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Records 51 to 68 of 68 records published between 03/18/2013 and 03/18/2018 from author Kamel Mansouri

Pradeep, P., K. Mansouri, G. Patlewicz, AND R. Judson. A Systematic Evaluation of Analogs for the Read-across Prediction of Estrogenicity (Future Tox III). Presented at Future Tox III, Arlington, VA, November 19 - 20, 2015.
Trisciuzzi, D., D. Alberga, K. Mansouri, R. Judson, S. Cellamare, M. Catto, A. Carotti, E. Benfenati, E. Novellino, G. Mangiatordi, AND O. Nicolotti. Docking-based classification models for exploratory toxicology studies on high-quality estrogenic experimental data. Future Medicinal Chemistry. Future Science Group, London, Uk, 7(14):1921-1936, (2015).
Mansouri, K., R. Politi, S. Farag, E. Muratov, A. Tropsha, R. Judson, Q. Zang, D. Allen, W. Casey, AND N. Kleinstreuer. Domain-Specific QSAR Model for Identifying Potential Estrogenic Activity of Phenols (ASCCT annual meeting). Presented at ASCCT, Research Triangle Park, NC, October 01 - 02, 2015.
Mansouri, K., R. Politi, S. Farag, E. Muratov, A. Tropsha, R. Judson, Q. Zang, D. Allen, W. Casey, AND N. Kleinstreuer. Domain-Specific QSAR Models for Identifying Potential Estrogenic Activity of Phenols (FutureTox III). Presented at FutureTox III, Research Triangle Park, NC, November 19 - 20, 2015.
Mansouri, K., J. Kancherla, A. Richard, AND R. Judson. EDSP Prioritization: Collaborative Estrogen Receptor Activity Prediction Project (CERAPP) (SOT). Presented at SOT 2015, San Diego, CA, March 22 - 26, 2015.
Richard, A., Chris Grulke, I. Thillainadarajah, K. Mansouri, J. Kancherla, R. Judson, AND A. Williams. EPAs DSSTox Chemical Database: A Resource for the Non-Targeted Testing Community (EPA NTA workshop). Presented at Advancing Non-targeted Analyses of Xenobiotics in Environmental and Biological Media, RTP, NC, August 18 - 19, 2015.
Judson, Richard S., F. Magpantay, V. Chickarmane, C. Haskell, N. Tania, J. Taylor, M. Xia, R. Huang, D. Rotroff, D. Filer, K. Houck, M. Martin, N. Sipes, A. Richard, K. Mansouri, Woodrow Setzer, T. Knudsen, K. Crofton, AND R. Thomas. Integrated Model of Chemical Perturbations of a Biological PathwayUsing 18 In Vitro High Throughput Screening Assays for the Estrogen Receptor. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, :1-42, (2015).
Liu, J., K. Mansouri, R. Judson, M. Martin, H. Hong, M. Chen, X. Xu, R. Thomas, AND I. Shah. Integrating Biological and Chemical Data for Hepatotoxicity Prediction (SOT). Presented at SOT Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 22 - 26, 2015.
Liu, J., K. Mansouri, Richard S. Judson, Matthew T. Martin, H. Hong, M. Chen, X. Xu, Russell S. Thomas, AND I. Shah. Predicting hepatotoxicity using ToxCast in vitro bioactivity and chemical structure. CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 28(4):738-751, (2015).
Richard, A., P. Volarath, K. Mansouri, R. Huang, M. Xia, R. Judson, AND C. Yang. A knowledge-informed chemotype approach to mining the ToxCast/Tox21 chemical-data landscape (WC9). Presented at 9th World Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, August 24 - 28, 2014.
Kancherla, J., K. Mansouri, H. Truong, A. Richard, AND R. Judson. ACToR Chemical Structure processing using Open Source ChemInformatics Libraries (FutureToxII). Presented at FutureTox II, Chapel Hill, NC, January 16 - 17, 2014.
Nicolas, Chantel I., Michael R. Goldsmith, Bhavesh K. Ahir, B. Wetmore, Kathie L. Dionisio, K. Mansouri, R. Woodrow Setzer, Richard S. Judson, J. Rabinowitz, AND John F. Wambaugh. High Throughput Exposure Modeling of Semi-Volatile Chemicals in Articles of Commerce (ACS). Presented at American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Fransisco, CA, August 10 - 14, 2014.
Nicolas, Chantel I., Michael R. Goldsmith, Bhavesh K. Ahir, Thomas B. Knudsen, J. Rabinowitz, R. Woodrow Setzer, K. Mansouri, AND John F. Wambaugh. High Throughput Modeling of Indoor Exposures to Chemicals (SOT). Presented at SOT, Phoenix, AZ, March 23 - 27, 2014.
Strope, C., K. Mansouri, J. Kancherla, C. Stevens, AND J. Wambaugh. High Throughput pharmacokinetic modeling using computationally predicted parameter values: dissociation constants (TDS). Presented at ToxCast Data Summit, Research Triangle Park, NC, September 29 - 30, 2014.
Mansouri, K., N. Sipes, AND R. Judson. In-silico structure activity relationship study of toxicity endpoints by QSAR modeling (SOT). Presented at SOT 2014, Phoenix, AZ, March 23 - 27, 2014.
Mansouri, K., M. Martin, AND R. Judson. Multivariate analysis of toxicity experimental results of environmental endpoints. (FutureToxII). Presented at FutureTox II, Chapel Hill, NC, January 16 - 17, 2014.
Franzosa, J., K. Mansouri, J. Hsieh, S. Ferguson, X. Chang, N. Kleinstreurer, J. Hamm, Dan Villeneuve, R. Judson, R. Thomas, R. Huang, M. Xia, S. Kullman, M. Denison, AND K. Houck. Quantitative High-Throughput Screening and Confirmation Studies for Identification of Compounds that Activate the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Pathway (SETAC). Presented at SETAC, Vancouver, BC, CANADA, November 09 - 12, 2014.