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Records 51 to 75 of 180 records from author Paul Mayer

Duan, S., P. Mayer, S. Kaushal, B. Wessel, AND T. Johnson. Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance (RSC) for reducing nutrients in urban stormwater runoff depends upon carbon quantity and quality. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 652:134-146, (2019).
Barnhart, B., H. Golden, J. Kasprzyk, J. Pauer, C. Jones, K. Sawicz, N. Hoghooghi, M. Simon, Bob Mckane, P. Mayer, A. Piscopo, D. Ficklin, J. Halama, P. Pettus, AND B. Rashleigh. Embedding co-production and addressing uncertainty in watershed modeling decision-support tools: Successes and challenges. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE. Elsevier Science, New York, NY, 109:368-379, (2018).
Markwiese, James, C. Andersen, Reneej Brooks, M. Johnson, P. Mayer, A. Nahlik, D. Olszyk, AND J. Reichman. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry at EPA's Western Ecology Division. SETAC PNW, Corvallis, Oregon, March 08 - 10, 2018.
Mayer, P., S. Duan, S. Kaushal, B. Wessel, AND T. Johnson. Environmental Trade-Offs of Stream Restoration for Managing Stormwater and Nutrients in Urban Ecosystems. AGU, Washington, DC, December 10 - 14, 2018.
Mayer, P., B. Barnhart, M. Pennino, T. Newcomer-Johnson, J. Beaulieu, S. Kaushal, AND S. Duan. Identifying Clean and Sustainable Water Solutions Through Modeling, Mesocosms, and Muddy Boots. Clean and Sustainable Water Technology Initiative Workshop, Corvallis, Oregon, August 06 - 07, 2018.
Mayer, P., J. Compton, AND W. Geroge. Nutrient Dynamics in Riparian Ecosystems. Chapter 6 in Riparian Ecosystems, Volume 1: Science Synthesis and Management Implications. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, WA, 2018.
Wilhelm, J., J. Weitzman, P. Mayer, R. Walker, Ann Keeley, AND Ken Forshay. Soluble reactive phosphorus stream loads decrease following legacy sediment removal in a restored floodplain, Big Spring Run, PA. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Washington, District Of Columbia, December 10 - 13, 2018.
Barnhart, B., P. Mayer, M. Papenfus, M. Bostian, K. Deb, AND Z. Wu. Towards a hierarchical optimization framework for spatially targeting incentive policies to promote green infrastructure amidst multiple objectives and uncertainty. Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference 2018, Seattle, Washington, April 04 - 06, 2018.
Barnhart, B., P. Pettus, Bob Mckane, J. Halama, P. Mayer, A. Brookes, AND K. Djang. Urban watershed modeling in Seattle, Washington to simulate hydrologic impacts of green infrastructure. Clean and Sustainable Water Technology Initiative Workshop, Corvallis, Oregon, August 06 - 07, 2018.
Barnhart, B., P. Pettus, Bob Mckane, P. Mayer, J. Halama, K. Djang, AND A. Brookes. Urban watershed modeling in Seattle, Washington using VELMA – a spatially explicit ecohydrological watershed model. Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference 2018, Seattle, Washington, April 04 - 06, 2018.
Barnhart, B., P. Pettus, Bob Mckane, J. Halama, P. Mayer, A. Brookes, AND K. Djang. Urban watershed modeling in Seattle, Washington, to simulate hydrologic impacts of green infrastructure. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C, December 10 - 14, 2018.
Kaushal, S., A. Gold, S. Bernal, T. Newcomer-Johnson, K. Adddy, A. Burgin, D. Burns, A. Coble, E. Hood, Y. Lu, P. Mayer, E. Minor, A. Schroth, H. Wilson, M. Xenopoulos, T. Doody, J. Galella, P. Goodling, K. Haviland, S. Haq, B. Wessel, K. Wood, N. Jaworski, AND K. Belt. Watershed 'Chemical Cocktails': Forming Novel Elemental Combinations in Anthropocene Fresh Waters. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY. Springer, New York, NY, 141(3):281-305, (2018).
Newcomer-Johnson, T., S. Kaushal, P. Mayer, AND M. Grese. A Case Study on Nitrogen Uptake and Denitrification in a Restored Urban Stream in Baltimore, Maryland. American Water Works Association Sustainable Water Management Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 19 - 22, 2017.
Kaushal, S., S. Duan, T. Doody, S. Haq, R. Smith, T. Newcomer Johnson, K. Delany Newcomb, J. Gorman, N. Bowman, P. Mayer, K. Wood, K. Belt, AND W. Sack. Human-accelerated weathering increases salinization, major ions, and alkalinization in fresh water across land use. APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 83:121-135, (2017).
Mayer, P., T. Newcomer-Johnson, AND S. Kaushal. Land Use, Environmental Stressors, and Water Resources: Degradation to Restoration. SSWR monthly webinar, Corvallis, OR, August 30, 2017.
Kaushal, S., A. Gold, AND P. Mayer. Land use, climate, and water resources – global stages of interaction. WATER. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 9(10):815, (2017).
Bollman, Mike, G. DeSantis, R. Duchanois, M. Etten-Bohm, D. Olszyk, J. Lambrinos, AND P. Mayer. Modeling a Hydrologically Optimal Green Roof Media Mixture. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, August 06 - 11, 2017.
Barnhart, B., M. Bostian, K. Deb, A. Sinha, Z. Wu, P. Mayer, K. Sawicz, AND M. Papenfus. Towards a hierarchical optimization modeling framework for the evaluation and construction of spatially targeted incentive policies to promote green infrastructure (GI) amidst budgetary, compliance and GI-effectiveness uncertainties. Ecologocal Society of America 2017, Portland, Oregon, August 06 - 11, 2017.
Arango, C., J. Beaulieu, K. Fritz, B. Hill, C. Elonen, M. Pennino, P. Mayer, S. Kaushal, AND D. Balz. Urban infrastructure influences dissolved organic matter quality and bacterial metabolism in an urban stream network. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY. John Wiley & Sons Inc, Malden, MA, 62(11):1917-1928, (2017).
Ganguli, A., D. Engle, P. Mayer, AND L. Salo. Influence of resource availability on Juniperus virginiana expansion in a forest–prairie ecotone. Ecosphere. ESA Journals, 7(8):e01433, (2016).
Newcomer-Johnson, T., S. Kaushal, P. Mayer, R. Smith, AND G. Sivirichi. Nutrient Retention in Restored Streams and Floodplains: A Review and Synthesis. WATER. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 8(4):116, (2016).
Barnhart, B., M. Bostian, M. Papenfus, G. Whittaker, P. Mayer, R. Fare, AND S. Grosskopf. Optimal Allocation of Restoration Practices Using Indexes for Stream Health. INFORMS, Nashville, TN, November 13 - 16, 2016.
Pennino, M., S. Kaushal, P. Mayer, R. Utz, AND C. Cooper. Stream restoration and sewers impact sources and fluxes of water,carbon, and nutrients in urban watersheds. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. EGS, 20:3419-3439, (2016).
Arango, C., J. Beaulieu, K. Fritz, B. Hill, C. Elonen, M. Pennino, P. Mayer, S. Kaushal, AND A. Balz. Carbon limitation patterns in buried and open urban streams. To be Presented at Society for Freshwater Science annual conference, Milwaukee, WI, May 17 - 21, 2015.
Mayer, P., M. Audie, Reneej Brooks, Ken Forshay, J. Hartranft, D. Merritts, R. Walter, AND J. Weitzman. Effects of legacy sediment removal on hydrology and biogeochemistryin a first order stream in Pennsylvania, USA. Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD, August 09 - 14, 2015.