Office of Research and Development Publications

National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) Research Publications

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Records 51 to 75 of 198 records from [ORD-NRMRL] from author Thomas O'Connor

OCONNOR, T. P. Edison Environmental Center Permeable Pavement Research and Development Project. Presented at NJ Chapter meeting of American Water Resources Association, Edison, NJ, June 02, 2011.
Gilchrist, S., E. STANDER, M. BORST, T. P. OCONNOR, AND A. Rowe. Flow Dynamics and Nutrient Reduction in Rain Gardens . Presented at Philadelphia Low Impact Development Symposium, Lowes Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, PA, September 25 - 28, 2011.
BORST, M., T. P. OCONNOR, A. A. Rowe, AND E. K. Stander. Hydrologic and Pollutant Removal Performance of a Full-Scale, Fully Functional Permeable Pavement Parking Lot. Presented at 2011 AEESP Emerging Research Symposium at WEFTEC, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA, October 17, 2011.
BORST, M., T. P. OCONNOR, A. Rowe, AND E. K. Stander. Hydrologic and Pollutant Removal Performance of a Full-Scale, Fully Functional Permeable Pavement Parking Lot - paper. In Proceedings, WEFTEC 2011, Los Angeles, CA, October 17 - 19, 2011. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA, Session 3, (2011).
OCONNOR, T. P. AND A. Rowe. Implementation and Performance of Low Impact Development. Presented at Philadelphia Low Impact Development Symposium Workshop LID 101: Basic Concepts and Applications, Philadelphia, PA, September 25 - 28, 2011.
OCONNOR, T. P. Permeable Pavement Monitoring at the Edison Environmental Center Demonstration Site - presentation. Presented at Philadelphia Low Impact Development Symposium: Greening the Urban Environment , Philadelphia, PA, September 25 - 28, 2011.
OCONNOR, T. P. Permeable Pavement Research at the Edison Environmental Center. Presented at 2nd International Forum on Integrated Water Management, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, QC, CANADA, October 23 - 25, 2011.
OCONNOR, T. P., S. Gilchrist, AND M. BORST. Permeable Pavement Research at the Edison Environmental Center . Presented at Second International Forum on Integrated Water Management , University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, QC, CANADA, October 23 - 25, 2011.
O'CONNOR, T. Pollution of Lakes and Rivers: A Paleoenvironmental Perspective (Book Review). Second Edition, John P. Smol (ed.), WATER ENVIRONMENT AND TECHNOLOGY. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA, 23(3):72, (2011).
Gilchrist, J., E. STANDER, M. BORST, AND T. P. OCONNOR. Rain Gardens: Stormwater Infiltrating Systems. Presented at Right as Rain: Emerging Solutions for Water Management, Rutgers, Busch Campus, Princeton, NJ, March 15, 2011.
OCONNOR, T. P. The Edison Environmental Center Permeable Pavement Site. Presented at Chemistry Works at Plainsboro Public Library, Plainsboro, NJ, May 07, 2011.
OCONNOR, T. P. The Edison Environmental Center Permeable Pavement Site - slides. To be Presented at Chemistry Works, West Windsor Public Library , Plainsboro, NJ, November 05, 2011.
OCONNOR, T. P. Total Water Management - slides. Presented at WEFTEC , Los Angeles, CA, October 17 - 19, 2011.
OCONNOR, T. P. Total Water Management: A Research Project of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Presented at WEFTEC 2011, Los Angeles, CA, October 14 - 19, 2011.
OCONNOR, T. P. U.S. EPA's Watershed Management Research Activities - Slides. Presented at New Jersey Technology Council's program on the Technology of Water, TRI Princeton, NJ, March 02, 2011.
Rowney, A., L. Pechacek, M. Hulley, T. O'CONNOR, AND L. Roesner. Advanced Topics in Wet-Weather Discharge Control. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-09/112, 2010.
O'CONNOR, T., A. ROWE, E. STANDER, AND M. BORST. Application of Time Domain Reflectometers in Urban Settings. Presented at Million Trees NYC, Green Infrastructure and Urban Ecology: A Research Symposium, New York City, NY, March 05 - 06, 2010.
OCONNOR, T., A. ROWE, E. STANDER, AND M. BORST. Application of Time Domain Reflectometers in Urban Settings. Cities and the Environment. Urban Ecology Institute, Chestnut Hill, MA, 3(1):19, (2010).
O'CONNOR, T., A. ROWE, E. STANDER, AND M. BORST. Application of Time Domain Reflectometers to Urban Settings. Presented at Million Trees NYC, Green Infrastructure & Urban Ecology: A Research Symposium, New York City, NY, March 05 - 06, 2010.
BORST, M., A. ROWE, E. STANDER, AND T. OCONNOR. EPA Permeable Surface Research. Presented at WEFTEC 2010, New Orleans, LA, October 02 - 06, 2010.
BORST, M., A. ROWE, E. STANDER, AND T. OCONNOR. EPA Permeable Surface Research - Poster. Presented at WEFTEC 2010, New Orleans, LA, October 02 - 06, 2010.
Rowe, A. A., M. BORST, AND T. O'CONNOR. Environmental Effects of Pervious Pavement as a Low Impact Development Installation in Urban Regions - Chapter 13. Chapter 14, Ni-Bin Chang (ed.), Effects of Urbanization on Groundwater: An Engineering Case-based Approach for Sustainable Development . American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA, LC call# D657.E5:395 p,9780784410783, (2010).
OCONNOR, T. Explanation for Anomalous Readings during Monitoring of a Best Management Practice. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA, 136(8):527-531, (2010).
STANDER, E., M. BORST, T. O'CONNOR, AND A. ROWE. Hydrologic Performance of Bioretention Cells Subjected to Varying Hydrologic Loading Regimes. Presented at EWRI/ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2010, Challenges of Change, Providence, RI, May 16 - 20, 2010.
STANDER, E., M. BORST, T. OCONNOR, AND A. ROWE. Measure Twice, Build Once: Bench-Scale Testing to Evaluate Bioretention Media Design. In Proceedings, EWRI ASCE 2010 International Low Impact Development Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 11 - 14, 2010. Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of ASCE, Reston, VA, ,, (2010).