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Homeland Security Research Products in the Science Inventory

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  • Keyword = 'indoor outdoor decontamination' AND 'radiological'.
Records 1 to 25 of 156

General filtration bed design for water contaminated with radioactive cesium
(SUMMARY) [Published : Feb 21, 2023]
The timely decontamination of high-density urban areas is critical in the face of a terror event involving radioactive cesium (Cs), which has a 30- year half-life with an energetic 662 keV gamma ray released during decay. This technical brief is intended for local, state and fede...
Material Compatibility Studies for Chemical Warfare Agent Decontamination Solutions
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Aug 01, 2023]
EPA’s Homeland Security Research Program conducts decontamination efficacy studies that identify technologies that can be used to clean surfaces, materials, or objects contaminated with chemical, biological, or radiological agents. This project consisted of an assessment of the m...
Pressure Washing Surfaces Contaminated with Fixed or Loose Radioactive Material: Best Practices for Urban Surfaces
(SUMMARY) [Published : Feb 23, 2023]
This brief provides operating information based on reviewed field experience [1] and laboratory experiments [2-5]. While it discusses general safety, this technical brief does not discuss the safe operation of pressurized sprayer equipment to avoid physical hazards which are typi...
Radiological Recovery Logistics Tool (RRLT)
(DATA/SOFTWARE) [Published : Feb 01, 2023]
The RRLT database includes detailed information on the equipment’s everyday function, its effectiveness on different surfaces and forms of radioactive contaminants, the scale for which the equipment may be applied, the skill required of the operator, utility requirements, legal a...
Homeland Security Research Program’s (HSRP) Environmental Sampling and Analytical Methods (ESAM) Program
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 14, 2022]
A large-scale release of a chemical, radiochemical, or biological (CBR) agent can result in wide-area contamination and would require significant time and resources for recovery. Several Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Homeland Security Research Program (HSRP) decision supp...
Limiting Wind-Induced Resuspension of Radioactively Contaminated Particles to Enhance First Responder, Early Phase Worker and Public Safety—Part 1
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 26, 2022]
An accidental radiological release or the operation of a radiological dispersal device (RDD) may lead to the contamination of a large area. Such scenarios may lead to health and safety risks associated with the resuspension of contaminated particles due to aeolian (wind-induced) ...
Logistics Simulation of a Remediation Effort for a Hypothetical Radiological Contamination Scenario
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 01, 2022]
To mitigate the effects following a large-scale nuclear or radiological material release in an urban environment and to expedite recovery, the Integrated Wash-Aid Treatment Emergency Reuse System (IWATERS) was developed. IWATERS consists of three operations: washing contaminated ...
Modeling radionuclide transport in urban overland flow: A case study
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 26, 2022]
This paper presents the process used to develop an overland flow model of radionuclide transport following an aerosol deposition from a hypothetical radiological dispersal device explosion. The process included the integration of digital elevation, building, and land cover inform...
Part 2: Stabilization/Containment of Radiological Particle Contamination to Enhance First Responder, Early Phase Worker, and Public Safety
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 11, 2022]
During the immediate, emergency phase of a response to a radiological dispersal device (RDD), an improvised nuclear device (IND), or accidental radiological release, emergency responders may be exposed to radioactivity due to inhalation and direct contact. It is important to mini...
Decision tool to support objectives, strategies, and tactics in a radiological mitigation and recovery event
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 05, 2021]
 In all, this presentation will familiarize the audience on the decision support tool’s overall versatility and breadth to which it can support objectives, strategies, and tactics not only for nuclear and radiological releases, but also chemical and biological threat a...
Evaluation of Street Sweeper Spray Systems for Effective Decontamination of Fixed and Loose Radioactive Contamination
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 05, 2021]
To this end, this study partnered with a world-wide supplier of street sweepers to mimic the operation of their sweeper at the laboratory scale in order to study its capabilities and evaluate its efficacy against contaminated dust and dissolved forms of radioactive contamination....
Experiments Supporting the Design and Operation of Ad Hoc Sand/Clay Beds to Filter Contaminated Waters during Recovery - 21206
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 12, 2021]
presentation - Radioactive contaminants may be removed from contaminated waters using beds of sand and clay as part of recovery operations after a radiological contamination event. Fluid flow through mixtures of sand, silt, clay, and/or gravel have been studied extensively; howev...
Experiments Supporting the Design and Operation of Ad Hoc Sand/Clay Beds to Filter Contaminated Waters during Recovery – 21206
(PAPER IN NON-EPA PROCEEDINGS) [Published : Mar 12, 2021]
In this work, we measured the flow rate of sand/clay columns as a function of saturation time, composition, and the presence of filter material at the bottom of the column.
External Dose to Recovery Teams Following a Wide-Area Nuclear or Radiological Release Event
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 01, 2021]
The primary objective of this study was to quantify the dose incurred to workers performing a remediation recovery effort for roadways and buildings following a wide-area release event.
Progress on a Radiological Recovery Logistics Tool for Expedited Recovery Following a Wide Area Release – 21175
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 12, 2021]
Argonne is building an intelligent computer application, the Radiological Recovery Logistics Tool (RRLT), to assist the understanding and allocation of resources for a mitigation and recovery effort. RRLT output will be a list of recommended methods and tools to accomplish the sp...
Progress on a Radiological Recovery Logistics Tool for Expedited Recovery Following a Wide Area Release – 21175
(PAPER IN NON-EPA PROCEEDINGS) [Published : Mar 12, 2021]
Conference Proceedings; The purpose of the RRLT is to increase the resilience of urban communities by expediting recovery operations .
Selecting Readily Available Equipment for Wide Area Response and Recovery. RRLT: an intelligent tool for radiological incidents
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 19, 2021]
Through an intelligent software wizard, the RRLT helps the user understand what types of equipment might be available to accomplish general and specific recovery mission activities based on environmental and operational constraints. The purpose of the RRLT is to increase the resi...
Stabilization/Containment of RDD/IND Particle Contamination to Enhance First Responder, Early Phase Worker, and Public Safety
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 05, 2021]
In the event of large-scale radioactive contamination, whether from accidental dissemination or intentional dispersion from a radiological dispersive device (RDD) or improvised nuclear detonation (IND), remediation will follow. It is desirable to minimize resuspension and trackin...
Stormwater Modeling: Case Studies to Support EPA's Homeland Security Research Program
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 15, 2021]
Stormwater modeling tools can be useful for predicting the precipitation-driven transport of contamination in the environment, and these models can be used following an intentional or natural disaster to aid decision makers for a variety of tasks, including developing sampling an...
Tools Used for Visualizing Sampling and Analysis Data During Response to a Contamination Incident
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Nov 25, 2021]
In the event of a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) wide-area incident, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for clearance, waste disposal processes, and data collection and quality checks to advise decision-making. This research effor...
Dispersion Modeling Systems Relevant to Homeland Security Preparedness and Response
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Oct 21, 2020]
Atmospheric dispersion modeling is one tool that can be used for effective emergency preparation or response from hazardous chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNe) releases, especially in urban areas where population densities are high and wind flow bec...
Radiological Recovery Logistics Tool – 20161
(PAPER IN NON-EPA PROCEEDINGS) [Published : Mar 12, 2020]
The study reported in this paper has both factored fundamental concepts and connections out of this identification process and created a Knowledge Base detailing support goals, response scenarios, and efficacy information on dozens of equipment types. In short, RRLT will dynamica...
The Effects of Contaminant Aging on Decontamination Efficacy for Rapid Remediation of Concrete Surfaces – 20412
(PAPER IN NON-EPA PROCEEDINGS) [Published : Mar 12, 2020]
In this work, we evaluated the decontamination efficacy of two decontamination methods on concrete samples contaminated with soluble cesium-137 (Cs-137) and silica particles with 0.5-μm and 2-μm diameters.
2018 EPA International Decontamination Research and Development Conference
(SUMMARY) [Published : May 28, 2019]
On May 8-10, 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of Research and Development’s National Homeland Security Research Center (ORD/NHSRC) hosted the 10th U.S. EPA International Decontamination Research and Development Conference at the EPA facilities in Re...
A case study of cesium sorption onto concrete materials and evaluation of wash agents: Implications for wide area recovery
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 01, 2019]
The sorption and desorption properties of radionuclides onto common building materials such as concrete are critical factors in the improvement of techniques for mitigating a release of nuclear or radiological material to the urban environment. A potential option for the early p...