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Records 51 to 75 of 536 records from author Richard Judson

Wambaugh, J., M. Beal, M. Devito, S. Ferguson, M. Hughes, R. Judson, I. Moffat, A. Nong, A. Paini, K. Paul-Friedman, R. Thomas, AND B. Wetmore. Characterizing High Throughput Toxicokinetics for Chemical Decision Making. ISES, Lisbon, N/A, PORTUGAL, September 25 - 29, 2022.
Nyffeler, J., C. Willis, Danielle Harris, L. Taylor, R. Judson, L. Everett, AND J. Harrill. Combining phenotypic profiles and targeted RNA-Seq reveals linkages between transcriptional perturbations and chemical effects on cell morphology: retinoic acid as an example. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. Academic Press Incorporated, Orlando, FL, 444:116032, (2022).
Taylor, L., L. Everett, J. Harrill, I. Shah, AND R. Judson. Comparing TempO-seq and RNA-seq mRNA data sets: a case study. Genetics and Environmental Mutagenesis Society (GEMS), Durham, NC, November 01, 2022.
Taylor, L., L. Everett, J. Harrill, I. Shah, AND R. Judson. Comparing TempO-seq and RNA-seq mRNA data sets: a case study (GEMS Meeting, Nov 2023). GEMS, Durham, NC, November 01, 2022.
Tobias, D., T. Richman, A. Williams, R. Judson, AND P. Kruse. Evaluating chemical contaminants in biosolids: A collaboration between EPA’s Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure and EPA’s Office of Water. Computational Toxicology Communities of Practice Webinar, Morrisville, NC, January 27, 2022.
Foster, M., G. Patlewicz, I. Shah, D. Haggard, R. Judson, AND K. Friedman. Evaluating structure-based activity in a high-throughput assay for steroid biosynthesis. Computational Toxicology. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24:100245, (2022).
Wambaugh, J., M. Sfeir, R. Pearce, S. Davidson, A. Lumen, A. Dallmann, R. Judson, AND J. Wambaugh. Evaluation of a Rapid, Generic Human Gestational Dose Model. HTTK Community of Practice, RTP, NC, May 26, 2022.
Kapraun, D., M. Sfeir, R. Pearce, S. Davidson, A. Lumen, A. Dallmann, R. Judson, AND J. Wambaugh. Evaluation of a rapid, generic human gestational dose model (Manuscript). REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 113:172-188, (2022).
Harrill, J., L. Everett, D. Haggard, J. Bundy, L. Taylor, B. Chambers, C. Willis, I. Shah, AND R. Judson. Gene Signature Concentration-Response Modeling of High-Throughput Transcriptomics (HTTr) Data for Mechanistic Prediction and Potency Estimation. Society of Toxicology 61st Annual Meeting and ToxExpo 2022, San Diego, CA, March 27 - 31, 2022.
Everett, L., J. Harrill, R. Judson, I. Shah, J. Nyffeler, AND A. Middleton. Integration & Analysis of High-Throughput Assays in Next Generation Risk Assessment. 16th International Congress of Toxicology (IUTOX ICT 2022), MaastrichtN, September 18 - 22, 2022.
Knapp, B., R. Judson, L. Taylor, Nancy C. Baker, B. Chambers, AND S. Padilla. Investigating Specific Mechanisms of Toxicity Using Zebrafish Developmental Assays and In Vitro High-Throughput Transcriptomics Analysis. Carolina Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (CSETAC) 2022 Annual Meeting, RTP (may be virtual), NC, April 06 - 08, 2022.
Chambers, B., L. Taylor, N. Baker, R. Judson, AND I. Shah. Literature-mining and Transcriptomic Stress Response Annotation of a Large Chemical Database. Society of Toxicology 61st Annual Meeting and ToxExpo 2022, San Diego, CA, March 27 - 31, 2022.
Bundy, J., R. Judson, A. Williams, C. Grulke, I. Shah, AND L. Everett. Machine Learning Prediction of Molecular Initiating Events using Chemical Target Annotations and Gene Expression. 30th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Madison / Virtual, WI, July 10 - 14, 2022.
Judson, R. NAMs for Estrogenicity. National Academies Committee on Variability and Relevance of Current Laboratory Mammalian Toxicity Tests and Expectations for New Approach Methods (NAMs) for use in Human Health Risk Assessment, online, Online, May 12, 2022.
Shah, I., J. Bundy, B. Chambers, L. Everett, D. Haggard, J. Harrill, AND R. Judson. Navigating Connectivity Mapping Workflows for Predicting Molecular Targets with Gecco. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Madison, WI, July 10 - 14, 2022.
Shah, I., J. Bundy, B. Chambers, L. Everett, D. Haggard, J. Harrill, R. Judson, J. Nyffeler, AND G. Patlewicz. Navigating Transcriptomic Connectivity Mapping Workflows to Link Chemicals with Bioactivities. CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 35(11):1929-1949, (2022).
Bundy, J., R. Judson, A. Williams, C. Grulke, I. Shah, AND L. Everett. Predicting Molecular Initiating Events Using Chemical Target Annotations and Gene Expression. BioData Mining. BioMed Central Ltd, London, Uk, (15):7, (2022).
Bundy, J., R. Judson, I. Shah, A. Williams, AND L. Everett. Predicting Molecular Initiating Events from Gene Expression using Machine Learning. MidSouth Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (MCBIOS) 2022, NA (Virtual), NC, April 25 - 27, 2022.
Bundy, J., R. Judson, A. Williams, C. Grulke, I. Shah, AND L. Everett. Predicting Molecular Initiating Events from High Throughput Transcriptomic Screening using Machine Learning (SOT 2022). Society of Toxicology 61st Annual Meeting and ToxExpo 2022, San Diego, California, March 27 - 31, 2022.
Judson, R., D. Reif, K. Houck, T. Knudsen, J. Harrill, AND K. Paul-Friedman. Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications, 4th Edition - Chapter 6: Computational Toxicology. Chapter 6, Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, , 143-157, (2022).
Taylor, L., B. Chambers, N. Baker, J. Harrill, L. Everett, I. Shah, AND R. Judson. Refining reference chemicals and signatures of activity using high throughput transcriptomics for advancing predictive toxicology. Society of Toxicology 61st Annual Meeting and ToxExpo 2022, San Diego, California, March 27 - 31, 2022.
Carlson, L., M. Angrish, A. Shirke, E. Radke-Farabaugh, B. Schulz, A. Kraft, R. Judson, G. Patlewicz, R. Blain, C. Lin, N. Vetter, C. Lemeris, P. Hartman, H. Hubbard, X. Arzuaga, Allen Davis, L. Dishaw, I. Druwe, H. Hollinger, R. Jones, J. Kaiser, L. Lizarraga, Pamela Noyes, MicheleM Taylor, A. Shapiro, A. Williams, AND K. Thayer. Systematic Evidence Map for Over One Hundred and Fifty Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC, 130(5):1-20, (2022).
Patlewicz, G., A. Richard, A. Williams, R. Judson, AND R. Thomas. Towards Reproducible Structure-Based Chemical Categories for PFAS to Inform and Evaluate Toxicity and Toxicokinetic Testing. ASCCT, Chapel Hill, NC, October 19 - 21, 2022.