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Records 51 to 75 of 85 records published between 03/18/2013 and 03/18/2018 from author Christopher Grulke

Richard, A., Chris Grulke, I. Thillainadarajah, A. Williams, D. Lyons, AND J. Edwards. Expansion of DSSTox: Leveraging public data to create a semantic cheminformatics resource with quality annotations for support of U.S. EPA applications. (American Chemical Society). Presented at ACS Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 13 - 17, 2016.
Wambaugh, J., A. Yau, A. Gregg, A. Sumner, K. Favela, D. Biryol, P. Egeghy, Chris Grulke, K. Isaacs, X. Liu, K. Mansouri, C. Nicolas, K. Phillips, A. Richard, C. Ring, Woodrow Setzer, J. Sobus, A. Williams, AND R. Thomas. New Data from EPA's Exposure Forecasting (ExpoCast) Project (ISES meeting). Presented at International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) Annual Meeting, Utrecht, NETHERLANDS, October 09 - 13, 2016.
Shah, I., M. Martin, Chris Grulke, L. Pham, J. Liu, A. Williams, G. Patlewicz, AND R. Thomas. Predictive Models of target organ and Systemic toxicities (BOSC). Presented at CSS BOSC Meeting, RTP, NC, November 16 - 18, 2016.
Wambaugh, J., A. Yau, K. Phillips, K. Favela, C. Nicolas, D. Biryol, Chris Grulke, A. Richard, Paul S Price, K. Isaacs, AND R. Thomas. Product Deformulation to Inform High-throughput Exposure Predictions (SOT). Presented at Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, LA, March 13 - 17, 2016.
Phillips, K., J. Wambaugh, P. Egeghy, C. Grulke, AND K. Isaacs. Quantitative structure-property relationships for chemical functional use and weight fractions in consumer articles. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 13 - 17, 2016.
Judson, R., A. Williams, I. Shah, G. Patlewicz, Eric Watt, P. Pradeep, S. Chavan, J. Edwards, A. Richard, Chris Grulke, M. Martin, K. Mansouri, D. Smith, J. Smith, J. Vail, J. Lambert, S. Wesselkamper, AND R. Thomas. RapidTox - Tools for Rapid Risk Assessments (BOSC). Presented at BOSC Css Meeting, RTP, NC, November 16 - 18, 2016.
Williams, A., J. Sobus, M. Strynar, E. Ulrich, Chris Grulke, J. Edwards, J. Smith, J. Foster, AND D. Lyons. Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the EPAs Chemistry Dashboard (ACS Fall meeting). Presented at ACS Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 21 - 25, 2016.
Williams, A., Chris Grulke, J. Smith, K. Mansouri, A. McEachran, A. Richard, J. Edwards, J. Sobus, K. Dionisio, K. Phillips, AND T. Martin. The EPA Comptox Chemistry Dashboard . (BOSC). Presented at BOSC CSS Meeting, RTP, NC, November 16 - 18, 2016.
Williams, A., Chris Grulke, K. Mansouri, J. Smith, J. Foster, M. Krzyzanowski, AND J. Edwards. The EPA Online Database of Experimental and Predicted Data to Support Environmental Scientists (ACS Fall meeting). To be Presented at ACS Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 21 - 25, 2016.
Williams, A., A. McEachran, J. Sobus, Chris Grulke, J. Smith, M. Krzyzanowski, J. Foster, AND J. Edwards. The EPA iCSS Chemistry Dashboard to Support Compound Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data (ACS Fall meeting). Presented at ACS Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 21 - 25, 2016.
Mansouri, K., Chris Grulke, A. Richard, R. Judson, AND A. Williams. The importance of data curation on QSAR Modeling - PHYSPROP open data as a case study. (QSAR 2016). Presented at QSAR 2016, Miami, Fl, June 13 - 17, 2016.
Mansouri, K., Chris Grulke, A. Richard, AND A. Williams. The influence of data curation on QSAR Modeling - examining issues of quality versus quantity of data (American Chemical Society). Presented at American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, March 13 - 17, 2016.
Williams, A., K. Mansouri, A. Richard, AND Chris Grulke. The influence of data curation on QSAR Modeling – examining issues of quality versus quantity of data (SOT). Presented at Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, LA, March 13 - 17, 2016.
Williams, A., K. Mansouri, Chris Grulke, AND A. Richard. The needs for chemistry standards, database tools and data curation at the chemical-biology interface (SLAS meeting). Presented at SLAS 2016, San Diego, CA, January 23 - 27, 2016.
Baker, N., N. Sipes, Chris Grulke, R. Judson, AND T. Knudsen. Causal Inferences from Mining ToxCast Data and the Biomedical Literature for Molecular Pathways and Cellular Processes in Cleft Palate (SOT). Presented at SOT Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 22 - 26, 2015.
Baker, N., N. Sipes, C. Grulke, M. Leung, J. A, B. Abbott, R. Judson, AND T. Knudsen. Chemical and HTS Profiling of 63 Cleft Palate Teratogens from ToxCast (FutureTox III). Presented at FutureTox III, Arlington, VA, November 19 - 20, 2015.
Lu, J., M. Goldsmith, Chris Grulke, J. Leonard, E. Hypes, M. Fair, R. Tornero-Velez, AND C. Tan. Developing a Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model Knowledgebase in Support of Provisional Model Construction - poster. ASCCT Annual Meeting, EPA RTP Campus, Durham (RTP), NC, October 01 - 02, 2015.
Richard, A., Chris Grulke, I. Thillainadarajah, K. Mansouri, J. Kancherla, R. Judson, AND A. Williams. EPAs DSSTox Chemical Database: A Resource for the Non-Targeted Testing Community (EPA NTA workshop). Presented at Advancing Non-targeted Analyses of Xenobiotics in Environmental and Biological Media, RTP, NC, August 18 - 19, 2015.
Brown, K., M. Phillips, C. Grulke, M. Yoon, B. Young, R. McDougall, J. Leonard, J. Lu, W. Lefew, AND C. Tan. Reconstructing Exposures from Biomarkers using Exposure-Pharmacokinetic Modeling - A Case Study with Carbaryl. REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 73(3):689-698, (2015).
Tan, C., D. Chang, M. Phillips, S. Edwards, Chris Grulke, Rocky Goldsmith, J. Sobus, R. Conolly, R. Tornero-Velez, AND C. Dary. Biomarkers in Computational Toxicology. Chapter 63, Biomarkers in Toxicology. Elsevier, Shannon, Ireland, , 1039-1055, (2014).
Barron, M., T. Martin, Chris Grulke, D. Young, C. Russom, N. Wang, AND CrystalR Jackson. Computational Chemistry-based Acute Aquatic Toxicity Mode of Action Assignment. SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA, November 09 - 13, 2014.
Goldsmith, Rocky, Chris Grulke, R. Brooks, T. Transue, C. Tan, A. Frame, P. Egeghy, R. Edwards, D. Chang, R. Tornero-Velez, K. Isaacs, A. Wang, J. Johnson, K. Holm, M. Reich, J. Mitchell, D. Vallero, L. Phillips, M. Phillips, J. Wambaugh, R. Judson, T. Buckley, AND C. Dary. Development of a Consumer Product Ingredient Database for Chemical ExposureScreening and Prioritization. FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 65:269-279, (2014).
Goldsmith, M., C. Grulke, D. Chang, T. Transue, S. Little, J. Rabinowitz, AND R. Tornero-Velez. DockScreen: A database of in silico biomolecular interactions to support computational toxicology. Dataset Papers in Science. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 2014:1-5, (2014).
Goldsmith, M., D. Vallero, P. Egeghy, D. Chang, Chris Grulke, C. Tan, AND J. Wambaugh. Ex Priori: Exposure-based Prioritization across Chemical Space. Presented at ISES 2014, Cincinnati, OH, October 12 - 16, 2014.
Holm, K., Rocky Goldsmith, D. Chang, Chris Grulke, M. Phillips, C. Tan, AND R. Tornero-Velez. Identification and Prioritization of Chemical Mixtures from Environmental Residue Data. Presented at SOT Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 23 - 27, 2014.