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Records 1 to 25 of 74 records published between 02/21/2014 and 02/21/2019 from author Mette Schladweiler

Miller, C., U. Kodavanti, E. Stewart, M. Schladweiler, J. Richards, A. Ledbetter, L. Jarrell, S. Snow, A. Henriquez, A. Farraj, AND J. Dye. Aspirin pre-treatment modulates ozone-induced fetal growth restriction and alterations in uterine blood flow in rats. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 83:63-72, (2019).
Snow, S., P. Phillips, A. Ledbetter, A. Johnstone, M. Schladweiler, C. Gordon, AND U. Kodavanti. The influence of maternal and perinatal high-fat diet on ozone-induced pulmonary responses in offspring. JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - PART A: CURRENT ISSUES. Taylor & Francis, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 82(2):86-98, (2019).
Martin, B., L. Thompson, Y. Kim, W. Williams, S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, P. Phillips, C. King, J. Richards, N. Coates, M. Higuchi, Ian Gilmour, U. Kodavanti, M. Hazari, AND A. Farraj. A High Fat Meal After Peat Smoke Inhalation Unmasks Latent Cardiometabolic Responses in Rats. Annual meeting of the Society of Tooxicology, San Antonio, Texas, March 11 - 16, 2018.
Farraj, A., B. Martin, L. Thompson, Y. Kim, C. King, S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, N. Coates, I. George, M. Higuchi, Ian Gilmour, U. Kodavanti, AND M. Hazari. Acute Peat Smoke Inhalation Increases Blood Pressure and Cardiac Arrhythmia Risk in Rats. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 11 - 16, 2018.
Martin, B., L. Thompson, Y. Kim, W. Williams, S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, P. Phillips, C. King, J. Richards, N. Coates, M. Higuchi, Ian Gilmour, U. Kodavanti, M. Hazari, AND A. Farraj. Acute Peat Smoke Inhalation Sensitizes Rats to the Postprandial Cardiometabolic Effects of a High Fat Oral Load. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 643:378-391, (2018).
Miller, C., E. Stewart, Kathy Mcdaniel, P. Phillips, M. Schladweiler, J. Richards, M. Valdez, C. Gordon, U. Kodavanti, AND J. Dye. Acute exposures, lifelong consequences: ozone inhalation during implantation receptivity alters energy balance in offspring. US DOHaD, Chapel Hill, NC, October 01 - 02, 2018.
Miller, C., J. Dye, M. Schladweiler, J. Richards, A. Ledbetter, E. Stewart, AND U. Kodavanti. Acute inhalation of ozone induces DNA methylation of apelin in lungs of Long-Evans rats. INHALATION TOXICOLOGY. Taylor & Francis, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 30(4):178-186, (2018).
Henriquez, A., S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, C. Miller, J. Dye, A. Ledbetter, J. Richards, K. Mauge-Lewis, M. McGee, AND U. Kodavanti. Adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptor antagonists reduce ozone-induced lung injury and inflammation. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. Academic Press Incorporated, Orlando, FL, 339:161-171, (2018).
Kodavanti, U., A. Henriquez, D. Miller, M. Schladweiler, S. Edwards, AND S. Snow. Air pollution and neuroendocrine stress-mediated systemic metabolic and inflammatory response. Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, TX, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Henriquez, A., S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, C. Miller, J. Dye, A. Ledbetter, J. Richards, M. Hargrove, W. Williams, AND U. Kodavanti. Beta-2 adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptor agonists modulate ozone-induced pulmonary protein leakage and inflammation in healthy and adrenalectomized rats. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 166(2):288-305, (2018).
Miller, C., E. Stewart, Kathy Mcdaniel, P. Phillips, M. Schladweiler, J. Richards, M. Valdez, C. Gordon, U. Kodavanti, AND J. Dye. Early gestational exposure to ozone increases caloric consumption in male and female peri-adolescent offspring when challenged with a high fat diet. Experimental Biology, San Diego, California, April 21 - 25, 2018.
Stewart, E., C. Miller, J. Richards, M. Schladweiler, S. Snow, A. Henriquez, U. Kodavanti, AND J. Dye. Gestational exposure to ozone results in hepatic and systemic metabolic perturbations in male rat offspring. US DOHaD, Chapel Hill, NC, October 01 - 02, 2018.
Henriquez, A., S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, J. Richards, C. Miller, J. Dye, A. Ledbetter, AND U. Kodavanti. Long Acting β2 Adrenergic Potentiates Ozone-Induced Lung Injury and Inflammation. Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Bass, V., M. Schladweiler, U. Kodavanti, Andy Ghio, AND M. Madden. Oleic acid induces acute pulmonary injury and inflammation in vivo. Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Snow, S., W. Cheng, A. Henriquez, M. Hodge, V. Bass, G. Nelson, G. Carswell, J. Richards, M. Schladweiler, A. Ledbetter, B. Chorley, K. Gowdy, H. Tong, AND U. Kodavanti. Ozone-Induced Vascular Contractility and Pulmonary Injury are Differentially Impacted by Diets Enriched with Coconut Oil, Fish Oil, and Olive Oil. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 163(1):57-69, (2018).
Miller, C., E. Stewart, S. Snow, P. Phillips, L. Thompson, M. Schladweiler, U. Kodavanti, AND J. Dye. Serum from ozone-exposed pregnant rats impairs viability and wound repair in trophoblasts in vitro. Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Snow, S., C. Gordon, P. Phillips, M. Schladweiler, A. Ledbetter, A. Henriquez, C. Miller, K. Broniowska, E. Karoly, AND U. Kodavanti. The Influence of Maternal High Fat Diet and Ozone Exposure on Serum Metabolomic Profiles in Juvenile Offspring. Experimental Biology, San Diego, California, April 21 - 25, 2018.
Gordon, C., P. Phillips, A. Ledbetter, S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, A. Johnstone, AND U. Kodavanti. Active vs. sedentary lifestyle from weaning to adulthood and susceptibility to ozone in rats. INHALATION TOXICOLOGY. Informa Healthcare USA, New York, NY, 312(1):L100-L109, (2017).
Henriquez, A., J. House, D. Miller, S. Snow, A. Fisher, H. Ren, M. Schladweiler, A. Ledbetter, F. Wright, AND U. Kodavanti. Adrenal-derived stress hormones modulate ozone-induced lung injury and inflammation. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. Academic Press Incorporated, Orlando, FL, 329:249-258, (2017).
Henriquez, A., S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, A. Ledbetter, C. Miller, M. McGee, W. Williams, J. Richards, AND U. Kodavanti. Adrenergic and steroid hormone modulation of ozone-induced pulmonary injury and inflammation. American Thoracic Society (ATS) Meeting, Washington DC, DC, May 18 - 24, 2017.
Martin, B., S. Snow, L. Thompson, M. Schladweiler, U. Kodavanti, M. Hazari, AND A. Farraj. Development of a Single High Fat Meal Challenge to Unmask Latent Cardiopulmonary Effects of Air Pollution Exposure in Rats. Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, Maryland, March 12 - 16, 2017.
Gordon, C., P. Phillips, A. Johnstone, Judy Schmid, M. Schladweiler, A. Ledbetter, S. Snow, AND U. Kodavanti. Effects of maternal high-fat diet and sedentary lifestyle on susceptibility of adult offspring to ozone exposure in rats. INHALATION TOXICOLOGY. Informa Healthcare USA, New York, NY, 29(6):239-254, (2017).
Tong, H., S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, AND U. Kodavanti. Fish oil and olive oil-rich diets modify ozone-induced cardiovascular effect in rats. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 12 - 16, 2017.
Stewart, E., C. Miller, J. Richards, M. Schladweiler, AND J. Dye. Influences of serum from ozone-exposed pregnant rats in an in vitro model of implantation. NC SOT, Durham, NC, October 30, 2017.
Snow, S., W. Cheng, A. Henriquez, M. Hodge, M. Schladweiler, J. Richards, H. Tong, K. Gowdy, AND U. Kodavanti. Ozone-Induced Vascular Contractility and Pulmonary Injury Are Differently Impacted by Coconut, Fish and Olive Oil-Rich diets. Experimental Biology, Chicago, IL, April 22 - 26, 2017.