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Records 26 to 28 of 28 records published between 05/22/2013 and 05/22/2018 from author Lisam Smith

SMITH, L. M., J. L. CASE, L. HARWELL, H. M. SMITH, AND J. K. SUMMERS. Development of Relative Importance Values as Contribution Weights for Evaluating Human Wellbeing: An Ecosystem Services Example. Human Ecology. Springer, New York, NY, 41(4):631-641, (2013).
SMITH, L. M., H. M. SMITH, J. L. CASE, AND L. HARWELL. Indicators and Methods for Constructing a U.S. Human Well-being Index (HWBI) for Ecosystem Services Research. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-12/023, 2012.
Smith, L. AND L. Harwell. Tampa's Well-being: A Demonstration of ORD's Human Well-being Index (web content for the Tampa Bay Ecosystem services website). U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, 2013.