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Records 51 to 55 of 55 records published between 02/21/2013 and 02/21/2018 from author Richard Zepp

Zepp, R., Mike Cyterski, M. Molina, AND C. Fitzgerald. Process Relationships for Evaluating the Role of Light-induced Inactivation of Enterococci at Selected Beaches and Nearby Tributaries of the Great Lakes. Presented at Workshop on Sunlight Degradation of Biomolecules and Microorganisms, Stanford, CA, April 02, 2013.
Kong, L., B. Mukherjee, Y. F. Chan, AND R. G. ZEPP. Quenching and Sensitizing Fullerene Photoreactions by Natural Organic Matter. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 47(12):6189-6196, (2013).
Hou, W., B. Stuart, R. Howes, AND R. Zepp. Sunlight-Driven Reduction of Silver Ions by Natural Organic Matter: Formation and Transformation of Silver Nanoparticles. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 47(14):7713-7721, (2013).
Mukherjee, B., R. Gourishetty, W. Zhang, T. Powell, James Weaver, R. Zepp, AND D. Bouchard. Uncoated and Polymer Coated Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)Nanoparticles: Differences in Deposition and Charge Characteristics. Presented at 2013 Spring Meeting & 9th Global Congress on Process Safety, San Antonio, TX, April 28 - May 02, 2013.
Martinez, G., Y. Pachepsky, D. Shelton, G. WHELAN, R. G. ZEPP, M. MOLINA, AND K. Panhorst. Using the Q10 model to simulate E. coli survival in cowpats on grazing lands. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 54:1-10, (2013).