - 15, 2014.
Purucker, Tom. Ubertool: Web Application for Ecological Risk Assessment of Pesticides. Presented at Kavli Frontiers of Science, Chinese-American Symposium, Beijing, CHINA, October 13 - 16, 2014.
Van Meter, R., Tom Purucker, AND D. Glinski. Amphibians and agrochemicals: Dermal contact and pesticide uptake from irrigated croplands in SW Georgia. Presented at Ecological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, August 04 - 09, 2013.
VanMeter, R., D. Glinski, AND Tom Purucker. Dermal Danger? Estimating Pesticide Exposure and Accumulation in Terrestrial Phase Amphibians. Presented at Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway, Seminar Series, Ichauway, GA, January 24, 2013.
Hong, T. AND Tom Purucker. Global, spatial, and temporal sensitivity analysis for a complex pesticide fate and transport model. Presented at 98th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, August 04 - 09, 2013.
Glinski, D., Matt Henderson, Tom Purucker, AND R. VanMeter. Metabolism of pesticides after dermal exposure to amphibians. Presented at 34th Annual SETAC North America, Nashville, TN, November 17 - 21, 2013.
Purucker, Tom, M. Snyder, AND Mike Cyterski. Nonstationary time series analysis of surface water microbial pathogen population dynamics using cointegration methods. Presented at ESA 98th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, August 04 - 09, 2013.
Price, Katie, P. Dennedy-Frank, C. Harman, Tom Purucker, R. Jackson, AND R. Sidle. Process scales in catchment science: a new synthesis. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 08 - 13, 2013.
VanMeter, R., D. Glinski, AND Tom Purucker. Quantifying Amphibian Pesticide Body Burdens for Active Ingredients Versus Formulations Through Dermal Exposure. Presented at 34th Annual Meeting SETAC North America, Nashville, TN, November 17 - 21, 2013.
Keewook, K., G. Whelan, Tom Purucker, T. Bohrmann, Mike Cyterski, M. Molina, G. Yin, Y. Pachepsky, A. Guber, AND D. Franklin. Rainfall–runoff model parameter estimation and uncertainty evaluation on small plots. Hydrological Processes. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Indianapolis, IN, , online, (2013).
Purucker, Tom. Web-enabling Ecological Risk Assessment for Accessibility and Transparency. Presented at SETAC North America: Workshop, MECHANISTIC EFFECT MODELS FOR ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT: RECENT PROGRESS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS, Nashville, TN, November 18 - 22, 2013.
Van Meter, R. AND Tom Purucker. Advective and diffusive dermal processes for estimating terrestrial amphibian pesticide exposure. Presented at Ecological Society of America Annual Conference, Portland, OR, August 05 - 10, 2012.
Harston, J., C. Holland, Y. Gu, T. Bohrmann, R. Van Meter, AND S. Purucker. An EPA Modeling Dashboard for Ecological Assessment of Pesticides. Presented at Association of Southeastern Biologists, Athens, GA, April 10 - 12, 2012.
Hong, T., J. Harston, C. Holland, AND S. Purucker. An Integrated Web-Based Assessment Tool for Assessing Pesticide Exposure and Risks. Presented at ESA Annual Conference 2012, Portland, OR, August 05 - 10, 2012.
Price, K., S. Purucker, T. Anderson, T. Otte, C. Knightes, AND E. Cooter. Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Rainfall Characteristics in WRF-Simulated Precipitation to Gauge and Radar Observations. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 03 - 07, 2012.
Gu, Y., M. Molina, T. Bohrmann, Mike Cyterski, G. Whelan, AND Tom Purucker. Estimation of decay rates for fecal indicator bacteria and bacterial pathogens in agricultural field-applied manure. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Athens, GA, April 04 - 06, 2012.
Purucker, S. AND K. Price. Preserving Flow Variability in Watershed Model Calibrations. Presented at Ecological Society of America 2012 Meeting, Portland, OR, August 05 - 10, 2012.
PURUCKER, S. T. AND T. Hong. Python for Ecology. Presented at 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR, August 05 - 10, 2012.