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Records 51 to 75 of 194 records from author Anett Trebitz

Daniels, S., L. Burlakova, A. Karatayev, K. Mehler, P. Hebeert, M. Pfrender, D. Lodge, AND A. Trebitz. Great Lakes DNA barcode reference library: Mollusca, annelida, and minor phyla. IAGLR, Toronto, ON, CANADA, June 18 - 22, 2018.
Pilgrim, E., A. Banerji, J. Darling, C. Hatzenbuhler, J. Hoffman, A. Maloy, J. Martinson, R. Mitchell, C. Meredith, S. Okum, A. Trebitz, AND L. Yuan. How Gene Marker and PCR Primer Choice Influence DNA Metabarcoding of Aquatic Communities. 2018 Society of Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI, May 20 - 24, 2018.
Peterson, Greg, J. Hoffman, A. Trebitz, C. Hatzenbuhler, H. Ramage, J. Barge, M. Pearson, W. Bartsch, AND J. Launspach. Improving non-native fish larvae detection based on temporal habitat use. IAGLR, Toronto, ON, CANADA, June 18 - 22, 2018.
Trebitz, A., C. Hatzenbuhler, J. Hoffman, C. Meredith, Greg Peterson, J. Martinson, S. Okum, AND E. Pilgrim. Pairing traditional biological assessment with DNA-based tools for AIS early-detection monitoring. Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference, Rochester, MN, October 15 - 18, 2018.
Hatzenbuhler, C., W. Chadderton, J. Hoffman, S. Okum, B. Olds, E. Pilgrim, A. Trebitz, A. Tucker, AND M. Wrenshaw. Using eDNA to estimate distribution of fish species in a complex river system (presentation). Society for Freshwater Science, Detroit, MI, May 20 - 24, 2018.
Meredith, C., J. Hoffman, A. Trebitz, E. Pilgrim, J. Martinson, AND S. Okum. Using occupancy modeling to compare traditional versus DNA metabarcoding methods for characterizing zooplankton biodiversity. Freshwater Science, Detroit, MI, May 20 - 24, 2018.
Trebitz, A., M. Sierszen, J. Hoffman, AND A. Cotter. Variability in physical and biological exchange among coastal wetlands and their adjacent Great Lakes. Freshwater Science, Detroit, MI, May 20 - 24, 2018.
Fiorentino, L., J. Hoffman, AND A. Trebitz. "Data like a movie instead of a photo” - continuous water sensor data collection, 2015 Lake MI CSMI. State of Lake Michigan Conference, Green Bay, WI, November 07 - 10, 2017.
Chadderton, W., A. Tucker, G. Annis, A. Davidson, D. Kashian, J. Hoffman, A. Trebitz, T. Strakosh, S. Hensler, AND S. LeSage. A Spatially Explicit Method for Prioritizing AIS Surveillance Site Selection in the Laurentian Great Lakes. To be Presented at International Association for Great Lakes Research, Detroit, MI, May 15 - 19, 2017.
Angradi, T., W. Bartsch, A. Trebitz, V. Brady, AND J. Launspach. A depth-adjusted ambient distribution approach for setting numeric removal targets for a Great Lakes Area of Concern beneficial use impairment: Degraded benthos. JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, MI, 43(1):108-120, (2017).
Brazner, J. AND A. Trebitz. Coastal wetlands of Lake Superior’s south shore. Chapter 21, Finlayson, C.M., Milton, R., Prentice, C., Davidson (ed.), Wetlands of the World, Springer Reference Encyclopedia of Wetlands. Springer Netherlands, , Netherlands, , 1-15, (2017).
Hoffman, J., C. Meredith, A. Trebitz, Greg Peterson, J. Lietz, C. Hatzenbuhler, E. Pilgrim, S. Okum, AND J. Martinson. DNA metabarcoding of fish larvae for detection of non-native fishes. Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Meeting, Austin, TX, July 12 - 16, 2017.
Meredith, C., J. Hoffman, A. Trebitz, Greg Peterson, J. Lietz, C. Hatzenbuhler, E. Pilgrim, S. Okum, AND J. Martinson. Development of DNA-based Identification methods to track the species composition of fish larvae within nearshore areas of the Great Lakes. Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. Cloud, MN, February 21 - 23, 2017.
Trebitz, A., J. Hoffman, J. Darling, E. Pilgrim, J. Kelly, E. Brown, W. Chadderton, S. Egan, E. Grey, S. Hashsham, K. Klymus, A. Mahon, J. Ram, M. Schultz, C. Stepien, AND J. Schardt. Early detection monitoring for aquatic non-indigenous species: optimizing surveillance, incorporating advanced technologies, and identifying research needs. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 202:299-310, (2017).
Hollenhorst, T., T. Brown, P. McKinney, S. Miller, A. Cotter, J. Scharold, A. Trebitz, AND J. Hoffman. Eutrophication monitoring for Lake Superior’s Chequamegon Bay before and after large summer storms. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Detroit, MI, May 15 - 19, 2017.
Peterson, Greg, J. Hoffman, A. Trebitz, C. Hatzenbuhler, H. Ramage, J. Barge, M. Pearson, W. Bartsch, AND J. Launspach. Investigating phenology of larval fishes in St. Louis River estuary shallow water habitats. St. Louis River Summit, Superior, WI, March 14 - 15, 2017.
Barge, J., C. Hatzenbuhler, J. Hoffman, Greg Peterson, E. Pilgrim, AND A. Trebitz. Plans and progress for building a Great Lakes fauna DNA barcode reference library. St. Louis River Estuary summit, Superior, WI, March 14 - 15, 2017.
Trebitz, A., A. Cotter, A. Opseth, A. Scofield, AND J. Hoffman. Spatial and Temporal Water Quality Patterns in Open-Water Lake Michigan from the 2015 CSMI. To be Presented at International Association for Great Lakes Research, Detroit, MI, May 15 - 19, 2017.
Hoffman, J., A. Trebitz, L. Burkhard, T. Hollenhorst, A. Cotter, Greg Peterson, AND M. Pearson. St. Louis River fish migrations: Gains and losses of ecosystem services. Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. Cloud, MN, February 21 - 23, 2017.
Hatzenbuhler, C., W. Chadderton, J. Hoffman, S. Okum, B. Olds, E. Pilgrim, A. Trebitz, A. Tucker, AND M. Wrenshaw. Using eDNA to estimate distribution of fish species in the St. Louis River. St. Louis River Summit, Superior, WI, March 14 - 15, 2017.
Meredith, C., C. Hatzenbuhler, A. Trebitz, J. Hoffman, J. Kelly, J. Lietz, AND Greg Peterson. A decade of aquatic invasive species (AIS) early detection method development in the St. Louis River estuary. St. Louis River Estuary Summit, Superior, WI, February 03 - 04, 2016.
Meredith, C., J. Hoffman, A. Trebitz, Greg Peterson, J. Lietz, C. Hatzenbuhler, E. Pilgrim, S. Okum, AND J. Martinson. Benefits and challenges to using DNA-based identification methods: An example study of larval fish from nearshore areas of Lake Superior. Minnesota Society of the American Fisheries Society, Duluth, MN, February 01 - 03, 2016.
Trebitz, A., J. Hoffman, Greg Peterson, E. Pilgrim, J. Martinson, J. Lietz, C. Hatzenbuhler, S. Okum, Y. Zhang, AND C. Meredith. Challenges and progress in making DNA-based AIS early detection monitoring operational. Upper Midwest Invasive Species, La Crosse, WI, October 16 - 19, 2016.
Trebitz, A., J. Hoffman, Greg Peterson, E. Pilgrim, J. Martinson, J. Lietz, C. Hatzenbuhler, S. Okum, Y. Zhang, AND C. Meredith. Challenges and progress in making DNA-based monitoring operational AIS early detection as testbed. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Guelph, ON, CANADA, June 06 - 10, 2016.