Related Topics: Homeland Security Research

Homeland Security Research Products in the Science Inventory

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Records with

  • Organization = [ORD-NHSRC]
  • Keyword = 'Standardized Analytical Methods' OR 'Selected Analytical Methods' OR SAM OR 'analytical methods'.
Records 76 to 85 of 85

Supplement to the All Hazards Receipt Screening Protocol
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Dec 17, 2010]
Performance of Traditional and Molecular Methods for Detecting Biological Agents in Drinking Water
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Jul 13, 2009]
USGS Report - To reduce the impact from a possible bioterrorist attack on drinking-water supplies, analytical methods are needed to rapidly detect the presence of biological agents in water. To this end, 13 drinking-water samples were collected at 9 water-treatment plants in Ohio...
EPA Recognized for Research on Reducing Risks to Drinking Water Systems
(SUMMARY) [Published : Aug 14, 2008]
Technical Brief
All Hazards Receipt Facility Screening Protocol
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Sep 30, 2008]