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Records 26 to 33 of 33 records from author Jessica Daniel

Daniel, J., L. Wainger, AND C. Magen. Using EnviroAtlas Data to Identify Cost-Effective Locations for Manure Management Incentives. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/C-18/003, 2017.
Panlasigui, S. AND J. Daniel. Using EnviroAtlas to Identify Locations for Urban Heat Island Abatement. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2017.
Daniel, J., P. Barclay, AND K. Bush. Building a Greenway: Using EnviroAtlas in the Classroom. CASE STUDY. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-16/006, 2016.
Daniel, J., M. Mehaffey, AND A. Neale. Ecosystem Services in the Real World: Using the U.S. EnviroAtlas Tool in Impact Assessments. EcoSummit 2016, Montpellier, FRANCE, August 29 - September 01, 2016.
Daniel, J. AND B. Pickard. EnviroAtlas: A Tool for Accessing, Viewing, & Analyzing Diverse Information for Better Decisions. NSF Macrosystems Meeting, Arlington, VA, September 29, 2016.
Pickard, B., J. Daniel, M. Mehaffey, AND L. Jackson. EnviroAtlas: A New Geospatial Tool to Foster Ecosystem Services Science and Resource Management. Ecosystem Services. Elsevier Online, New York, NY, 14(0):45-55, (2014).
Daniel, J. AND A. Neale. EnviroAtlas: Exploring Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Data for the Nation. Presented at 2014 Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers Mtg, Flagstaff, AZ, September 28 - October 02, 2014.
Daniel, J. AND L. Jackson. Linking Ecosystem Services and Human Health: The Eco-Health Relationship Browser#. ACES - A Community on Ecosystem Services, Washington, DC, December 08 - 12, 2014.