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Records 26 to 50 of 58 records published between 02/19/2014 and 02/19/2019 from author Marirosa Molina

Molina, M., Mike Cyterski, D. Spidle, AND B. Snyder. Micro CSI: A Microbial Citizen Science Initiative in Urban Watersheds. Upper Oconee Watershed Network Annual Summit, Athens, GA, September 30, 2016.
Spidle, D., M. Molina, AND Mike Cyterski. Predicting Fecal Indicator Bacteria Concentrations in the South Fork Broad River Watershed Using Virtual Beach. Upper Oconee Watershed Network Annual Summit, Athens, GA, September 30, 2016.
Zepp, R., Mike Cyterski, M. Molina, C. Fitzgerald, G. Whelan, R. Parmar, K. Wolfe, AND M. Galvin. Predictive Modeling of Microbial Indicators for Timely Beach Notifications and Advisories at Marine Beaches. 2016 Recreational Waters Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 12 - 15, 2016.
Zepp, R., M. Molina, Mike Cyterski, G. Whelan, R. Parmar, K. Wong, B. Acrey, AND R. Georgacopoulous. Process Relationships for Evaluating the Role of Light-induced Inactivation of Coliphages at Selected Beaches and Nearby Tributaries of the Great Lakes. 2016 Recreational Waters Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 12 - 15, 2016.
Kim, K., G. Whelan, M. Molina, Tom Purucker, Y. Pachepsky, A. Guber, Mike Cyterski, D. Franklin, AND R. Blaustein. Rainfall-induced release of microbes from manure: model development, parameter estimation, and uncertainty evaluation on small plots. JOURNAL OF WATER AND HEALTH. IWA Publishing, London, Uk, 14(2):wh2016239, (2016).
Bradshaw, K., Tom Purucker, K. Wong, AND M. Molina. A Web-Hosted R Workflow to Simplify and Automate the Analysis of 16S NGS Data. 2015 Rapid NGS Bioinformatic Pipelines for Enhanced Molecular Epidemiologic Investigation of Pathogens, Washington, DC, September 24 - 27, 2015.
Molina, M., G. Whelan, AND Tom Purucker. Effect of Season on the Persistence of Bacterial Pathogens in Runoff from Agricultural Plots. Presented at International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens, Savannah, GA, April 13 - 14, 2015.
Soller, J., T. Bartrand, J. Ravenscroft, M. Molina, G. Whelan, M. Schoen, AND N. Ashbolt. Estimated human health risks from recreational exposures to stormwater runoff containing animal faecal material. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING AND SOFTWARE. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 72:21-32, (2015).
Whelan, G., M. Pelton, M. Molina, R. Zepp, J. Ravenscroft, AND Y. Pachepsky. Microbial Properties Database Editor Tutorial. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/B-15/275, 2015.
Whelan, G., K. Wolfe, R. Parmar, M. Galvin, M. Molina, R. Zepp, K. Kim, M. Gray, AND P. Duda. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Tutorial: Land-applied Microbial Loadings within a 12-Digit HUC. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/B-15/298, 2015.
Whelan, G., K. Wolfe, R. Parmar, M. Galvin, M. Molina, R. Zepp, AND K. Kim. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Tutorial: Navigate the SDMPB and Identify an 8-digit HUC of Interest. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/B-15/273, 2015.
Whelan, G., K. Wolfe, R. Parmar, M. Galvin, M. Molina, R. Zepp, M. Gray, P. Duda, AND K. Kim. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Tutorial: Pour Point Analysis of Land-applied Microbial Loadings and Comparison of Simulated and Gaging Station Results. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/B-15/290, 2015.
Whelan, G., K. Wolfe, R. Parmar, M. Galvin, M. Molina, M. Gray, AND P. Duda. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Tutorial: Publishing a Microbial Density Time Series as a Txt File. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/B-15/274, 2015.
Whelan, G., K. Wolfe, R. Parmar, M. Galvin, M. Molina, R. Zepp, M. Gray, P. Duda, AND K. Kim. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Tutorial: Using NLDAS and NCDC Meteorological Data. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/B-15/299, 2015.
Oladeinde, A., E. Lipp, C. Chen, AND M. Molina. ROS Mediated Stress Response in Illuminated Cattle Feces Derived DOM. Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, San Diego, CA, September 17 - 21, 2015.
Oladeinde, A., E. Lipp, C. Chen, R. Zepp, AND M. Molina. Re-growth of fecal indicator bacteria and Escherichia coli 0157:H7 B6914 in cow fecal extract. International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens, Savannah, GA, April 13 - 14, 2015.
Ball, B., Y. Carrillo, AND M. Molina. The influence of litter composition across the litter–soil interface on mass loss, nitrogen dynamics and the decomposer community. SOIL BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 69:71-82, (2014).
Whelan, G., K. Kim, M. Pelton, J. Soller, K. Castleton, M. Molina, Y. Pachepsky, AND R. Zepp. An integrated environmental modeling framework for performing Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessments. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE. Elsevier Science, New York, NY, 55:77-91, (2014).
Molina, M., B. Snyder, A. Oladeinde, R. Brown, AND Kelvin Wong. Can We Predict the Behavior of Fecal Indicator and Host-Specific qPCR Markers Using Predictive Modeling in Headwater Streams? Presented at 2014 Water Microbiology Conference: Microbial Contaminants from Watershed to Human Exposure, Durham, NC, May 05 - 09, 2014.
Wong, Kelvin, T. Shaw, A. Oladeinde, AND M. Molina. Changes of Cattle Fecal Microbiome Under Field Conditions. Presented at 2014 Water Microbiology Conference: Microbial Contaminants from Watershed to Human Exposure, Durham, NC, May 05 - 09, 2014.
Wong, Kelvin, T. Shaw, A. Oladeinde, AND M. Molina. Changes of Cattle Fecal Microbiome Under Field Conditions. 2014 Water Microbiology Conference: Microbial Contaminants from Watershed to Human Exposure, Durham, NC, May 05 - 09, 2014.
Molina, M., Mike Cyterski, G. Whelan, AND R. Zepp. Comparing Data Input Requirements of Statistical vs. Process-based Watershed Models Applied for Prediction of Fecal Indicator and Pathogen Levels in Recreational Beaches. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15 - 19, 2014.
Wong, Kelvin, T. Shaw, A. Oladeinde, AND M. Molina. Effect of Sunlight on the Divergence of Community Structure of Fecal Bacteria in Cowpats Collected from Three Different Farms. Presented at 2014 Water Microbiology Conference: Microbial Contaminants from Watershed to Human Exposure, Durham, NC, May 05 - 09, 2014.
Molina, M., S. Hunter, Mike Cyterski, L. Peed, C. Kelty, Mano Sivaganesan, T. Mooney, L. Prieto, AND O. Shanks. Factors affecting the presence of human-associated and fecal indicator real-time quantitative PCR genetic markers in urban-impacted recreational beaches. WATER RESEARCH. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 64:196-208, (2014).
Oakley, B., N. Gonzalez-Escalona, AND M. Molina. Molecular Typing and Differentiation. Chapter 11, Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods Compendium of Methods for The Microbiological Examination of Foods. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, , 127-156, (2013).