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Records 76 to 100 of 140

Can Better Accounting and Finance Methods Chart a Path toward a More Sustainable World System?
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 15, 2016]
The Problem:Concerns about urbanization, climate change and the recognition that global fossil fuel resources are finite, provide important motivations for major environmental, economic and societal adjustments in the 21st century to achieve a more sustainable world. The develope...
Light Absorption Properties and Radiative Effects of Primary Organic Aerosol Emissions
(JOURNAL) [Published : Mar 26, 2015]
Organic aerosols (OA) in the atmosphere affect Earth’s energy budget by not only scattering but also absorbing solar radiation due to the presence of the so-called “brown carbon” (BrC) component. However, the absorptivities of OA are not or poorly represented in current climate m...
Past, Present and Future Challenges To Science and Sustainability At EPA: A Review
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 25, 2016]
This paper reviews critical actions taken by EPA since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to overcome its single media approach to environmental protection and advance the concept and practice of sustainability. Sustainability is defined as both a goal and a process that link economic gro...
Analysis of alternative pathways for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 19, 2015]
Strategies for reducing tropospheric ozone typically include modifying combustion processes to reduce the formation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and applying control devices that remove NOx from the exhaust gases of power plants, industrial sources and vehicles. For portions of the ...
Economic and environmental evaluation of coal-and-biomass-to-liquids-and-electricity plants equipped with carbon capture and storage
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 10, 2016]
Among various clean energy technologies, one innovative option for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions involves pairing carbon capture and storage (CCS) with the production of synthetic fuels and electricity from co-processed coal and biomass. With a relatively pure CO2 strea...
Demonstrating an approach for including pesticide use in life-cycle assessment: Estimating human and ecosystem toxicity of pesticide use in Midwest corn farming
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 01, 2015]
PurposeThis study demonstrates an approach to assess human health and ecotoxicity impacts of pesticide use by including multiple environmental pathways and various exposure routes using the case of corn grown for bio-based fuel or chemical production in US Midwestern states.Metho...
The Effects of Global Change upon United States Air Quality
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 13, 2015]
To understand more fully the effects of global changes on ambient concentrations of ozone and particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 μm (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) in the US, we conducted a comprehensive modeling effort to evaluate explicitly the effects of change...
Global climate change: The quantifiable sustainability challenge
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 01, 2014]
Population growth and the pressures spawned by increasing demands for energy and resource-intensive goods, foods and services are driving unsustainable growth in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Recent GHG emission trends are consistent with worst-case scenarios of the previous de...
A review of water use in the U.S. electric power sector: insights from systems-level perspectives
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 14, 2014]
Thermoelectric power production comprised 41% of total freshwater withdrawals in the U.S., surpassing even agriculture. This review highlights scenarios of the electric sector’s future demands for water, including scenarios that limit both CO2 and water availability. A number o...
Selective Cognitive Deficits in Adult Rats after Prenatal Exposure to Inhaled Ethanol
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 01, 2014]
Increased use of ethanol blends in gasoline suggests a need to assess the potential public health risks of exposure to these fuels. Ethanol consumed during pregnancy is a teratogen. However, little is known about the potential developmental neurotoxicity of ethanol delivered by i...
Intensive measurements of gas, water, and energy exchange between vegetation and troposphere during the MONTES Campaign in a vegetation gradient from short semi-desertic shrublands to tall wet temperate forests in the NW Mediterranean basin
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 05, 2013]
MONTES (“Woodlands”) was a multidisciplinary international field campaign aimed at measuring energy, water and especially gas exchange between vegetation and atmosphere in a gradient from short semi-desertic shrublands to tall wet temperate forests in NE Spain in the North Wester...
GHG Mitigation Options Database (GMOD) and Analysis Tool
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jul 08, 2014]
There is a growing consensus among scientists, agencies, and nonprofit organizations that the primary cause of climate change is anthropogenic (resulting from human activity) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Figueroa et al., 2008). Given the strengthening science behind the human ...
Passive Sampling to Capture the Spatial Variability of Coarse Particles by Composition in Cleveland, OH
(JOURNAL) [Published : Mar 02, 2015]
Passive samplers deployed at 25 sites for three week-long intervals were used to characterize spatial variability in the mass and composition of coarse particulate matter (PM<SUB>10-2.5</SUB>) in Cleveland, OH in summer 2008. The size and composition of individual particles deter...
Evaluation of cyanobacteria cell count detection derived from MERIS imagery across the eastern USA
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 15, 2015]
Inland waters across the United States (US) are at potential risk for increased outbreaks of toxic cyanobacteria (Cyano) harmful algal bloom (HAB) events resulting from elevated water temperatures and extreme hydrologic events attributable to climate change and increased nutrient...
Strategic responses to CO2 emission reduction targets drive shift in U.S. electric sector water use
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 11, 2014]
The reliance of the U.S. electric sector on water makes this sector vulnerable to climate change and variability. We use the EPAUS9r MARKAL model to investigate changes in U.S. electric sector water withdrawal and consumption through 2055 under alternative energy system-wide CO2...
Cleaner Cooking Solutions to Achieve Health, Climate, and Economic Cobenefits
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 07, 2013]
Nearly half the world’s population has to rely on solid fuels such as biomass (wood, charcoal, agricultural residues, and animal dung) and coal for household energy, burning them in inefficient open fires and stoves with inadequate ventilation. Household solid fuel combustion is...
Assessment of Projected Temperature Impacts from Climate Change on the U.S. Electric Power Sector Using the Integrated Planning Model
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 01, 2014]
The energy sector is considered to be one of the most vulnerable to climate change. This study is a first-order analysis of the potential climate change impacts on the U.S. electric power sector, measuring the energy, environmental, and economic impacts of power system changes du...
The effects of climate sensitivity and carbon cycle interactions on mitigation policy stringency
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 01, 2014]
Climate sensitivity and climate-carbon cycle feedbacks interact to determine how global carbon and energy cycles will change in the future. While the science of these connections is well documented, their economic implications are not well understood. Here we examine the effect o...
Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation on the Supply, Management, and Use of Water Resources in the United States
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 29, 2014]
Climate change impacts on water resources in the U.S. are likely to be far-reaching and substantial, because the water sector spans many parts of the economy, from supply and demand for agriculture, industry, energy production, transportation and municipal use to damages from nat...
Climate Change Impacts on Electricity Demand and Supply in the United States: A Multi-Model Comparison
This paper compares the climate change impacts on U.S. electricity demand and supply from three models: the Integrated Planning Model (IPM), the Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) model, and GCAM. Rising temperatures cause an appreciable net increase in electricity demand....
An engineering economic assessment of whole-house residential wood heating in New York
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 01, 2014]
Wood devices are being selected increasingly for residential space heating by households in New York State. Motivations for their use include energy independence, mitigating climate change, stimulating local economic development, and reducing exposure to high and variable fuel c...
Exposure to fine particulate matter during pregnancy and risk of preterm birth among women in New Jersey, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, 2000-2005
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 01, 2014]
BACKGROUND: Particulate matter ≤ 2.5 um in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5) has been variably associated with preterm birth (PTB). • OBJECTIVE: We classified PTB into four categories (20-27, 28-31, 32-34, and 35-36 weeks completed gestation) and estimated risk differences (RDs) f...
A Systems Perspective on Responses to Climate Change
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 01, 2014]
The science of climate change integrates many scientific fields to explain and predict the complex effects of greenhouse gas concentrations on the planet’s energy balance, weather patterns, and ecosystems as well as economic and social systems. A changing climate requires respons...
Exposure, Health and Ecological Effects Review of Engineered Nanoscale Cerium and Cerium Oxide Associated with its Use as a Fuel Additive
(JOURNAL) [Published : Mar 01, 2011]
Advances of nanoscale science have produced nanomaterials with unique physical and chemical properties at commercial levels which are now incorporated into over 1000 products. Nanoscale cerium (di) oxide (CeO(2)) has recently gained a wide range of applications which includes coa...
Increasing the credibility of regional climate simulations by introducing subgrid-scale cloud – radiation interactions
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 16, 2014]
The radiation schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model have previously not accounted for the presence of subgrid-scale cumulus clouds, thereby resulting in unattenuated shortwave radiation, which can lead to overly energetic convection and overpredicted surface...