Office of Research and Development Publications

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Records with

  • Organization = [ORD-NHSRC]
  • Keyword = ''SAM OR ('sample methods' OR 'sample method' OR 'sampling') OR ('analytical methods' OR 'analytical method' OR analysis) OR ('risk assessment' OR 'risk analysis' OR 'risk communication').
Records 26 to 50 of 253

Hot Spot Calculator to Optimize Radiological Cleanup Decisions
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : May 15, 2018]
MicroSAP: Tool for Developing Microbiological Sampling and Analysis Plans
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 10, 2018]
Poster - EPA’s Homeland Security Research Program is collaborating both across the agency (with several regions and offices) and outside the agency to develop an online tool, the MicroSAP, which aims to assist users with development of Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs). The tool...
Plastic Scintillation Fibers for Radiological Contamination Surveys
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Mar 28, 2018]
Risk Assessment Approaches for Acute and Short-Duration Exposures. HS7.53.07
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 26, 2018]
This presentation will support a platform talk that describes the application of toxicity findings to assess the risk of chemical exposures. it will focus on inhalation exposures to irritant chemicals, with respect to developing and quantifying the health impact of adverse effec...
Sampling, Laboratory and Data Considerations for Microbial Data Collected in the Field
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Jul 26, 2018]
Report: An informational companion to the MicroSAP tool which includes considerations for sampling, analysis, and data interpretation that users might include in a sampling and analysis plan being developed for a microbiological contamination incident.
Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM) 2017
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Jan 02, 2018]
Report (Methods)
Shipment, Preservation, and Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) in Environmental Matrices
(SUMMARY) [Published : Sep 03, 2018]
The document is intended to be applicable to consequence management activities that EPA will be involved with and will require remediation of contaminated areas by an urban release of chemical warfare agents (CWA). The document summarizes the gaps that have been addressed towards...
Summary of the Transport of Cesium in the Environment
(SUMMARY) [Published : Oct 02, 2018]
Cesium (Cs) is a likely contaminant that would either be used (probably in the form of Cesium Chloride [CsCl]) in a radiological dispersal device (RDD), or either released or generated through decay processes from nuclear power plant (NPP) accidents or an improvised nuclear devic...
The Impacts of Wipe Sampling Variables on Method Performance for Hazardous Pesticide Environmental Samples
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 08, 2018]
Poster -- Investigating the impacts of wipe sampling variables on pesticide surface recovery results and method performance
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Sampling & Analytical Methods Program
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 10, 2018]
Presents information on the new ESAM program and website tools: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed a comprehensive Environmental Sampling & Analytical Methods (ESAM) program to facilitate a coordinated response to a chemical, radiochemical, biotoxin, or pathogen...
Wet-Vacuum-Based Surface Sampling Method for Chemical Agents
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Nov 07, 2018]
This report is on the development of a wet-vacuum method to sample medium to large areas for chemicals. The purpose of this project was to provide responding agencies with information on the effectiveness of a wet-vacuum sampling approach for the collection of toxic industrial ch...
A Novel Broth Medium for Enhanced Growth of Francisella Tularensis
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 23, 2017]
Journal article
Analytical Protocol for VX Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Sep 20, 2017]