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Records 26 to 50 of 164 records from author Sandra Raimondo

Seim, R., D. Glinski, C. Lavelle, J. Awkerman, B. Hemmer, P. Harris, Sandy Raimondo, M. Snyder, Brad Acrey, Tom Purucker, D. MacMillan, A. Brennan, AND Matt Henderson. Using metabolomic profiling to inform use of surrogate species in ecological risk assessment practices. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY - PART D: GENOMICS AND PROTEOMICS. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 41:100947, (2022).
Paulukonis, E., K. McCaffrey, L. Oliver, Sandy Raimondo, S. Sinnathamby, AND Tom Purucker. A Multi-Scale Probabilistic Approach for the Identification of Potential Pesticide Use Sites for Ecological Risk Assessments. SETAC North America 42nd Annual meeting, Portland, OR, November 14 - 18, 2021.
Awkerman, J. AND Sandy Raimondo. Amphibian Toxicity Translators. Office of Pesticide Products (OPP) Environmental Fate and Effects Division (EFED) Aquatic Biology Technical Team (ABTT) Workgroup Session, NA, FL, May 20, 2021.
Lambert, F., Sandy Raimondo, AND M. Barron. Assessment of Toxicity-Normalized Species Sensitivity Distributions (SSDn) for Grouped Chemical Hazard Estimation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Portland, Oregon, November 14 - 18, 2021.
Sinnathamby, S., J. Minucci, D. Denton, Sandy Raimondo, L. Oliver, Y. Yuan, D. Young, A. Pitchford, E. Waits, AND Tom Purucker. A sensitivity analysis of pesticide concentrations in California Central Valley vernal pools. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 257:113486, (2019).
Raimondo, Sandy, S. Sinnathamby, J. Minucci, L. Oliver, Y. Yuan, E. Waits, AND Tom Purucker. Advancements toward probabilistic risk assessments for endangered species. CSS Webinar Series, Gulf Breeze, Florida, March 24, 2020.
Awkerman, J., C. Lavelle, W. Henderson, B. Hemmer, C. Lilavois, P. Harris, N. Zielinski, M. Hoglund, D. Glinski, D. MacMillan, J. Ford, R. Seim, E. Moso, AND S. Raimondo. Cross-Taxa Distinctions in Mechanisms of Developmental Effects for Aquatic Species Exposed to Trifluralin. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, , 1-16, (2020).
Awkerman, J., C. Lavelle, W. Henderson, B. Hemmer, C. Lilavois, P. Harris, N. Zielinski, M. Hoglund, D. Glinski, D. Macmillan, J. Ford, R. Seim, E. Moso, AND S. Raimondo. Cross-taxa distinctions in developmental effects of trifluralin exposure between representative toxicological species for aquatic risk assessment. SICB Annual Meeting 2020, Austin, TX, January 03 - 07, 2020.
Kadlec, S., J. Awkerman, D. Miller, N. Pollesch, Sandy Raimondo, M. Thiel, AND M. Etterson. Development of Toxicity Translator Models for Population Level Risk Assessment. SETAC North America, Fort Worth, TX, November 15 - 19, 2020.
Enzor, L., C. Hankins, M. Frazier, E. Moso, S. Raimondo, AND M. Barron. Elevated pCO2 and hypoxia alter the acid-base regulation of developing sheepshead minnows Cyprinodon variegatus. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES. Inter-Research, Luhe, Germany, 636:157-168, (2020).
Wang, N., J. Kuntz, J. Stevens, Sandy Raimondo, T. Augspurger, AND C. Barnhart. Evaluation of Chronic Sensitivity of a Freshwater Mussel Using Partial Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests and Long-Term Toxicity Tests. SETAC NA, Fort Worth (Virtual), Texas (Virtual), November 15 - 19, 2020.
Awkerman, J., Sandy Raimondo, A. Schmolke, N. Galic, P. Rueda-Cediel, K. Kapo, C. Accolla, M. Vaugeois, AND V. Forbes. Guidance for Developing Amphibian Population Models for Ecological Risk Assessment. SETAC Europe, Dublin, Virtual Presentation, IRELAND, May 03 - 07, 2020.
Raimondo, Sandy, M. Etterson, N. Pollesch, K. Garber, A. Kanarek, W. Lehmann, AND J. Awkerman. Identifying uncertainty trade-offs of ecological risk assessment objectives to guide model complexity. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, On Line, On Line, IRELAND, May 03 - 07, 2020.
Seim, R., D. Glinski, J. Awkerman, B. Hemmer, P. Harris, Sandy Raimondo, AND Matt Henderson. Metabolomic Profiling to Inform Use of Surrogate Species in Ecological Risk Assessments. 2020 SOT Virtual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 15 - 19, 2020.
Raimondo, Sandy, A. Schmolke, C. Accolla, N. Galic, J. Awkerman, A. Kanarek, A. Moore, M. Vaugeois, P. Rueda-Cediel, N. Pollesch, AND V. Forbes. Pop-GUIDE: Population modeling Guidance, Use, Interpretation, and Development for Ecological Risk Assessment (SETAC). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, Dublin, N/A, IRELAND, May 03 - 07, 2020.
Chelsvig, E., F. Ayivi, Y. Luo, D. Denton, A. Pitchford, Sandy Raimondo, D. Ebert, Tom Purucker, AND Y. Yuan. Sensitivity Analysis and Model Evaluation of Bifenthrin Surface Water Concentrations from California Urban Runoff. 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Conference 2020, Brussels, N/A, BELGIUM, July 06 - 10, 2020.
Pollesch, N., S. Kadlec, K. Flynn, Sandy Raimondo, AND M. Etterson. The Fish Toxicity Translator: A Next Generation Tool for Population Modeling to Support Ecological Risk Assessment. SETAC North America, Duluth, MN, November 15 - 19, 2020.
Pollesch, N., Sandy Raimondo, J. Awkerman, D. Miller, AND M. Etterson. Toxicity Translation: An emerging theme for modeling to understand adverse effects of chemical exposures on wildlife populations. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, Dublin, Virtual Presentation, IRELAND, May 03 - 07, 2020.
Raimondo, Sandy, L. Sharpe, L. Oliver, K. McCaffrey, Tom Purucker, S. Sinnathamby, AND J. Minucci. A Unified Approach for Protecting Listed Species and Ecosystem Services in Geographically Isolated Wetlands Using Community-Level Protection Goals. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 663:465-478, (2019).
Raimondo, S. AND M. Barron. Application of Interspecies Correlation Estimation (ICE) models and QSAR in estimating species sensitivity to pesticides. SAR AND QSAR IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. Taylor & Francis, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 31, 2020(1):1-18, (2019).
Raimondo, Sandy, J. Awkerman, S. Yee, AND M. Barron. Case Study: Using a Combined Laboratory, Field, and Modeling Approach to Assess Oil Spill Impacts. Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills – Fighting the Next War. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, , 272-284, (2019).
Lavelle, C., P. Harris, C. Lilavois, J. Awkerman, N. Zielinski, M. Hamilton, H. Skowronski, AND S. Raimondo. Comparative Trifloxystrobin Toxicity of Early Life Stage Zebrafish, Fathead Minnow and African Clawed Frog. Southeast SETAC Meeting, Pensacola, FL, September 13 - 14, 2019.
Awkerman, J., Sandy Raimondo, A. Schmolke, N. Galic, P. Rueda-Cediel, K. Kapo, C. Accolla, M. Vaugeois, AND V. Forbes. Guidance for Developing Amphibian Population Models for Ecological Risk Assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, KS, 16(2):223-233, (2020).
Raimondo, Sandy. Little fish, big world: Finding opportunities beyond the research plan. SE SETAC annual meeting, Pensacola, FL, September 13, 2019.