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Records 51 to 71 of 71 records published between 07/19/2013 and 07/19/2018 from author Ann Richard

Williams, A., K. Mansouri, Chris Grulke, AND A. Richard. The needs for chemistry standards, database tools and data curation at the chemical-biology interface (SLAS meeting). Presented at SLAS 2016, San Diego, CA, January 23 - 27, 2016.
Baker, N., S. Hunter, J. Franzosa, A. Richard, R. Judson, AND T. Knudsen. Toxcast Chemical and Bioactivity Profiles for In Vitro Targets in the Retinoid Signaling System (SOT). Presented at 2016 SOT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 13 - 17, 2016.
Shah, I., Woodrow Setzer, J. Jack, K. Houck, R. Judson, T. Knudsen, J. Liu, M. Martin, D. Reif, Ann M. Richard, Russell S. Thomas, K. Crofton, David J. Dix, AND Robert J. Kavlock. Using ToxCast data to reconstruct dynamic cell state trajectories and estimate toxicological points of departure. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC, 124(7):910-919, (2016).
Yang, C., A. Tarkhov, J. Marusczyk1, B. Bienfait, J. Gasteiger, T. Kleinoeder, T. Magdziarz, O. Sacher, C. Schwab, J. Schwoebel, L. Terfloth, K. Arvidson, A. Richard, A. Worth, AND J. Rathman. A New Publicly Available Chemical Query Language, CSRML, to support Chemotype Representations for Application to Data-Mining and Modeling. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 55(3):510-528, (2015).
Mansouri, K., J. Kancherla, A. Richard, AND R. Judson. EDSP Prioritization: Collaborative Estrogen Receptor Activity Prediction Project (CERAPP) (SOT). Presented at SOT 2015, San Diego, CA, March 22 - 26, 2015.
Richard, A., Chris Grulke, I. Thillainadarajah, K. Mansouri, J. Kancherla, R. Judson, AND A. Williams. EPAs DSSTox Chemical Database: A Resource for the Non-Targeted Testing Community (EPA NTA workshop). Presented at Advancing Non-targeted Analyses of Xenobiotics in Environmental and Biological Media, RTP, NC, August 18 - 19, 2015.
Knudsen, T. B., A. M. Richard, P. G. Kothiya, R. S. Judson, K. A. Houck, K. C. Crofton, R. S. Thomas, S. Little, E. S. Hunter, N. C. Baker, C. K. M. Leung, J. Palmer, A. Smith, M. Colwell, P. West, R. Burrier, AND L. Egnash. Evaluation of 1066 ToxCast Chemicals in a human stem cell assay for developmental toxicity (SOT). Presented at Society of Toxicology, San Diego, CA, March 21 - 26, 2015.
Franzosa, J., J. Jack, P. Kothiya, D. Filer, J. Liu, J. Bonzo, S. Ferguson, I. Shah, A. Richard, R. Thomas, J. Wambaugh, AND K. Houck. Evaluation of In Vitro Biotransformation Using HepaRG Cells to Improve High-Throughput Chemical Hazard Prediction: A Toxicogenomics Analysis (SOT). Presented at 2015 Annual SOT Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 22 - 26, 2015.
Patlewicz, G., K. Houck, R. Judson, A. Richard, I. Shah, AND A. Williams. Exploiting enhanced non-testing approaches to meet the needs for sustainable chemistry. Presented at ACS Meeting, Boston, MA, August 16 - 20, 2015.
Judson, Richard S., F. Magpantay, V. Chickarmane, C. Haskell, N. Tania, J. Taylor, M. Xia, R. Huang, D. Rotroff, D. Filer, K. Houck, M. Martin, N. Sipes, A. Richard, K. Mansouri, Woodrow Setzer, T. Knudsen, K. Crofton, AND R. Thomas. Integrated Model of Chemical Perturbations of a Biological PathwayUsing 18 In Vitro High Throughput Screening Assays for the Estrogen Receptor. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, :1-42, (2015).
Attene-Ramos, M., R. Huang, S. Michael, K. Witt, A. Richard, R. Tice, A. Simeonov, C. Austin, AND M. Xia. Profiling of the Tox21 Chemical Collection for Mitochondrial Function: I. Compounds that Decrease Mitochondrial Membrane Potential. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC, 123(1):49-56, (2015).
Richard, A., P. Volarath, K. Mansouri, R. Huang, M. Xia, R. Judson, AND C. Yang. A knowledge-informed chemotype approach to mining the ToxCast/Tox21 chemical-data landscape (WC9). Presented at 9th World Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, August 24 - 28, 2014.
Kancherla, J., K. Mansouri, H. Truong, A. Richard, AND R. Judson. ACToR Chemical Structure processing using Open Source ChemInformatics Libraries (FutureToxII). Presented at FutureTox II, Chapel Hill, NC, January 16 - 17, 2014.
Judson, R., K. Houck, M. Martin, A. Richard, T. Knudsen, N. Sipes, I. Shah, S. Little, J. Wambaugh, Woodrow Setzer, J. Rabinowitz, M. Linnenbrink, J. Franzosa, P. Kothiya, J. Phuong, K. McLaurin, D. Filer, M. Leung, C. Strope, L. Truong, R. Thomas, D. Smith, D. Reif, D. Rotroff, N. Kleinstreuer, M. Xia, AND R. Huang. In Vitro Screening of 1877 Industrial and Consumer Chemicals, Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals in up to 782 Assays: ToxCast Phase I and II (SOT). Presented at SOT, Pheonix, AZ, March 23 - 27, 2014.
Strynar, M., S. Liang, R. McMahen, AND A. Richard. Non-targeted screening of house dust samples using accurate mass TOFMS. SETAC, Vancouver, BC, CANADA, November 09 - 13, 2014.
Kleinstreuer, N., J. Yang, E. Berg, T. Knudsen, A. Richard, M. Martin, D. Reif, R. Judson, M. Polokoff, D. Dix, R. Kavlock, AND K. Houck. Phenotypic screening of the ToxCast chemical library to classify toxic and therapeutic mechanisms. Nature Biotechnology. Elsevier Science, New York, NY, 32(6):583-591, (2014).
Houck, K., N. Kleinstreuer, J. Yang, E. Berg, T. Knudsen, A. Richard, M. Martin, D. Reif, R. Judson, AND M. Polokoff. Predicting Toxic and Therapeutic Mechanisms of the ToxCast Chemical Library by Phenotypic Screening (SOT). Presented at SOT 2014 Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 23 - 27, 2014.
Kothiya, P., D. Reif, R. Judson, D. Filer, A. Richard, AND M. Martin. ToxCast Workflow: High-throughput screening assay data processing, analysis and management (SOT). Presented at SOT's 53rd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 24 - 27, 2014.
Shen, J., L. Xu, H. Fang, A. M. RICHARD, J. D. Bray, R. JUDSON, G. Zhou, T. J. Colatsky, J. L. Aungst, C. Teng, S. C. Harris, W. Ge, AND S. Y. Dai. EADB: An Estrogenic Activity Database for Assessing Potential Endocrine Activity. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 135(2):277-291, (2013).
Cherkasov, A., E. Muratov, D. Fourches, A. Varnek, I. Baskin, M. Cronin, J. Dearden, P. Gramatica, Y. Martin, R. Todeschini, V. Consonni, V. E. Kuzmin, R. Cramer, R. Benigni, C. Yang, J. Rathman, L. Terfloth, J. Gasteiger, A. Richard, AND A. Tropsha. QSAR Modeling: Where Have You Been? Where Are You Going To?. JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 57(12):4977–5010, (2013).