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Homeland Security Research Products in the Science Inventory

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  • Keyword = radiological AND decontamination.
Records 1 to 25 of 248

A Multi-criteria Geographic Information System Screening Approach for Prioritizing Response Activities Following a Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Incident
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 07, 2023]
This presentation describes the development of a decision support tool, the Priority Response Environmental Screening Tool (PRESTO), that was designed to provide a framework for analyzing geospatial information. The objective of a PRESTO analysis is to assist the U.S. Environment...
Days After - Issues and recommendations for recovery following a Radiation Dispersal Device (RDD) event
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 07, 2023]
A mutual effort between US Dept of Energy, EPA, and Israel's Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has continued to address what is needed to recover from a radiological dispersal device (RDD) attack.  Beginning in July 2022, three subgroups (technology, public health and communications) c...
EmergencAI Tool | Data Management Tabletop Exercise (Data TTX) Summary Report
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Sep 01, 2023]
In the event of a chemical, biological, radiological, and/or nuclear (CBRN) wide-area incident, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for environmental remediation, waste disposal processes, data collection, and data quality checks to advise decision-makin...
Filtration of radioactive fallout particles in sand filter beds
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 07, 2023]
Radioactive fallout could have debilitating effects on drinking water and wastewater systems. At least some drinking water system operators have plans to mitigate the effects of a contaminated water source, but most, if not all, wastewater operators have no such plans.  Both...
General filtration bed design for water contaminated with radioactive cesium
(SUMMARY) [Published : Feb 21, 2023]
The timely decontamination of high-density urban areas is critical in the face of a terror event involving radioactive cesium (Cs), which has a 30- year half-life with an energetic 662 keV gamma ray released during decay. This technical brief is intended for local, state and fede...
Impact of model structure on radionuclide transport in urban stormwater
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 01, 2023]
This paper compared simulation results from different model constructions of a Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) after radiological contamination from a hypothetical dirty bomb scenario. The model constructions included a utility-provided combined sewer stormwater model, a high...
Material Compatibility Studies for Chemical Warfare Agent Decontamination Solutions
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Aug 01, 2023]
EPA’s Homeland Security Research Program conducts decontamination efficacy studies that identify technologies that can be used to clean surfaces, materials, or objects contaminated with chemical, biological, or radiological agents. This project consisted of an assessment of the m...
Pressure Washing Surfaces Contaminated with Fixed or Loose Radioactive Material: Best Practices for Urban Surfaces
(SUMMARY) [Published : Feb 23, 2023]
This brief provides operating information based on reviewed field experience [1] and laboratory experiments [2-5]. While it discusses general safety, this technical brief does not discuss the safe operation of pressurized sprayer equipment to avoid physical hazards which are typi...
Radiological Decontamination Query Tool
(DATA/SOFTWARE) [Published : Feb 24, 2023]
Web based application-available to the public. NOTE: Only indoor and outdoor self help portions of the tool are being cleared. The base application/tool which is now the urban section was previously cleared. 
Radiological Recovery Logistics Tool (RRLT)
(DATA/SOFTWARE) [Published : Feb 01, 2023]
The RRLT database includes detailed information on the equipment’s everyday function, its effectiveness on different surfaces and forms of radioactive contaminants, the scale for which the equipment may be applied, the skill required of the operator, utility requirements, legal a...
Strategies to minimize sediment contamination and transport in distribution systems
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Jul 31, 2023]
Drinking water storage tanks serve several important functions, which include but are not limited to providing an adequate water supply in the case of firefighting emergencies, power outages, water main breaks, or other system failures. The water level elevation in storage tanks ...
Summary of Radiological Stormwater Modeling Research
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jul 31, 2023]
EPA’s Homeland Security Research Program (HSRP) within the Office of Research and Development conducts research to aid in the response and recovery from radiological disasters. EPA is leading stormwater modeling studies that investigate how to simulate transport of radiolog...
The Application of Serious Games to US Environmental Protection Agency’s Emergency Response Mission
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 07, 2023]
This presentation will examine how serious games are being used to enhance the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA’s) emergency response mission, by improving the ability of the emergency response community to quickly and effectively respond to a range of env...
Homeland Security Research Program’s (HSRP) Environmental Sampling and Analytical Methods (ESAM) Program
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 14, 2022]
A large-scale release of a chemical, radiochemical, or biological (CBR) agent can result in wide-area contamination and would require significant time and resources for recovery. Several Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Homeland Security Research Program (HSRP) decision supp...
July 27, 2022 Radiological Stormwater Modeling Workshop: Modeling Checklist, Workshop Notes & Materials
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Jul 27, 2022]
The spread of radiological contamination from rainfall events is well documented from both the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters. However, the inclusion of stormwater modeling into local, state, and federal response planning and response is limited. The goal and purpose o...
Limiting Wind-Induced Resuspension of Radioactively Contaminated Particles to Enhance First Responder, Early Phase Worker and Public Safety—Part 1
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 26, 2022]
An accidental radiological release or the operation of a radiological dispersal device (RDD) may lead to the contamination of a large area. Such scenarios may lead to health and safety risks associated with the resuspension of contaminated particles due to aeolian (wind-induced) ...
Logistics Simulation of a Remediation Effort for a Hypothetical Radiological Contamination Scenario
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 01, 2022]
To mitigate the effects following a large-scale nuclear or radiological material release in an urban environment and to expedite recovery, the Integrated Wash-Aid Treatment Emergency Reuse System (IWATERS) was developed. IWATERS consists of three operations: washing contaminated ...
Modeling radionuclide transport in urban overland flow: A case study
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 26, 2022]
This paper presents the process used to develop an overland flow model of radionuclide transport following an aerosol deposition from a hypothetical radiological dispersal device explosion. The process included the integration of digital elevation, building, and land cover inform...
Part 2: Stabilization/Containment of Radiological Particle Contamination to Enhance First Responder, Early Phase Worker, and Public Safety
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 11, 2022]
During the immediate, emergency phase of a response to a radiological dispersal device (RDD), an improvised nuclear device (IND), or accidental radiological release, emergency responders may be exposed to radioactivity due to inhalation and direct contact. It is important to mini...
Potential Waste Minimization Activities Following a Wide-Area Radiological Release - Poster
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 10, 2022]
Management of waste from radiological incidents is complicated by the fact that decontamination decisions have a profound impact on the characteristics of resulting waste streams. Wide-area radiological incidents could produce massive quantities of waste that might need to be tre...
Premise Plumbing Research in ORD’s Homeland Security Research Program
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 10, 2022]
Over the last year, ORD had been engaging with partners and planning future research. Historically, HSRP water decontamination research has focused on “big” utility infrastructure, but contamination events affect home and building plumbing too. Home and building ...
Radiological Stormwater Modeling Table-Top Workshop
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jul 27, 2022]
These slides are for the U.S. EPA’s Homeland Security Research Program  1-day virtual radiological stormwater modeling workshop. The workshop is sponsored by the DHS’s National Urban Security Technology Laboratory and co-organized with the DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory. Durin...
Report for Assessment of Nondestructive Decontamination Methodologies for Contaminated Roofing Material Surfaces
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Aug 01, 2022]
This report summarizes results of research conducted to determine the decontamination efficacy of Stripcoat TLC Free (Stripcoat), DeconGel 1108 (DeconGel 1108), Argonne SuperGel (ASG), Rad-Release II (RRII), Quick Decon Mass Effect Solution (QDS), DeconGel 1128 (DeconGel 1128), a...
Stormwater Modeling Response to a Wide Area Radiological Dispersal Device Incident
(SUMMARY) [Published : Sep 30, 2022]
Managing the response to urban radiological terrorism requires advanced planning and rapid response to minimize health risks to residents and mitigate long-term impacts to municipal infrastructure and the environment.  A radiologic dispersal device can result in a widespread...
10 Years of Remediation Efforts in Japan - RemPlex
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 12, 2021]
March 11, 2021, marked the 10-year anniversary of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan which was caused by an initial earthquake and subsequent tsunami. This was the most significant accident at a nuclear power plant since the Chernobyl disaster...