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Sakamuru, S., D. Ma, J. Pierro, N. Baker, N. Kleinstreuer, J. Cali, T. Knudsen, AND M. Xia. Development and Validation of CYP26A1 Inhibition Assay for High-Throughput Screening. Biotechnology Journal. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 19(6):2300659, (2024).
Barham, K., R. Spencer, N. Baker, AND T. Knudsen. Engineering a Computable Epiblast for in silico Modeling of Developmental Toxicity. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 128:108625, (2024).
Degitz, S., P. Degoey, Jonathan Haselman, J. Olker, E. Stacy, C. Blanksma, S. Meyer, K. Mattingly, B. Blackwell, A. Opseth, AND M. Hornung. Evaluating potential developmental toxicity of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Xenopus laevis embryos and larvae. JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Indianapolis, IN, 44(7):1040-1049, (2024).
Harrill, J., L. Everett, D. Haggard, J. Bundy, C. Willis, I. Shah, K. Friedman, D. Basili, A. Middleton, AND R. Judson. Exploring the Effects of Experimental Parameters and Data Modeling Approaches on In Vitro Transcriptomic Point-of-Departure Estimates. TOXICOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 501:153694, (2024).
Bundy, J., L. Everett, J. Rogers, J. Nyffeler, G. Byrd, M. Culbreth, D. Haggard, L. Word, B. Chambers, S. Davidson-Fritz, Danielle Harris, C. Willis, K. Friedman, I. Shah, R. Judson, AND J. Harrill. High-Throughput Transcriptomics Screen of ToxCast Chemicals in U-2 OS Cells. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. Academic Press Incorporated, Orlando, FL, 491:117073, (2024).
Baldwin, A., S. Corsi, D. Alvarez, D. Villeneuve, G. Ankley, B. Blackwell, M. Mills, P. Lenaker, AND M. Nott. Potential Hazards of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Great Lakes Tributaries Using Water Column and Porewater Passive Samplers and Sediment Equilibrium Partitioning. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, 43(7):1509-1523, (2024).
Haselman, Jonathan, J. Nichols, K. Mattingly, M. Hornung, AND S. Degitz. A biologically based computational model for the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in Xenopus laevis larvae. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 362:109021, (2023).
Eccles, K., A. Karmaus, N. Kleinstreuer, F. Parham, C. Rider, J. Wambaugh, AND K. Messier. A geospatial modeling approach to quantifying the risk of exposure to environmental chemical mixtures via a common molecular target. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 855:158905, (2022).
Shankar, P. AND D. Villeneuve. AOP Report: Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation Leads to Early–Life Stage Mortality via Sox9 Repression-Induced Craniofacial and Cardiac Malformations. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, 42(10):2063-2077, (2023).
Nyffeler, J., C. Willis, F. Harris, M. Foster, B. Chambers, M. Culbreth, R. Brockway, S. Davidson-Fritz, D. Dawson, I. Shah, K. Paul-Friedman, D. Chang, L. Everett, J. Wambaugh, G. Patlewicz, AND J. Harrill. Application of Cell Painting for chemical hazard evaluation in support of screening-level chemical assessments. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. Academic Press Incorporated, Orlando, FL, 468:116513, (2023).
Eytcheson, S., J. Olker, K. Friedman, M. Hornung, AND S. Degitz. Assessing utility of thyroid in vitro screening assays through comparisons to observed impacts in vivo. REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 144:105491, (2023).
Schaupp, C., E. Maloney, K. Mattingly, J. Olker, AND D. Villeneuve. Comparison of in silico, in vitro, and in vivo toxicity benchmarks suggests a role for ToxCast data in ecological hazard assessment. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 195(2):145-154, (2023).
Schaupp, C., E. Maloney, K. Mattingly, J. Olker, AND D. Villeneuve. Comparison of in silico, in vitro, and in vivo toxicity benchmarks suggests a role for ToxCast data in ecological hazard assessment. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 195(2):145-154, (2023).
Carstens, K., T. Freudenrich, K. Wallace, S. Choo, A. Carpenter, M. Smeltz, M. Clifton, Matthew Henderson, A. Richard, G. Patlewicz, B. Wetmore, K. Friedman, AND T. Shafer. Evaluation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) In Vitro Toxicity Testing for Developmental Neurotoxicity. CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 36(3):402-419, (2023).
Garnovskaya, M., M. Feshuk, W. Stewart, K. Friedman, R. Thomas, AND C. Deisenroth. Evaluation of a High-throughput H295R Homogenous Time Resolved Fluorescence Assay for Androgen and Estrogen Steroidogenesis Screening. TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 92:105659, (2023).
Baker, N., J. Pierro, L. Taylor, AND T. Knudsen. Identifying candidate reference chemicals for in vitro testing of the retinoid pathway for predictive developmental toxicity. ALTEX. Society ALTEX Edition, Kuesnacht, Switzerland, 40(2):217-236, (2023).
Boyce, M., K. Favela, J. Bonzo, A. Chao, L. Lizarraga, L. Moody, E. Owens, G. Patlewicz, I. Shah, J. Sobus, R. Thomas, A. Williams, A. Yau, AND J. Wambaugh. Identifying xenobiotic metabolites with in silico prediction tools and LCMS suspect screening analysis. Frontiers in Toxicology. Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5:1051483, (2023).
Loken, L., S. Corsi, D. Alvarez, G. Ankley, A. Baldwin, B. Blackwell, L. DeCicco, M. Nott, S. Oliver, AND D. Villeneuve. Prioritizing Pesticides of Potential Concern and Identifying Potential Mixture Effects in Great Lakes Tributaries Using Passive Samplers. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, 42(2):340-366, (2023).
Feshuk, M., L. Kolaczkowski, K. Dunham, S. Davidson-Fritz, K. Carstens, J. Brown, R. Judson, AND K. Friedman. The ToxCast Pipeline: Updates to Curve-fitting Approaches and Database Structure. Frontiers in Toxicology. Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5:1275980, (2023).
Korunes, K., J. Liu, R. Huang, M. Xia, K. Houck, AND C. Corton. A gene expression biomarker for predictive toxicology to identify chemical modulators of NF-κB. PLOS ONE . Public Library of Science, San Francisco, CA, 17(2):e0261854, (2022).
Haselman, Jonathan, J. Olker, P. Kosian, J. Korte, J. Denny, J. Tietge, M. Hornung, AND S. Degitz. Characterization of the Mechanistic Linkages Between Iodothyronine Deiodinase Inhibition and Impaired Thyroid-Mediated Growth and Development in Xenopus Laevis Using Iopanoic Acid. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 187(1):139-149, (2022).
Hopperstad, K., D. DeGroot, T. Zurlinden, C. Brinkman, R. Thomas, AND C. Deisenroth. Chemical Screening in an Estrogen Receptor Transactivation Assay with Metabolic Competence. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 187(1):112-126, (2022).
Kuo, B., M. Beal, J. Wills, P. White, F. Marchetti, A. Nong, T. Barton-Maclaren, K. Houck, AND C. Yauk. Comprehensive interpretation of in vitro micronucleus test results for 292 chemicals: from hazard identification to risk assessment application. Archives of Toxicology. Springer, New York, NY, 96(7):2067-2085, (2022).
Pierro, J., B. Ahir, Nancy C. Baker, N. Kleinsteuer, M. Xia, AND T. Knudsen. Computational model for fetal skeletal defects potentially linked to disruption of retinoic acid signaling. Frontiers in Pharmacology. Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland, 13:971296, (2022).