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Records 76 to 79 of 79 records published between 03/26/2014 and 03/26/2019 from author Richard Baldauf

Watkins, N. AND R. Baldauf. Near-Road Monitoring Network Update. To be Presented at NTAQS 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, August 18 - 21, 2014.
Sonntag, D. B., R. W. Baldauf, C. A. Yanca, AND C. R. Fulper. Particulate Matter Speciation Profiles for Light-duty Gasoline Vehicles in the United States. JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION. Taylor & Francis Group, London, Uk, 64(5):529-545, (2014).
Baldauf, R. Reconciling the Benefits of Transportation Corridor Development with Air Pollution Exposure Concerns. To be Presented at APHA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 15 - 17, 2014.
Baldauf, R. W. AND D. Nowak. Vegetation and other development options for mitigating urban air pollution impacts. Chapter 56, Global Environmental Change. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, Netherlands, , 479-485, (2014).