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Records 26 to 50 of 77 records published between 11/20/2012 and 11/20/2017 from author Scott Leibowitz

Lin, J., J. Compton, AND S. Leibowitz. Modeling and assessing nitrogen delivery in the Calapooia River Watershed, and the impact of small streams delivery on downstream watershed. Soil and Water Conservation Society meetings, Louisville, KY, July 24 - 27, 2016.
Lin, J., S. Pearlstein, J. Compton, W. Matthews, AND S. Leibowitz. Nitrogen Balance and Use Efficiency in the Calapooia River Watershed, Oregon, United States. International Nitrogen Initiative, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, December 04 - 10, 2016.
Sawicz, K., S. Leibowitz, C. Jones, R. Comeleo, AND P. Wigington, Jr. On the Usefulness of Hydrologic Landscapes for Hydrologic Modeling and Water Management. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, West Palm Beach, FL, May 22 - 26, 2016.
Fox, EricW, R. Hill, AND S. Leibowitz. Random forest models for the probable biological condition of streams and rivers in the USA. 2016 International Indian Statistical Association Conference, Corvallis, OR, August 18 - 21, 2016.
Leibowitz, S., R. Hill, M. Weber, D. Thornbrugh, EricW Fox, Tony Olsen, J. Flotemersch, J. Stoddard, AND D. Peck. SSWR 3.01B.1: National maps of watershed integrity and stream condition. SSWR webinar on “National maps of watershed integrity and stream condition”, NA, August 01, 2016.
Sawicz, K., S. Leibowitz, R. Comeleo, AND C. Jones. Simultaneous Semi-Distributed Model Calibration Guided by Hydrologic Landscapes in the Pacific Northwest, USA. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12 - 16, 2016.
Fox, EricW, R. Hill, S. Leibowitz, Tony Olsen, AND M. Weber. Spatial prediction models for the probable biological condition of streams and rivers in the USA. International Statistical Ecology Meeting, Seattle, WA, June 28 - July 01, 2016.
Weber, M., R. Hill, S. Leibowitz, AND D. Thornbrugh. The Stream-Catchment (StreamCat) Dataset. AWRA Summer Specialty Conference: GIS and Water Resources IX, Sacramento, CA, July 11 - 13, 2016.
HILL, R., M. H. WEBER, E. FOX, S. G. LEIBOWITZ, AND D. THORNBRUGH. Using StreamCat and the NHDPlus framework to model and map the biological condition of USA streams and rivers. Presented at AWRA Summer Specialty Conference, GIS and Water Resources IX, Sacramento, CA, July 11 - 13, 2016.
Jones, C., S. Leibowitz, K. Sawicz, R. Comeleo, L. Stratton, AND P. Wigington. Using hydrologic landscape classification to assess streamflow vulnerability to changes in climate. 7th Annual Northwest Climate Conference, Stevenson, Washington, November 14 - 16, 2016.
Hill, R., EricW Fox, S. Leibowitz, Tony Olsen, M. Weber, AND D. Thornbrugh. Variable selection with random forest: Balancing stability, performance, and interpretation in ecological and environmental modeling. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA, May 21 - 26, 2016.
Leibowitz, S. AND M. Rains. Wetland Connectivity: Introduction and Relevance to Texas Coastal Plain Depressional Wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists, Corpus Christi, TX, May 31 - June 04, 2016.
Leibowitz, S., M. Rains, I. Creed, D. Aldred, R. Hill, M. Weber, AND C. Jones. Wetland Hydrological Connectivity: A Classification Approach and Continental Assessment. 10th Intercol International Wetlands Conference, Changshu, CHINA, September 19 - 24, 2016.
Flotemersch, J., S. Leibowitz, R. Hill, J. Stoddard, M. Thoms, AND R. Tharme. A Watershed Integrity Definition and Assessment Approach to Support Strategic Management of Watersheds. River Research and Applications. John Wiley & Sons Incorporated, New York, NY, , online, (2015).
Jones, C., S. Leibowitz, K. Sawicz, R. Comeleo, L. Stratton, AND P. Wigington. An analysis of historic and projected climate scenarios in the Western United States using hydrologic landscape classification. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 14 - 18, 2015.
Jones, C., S. Leibowitz, K. Sawicz, R. Comeleo, L. Stratton, AND P. Wigington. An analysis of historic and projected climate scenarios in the Western united States using hydrologic landscape classification. 2015 Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Coeur d'Alene, ID, November 04 - 05, 2015.
Massie, J., Joe Ebersole, D. Peck, A. Herlihy, AND S. Leibowitz. Assessing the condition of riverine systems using multimetric indices: An example from Oregon's Calapooia basin. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR, August 16 - 20, 2015.
Sproles, E., S. Leibowitz, J. Reager, P. Wigington, J. Famiglietti, AND S. Patil. GRACE storage-runoff hystereses reveal the dynamics of regional watersheds. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. EGS, 19:3253-3272, (2015).
Leibowitz, S. Geographically Isolated Wetlands: Why We Should Keep the Term. WETLANDS. The Society of Wetland Scientists, McLean, VA, 35:997-1003, (2015).
Christensen, J., S. Leibowitz, AND L. Alexander. Geospatial Connectivity Metrics: Update on Simple Metrics for the Upper Pipestem. Presented at Geospatial Connectivity Metrics Workshop, Jamestown, ND, October 05 - 09, 2015.
Thornbrugh, D., S. Leibowitz, J. Flotemersch, R. Hill, AND J. Stoddard. Mapping Watershed Integrity for the Conterminous United States. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Portland, OR, August 16 - 20, 2015.
Hill, R., M. Weber, S. Leibowitz, AND Tony Olsen. Mapping the biological condition of USA rivers and streams. Society for Freshwater Science, Milwaukee, WI, May 17 - 21, 2015.
Olsen, Tony, Tom Kincaid, M. Weber, R. Hill, AND S. Leibowitz. National Aquatic Resource Surveys: Use of Geospatial data in their design and spatial prediction at non-monitored locations. JSM, Seattle, WA, August 08 - 13, 2015.
Sawicz, K., S. Leibowitz, C. Jones, R. Comeleo, AND P. Wigington. On the Usefulness of Hydrologic Landscapes on Hydrologic Model calibration and Selection. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 14 - 18, 2015.
Ebersole, Joe, J. Wigington, S. Leibowitz, R. Comeleo, AND J. Van Sickle. Predicting the occurrence of cold water patches at intermittent and ephemeral tributary confluences with warm rivers. Freshwater Science. The Society for Freshwater Science, Springfield, IL, 34(1):111-124, (2015).