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Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jul 01, 2022]
Knowing where and when rivers flow is paramount to managing freshwater ecosystems. Yet stream gauging stations are distributed sparsely across rivers globally and may not capture the diversity of fluvial network properties and anthropogenic influences. Here we evaluate the placem...
Flow intermittence and ecosystem services in rivers of the Anthropocene
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 01, 2018]
Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) are watercourses that cease flow at some point in time and space. Arguably Earth's most widespread type of flowing water, IRES are expanding where Anthropocenic climates grow drier and human demands for water escalate. However, IR...
How deep to dig: effects of web-scraping search depth on hyperlink network analysis of environmental stewardship organizations
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 06, 2022]
Social network analysis (SNA) tools and concepts are essential for addressing many environmental management and sustainability issues. One method to gather SNA data is to scrape them from environmental organizations’ websites. Web-based research can provide important opport...
Satellites quantify the spatial extent of cyanobacterial blooms across the United States at multiple scales
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jul 01, 2022]
Previous studies indicate that cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom (cyanoHAB) frequency, extent, and magnitude have increased globally over the past few decades. However, little quantitative capability is available to assess these metrics of cyanoHABs across broad geographic scale...
Linking multi-media modeling with machine learning to assess and predict lake chlorophyll a concentrations
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 13, 2021]
Eutrophication and excessive algal growth pose a threat on aquatic organisms and the health of the public, environment, and the economy. Understanding what drives excessive algal growth can inform mitigation measures and aid in advance planning to minimize impacts....
Biological assessment of western USA sandy bottom rivers based on modeling historical and current fish and macroinvertebrate data
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 02, 2022]
Biological monitoring is important for assessing the ecological condition of surface waters. However, there are challenges in determining what constitutes reference conditions, what assemblages should be used as indicators, and how assemblage data should be converted into quantit...
A review of climate change effects on practices for mitigating water quality impacts
(JOURNAL) [Published : Mar 22, 2022]
Best Management Practices (BMPs) are used to mitigate the impacts of human activities on land and water resources. Most BMPs function via physical, chemical, and biological processes that are strongly dependent on weather and climate. Changing climatic conditions can lead to incr...
Self-Reported Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Stewardship Organizations and Their Activities in Southeast New England, USA
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 06, 2022]
In many communities, regions, or landscapes, there are numerous environmental groups working across different sectors and creating stewardship networks that shape the environment and the benefits people derive from it. The make-up of these networks can vary, but generally include...
Implementing adaptive management into a climate change adaptation strategy for a drowning New England salt marsh
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 15, 2020]
Due to climate change and other anthropogenic stressors, future conditions and impacts facing coastal habitats are unclear to coastal resource managers. Adaptive management strategies have become an important tactic to compensate for the unknown environmental conditions that coas...
Depressional wetlands affect watershed hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological functions
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 01, 2018]
Depressional wetlands of the extensive U.S. and Canadian Prairie Pothole Region afford numerous ecosystem processes that maintain healthy watershed functioning. However, these wetlands have been lost at a prodigious rate over past decades due to drainage for development, climate ...
Basin-wide impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in the Lower Mekong Basin
(JOURNAL) [Published : Oct 10, 2017]
Water resources support more than 60 million people in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) and are important for food security—especially rice production—and economic security. This study aims to quantify water yield under near- and long-term climate scenarios and assess the potential i...
SWAT model application for evaluating agricultural conservation practice effectiveness in reducing phosphorous loss from the Western Lake Erie Basin
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 15, 2022]
Lake Erie is threatened by eutrophication and harmful algal blooms due to excess nutrient loading from agricultural sources. Agricultural conservation practices (ACPs) have been developed and implemented to reduce nutrient losses but estimating ACP effectiveness is challenging. T...
Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in an ombrotrophic peatland: A benchmark for assessing change
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jul 17, 2021]
This work will provide a baseline for nutrient cycling and budgets in the SPRUCE bog in which all future studies can be compared to.
Assessing Coral Reef Condition Indicators for Local and Global Stressors Using Bayesian Networks
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 01, 2021]
Coral reefs are highly valued ecosystems currently threatened by both local and global stressors. Given the importance of coral reef ecosystems, a Bayesian network approach can benefit an evaluation of threats to reef condition. To this end, we used data to evaluate the overlap b...
Resilience of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fauna to Historical and Future Wildfire Regimes in Western North American Forests
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 01, 2021]
Forests in western North America are following a trajectory toward larger, more severe, and more frequent wildfires. These changes in wildfire disturbance regimes are responses to climate trends and changes in fire suppression policies. In response, forests and associated faunal ...
Impact of climate change on groundwater resource in a region with a fast depletion rate: the Mississippi Embayment
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 01, 2021]
Mississippi Embayment (ME) is one of the fastest groundwater depletion regions around the world, while the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources in the region are complex and basically unknown. Using the U.S. Geological Survey's Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer...
Monthly River Temperature Trends Across the US Confound Annual Changes
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 16, 2021]
Climate variations and human modifications of the water cycle continue to alter the Earth's surface water and energy exchanges. It is therefore critical to ascertain how these changes impact water quality and aquatic ecosystem habitat metrics such as river temperatures. Though ri...
A global perspective on the functional responses of stream communities to flow intermittence
(JOURNAL) [Published : Oct 01, 2021]
  The current erosion of biodiversity is a major concern that threatens the ecological integrity of ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide. Due to global change, an increasing proportion of river networks are drying and changes from perennial to non-perenni...
Improving global flood and drought predictions: integrating non-floodplain wetlands into watershed hydrologic models
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 03, 2021]
The world's climate is changing rapidly. Projecting the extent of flood and droughts in response to a changing climate requires robust hydrologic models. These models must consider not only in-stream hydraulics but also watershed hydrologic processes—such as changes in soil...
Assessing ecological risks from atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur to US Forests using epiphytic macrolichens
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 03, 2019]
Critical loads of atmospheric deposition help decision-makers identify harmful levels of air pollution. But when critical loads are exceeded, how can the accompanying environmental risk be quantified? We use epiphytic macrolichens to assess risks from nitrogen and sulfur-containi...
Integrating Inland and Coastal Water Quality Data for Actionable Knowledge
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jul 23, 2021]
Water quality measures for inland and coastal waters are available as discrete samples from professional and volunteer water quality monitoring programs and higher-frequency, near-continuous data from automated in situ sensors. Water quality parameters also are estimated from mod...
Satellite remote sensing to assess cyanobacterial bloom frequency across the United States at multiple spatial scales
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 01, 2021]
Cyanobacterial blooms can have negative effects on human health and local ecosystems. Field monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms can be costly, but satellite remote sensing has shown utility for more efficient spatial and temporal monitoring across the United States. Her...
The Significant Surface-Water Connectivity of “Geographically Isolated Wetlands”
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 01, 2017]
We evaluated the current literature, coupled with our collective research expertise, on surface-water connectivity of wetlands considered to be "geographically isolated" (sensu Tiner Wetlands 23:494-516, 2003a) to critically assess the scientific foundation of grouping wetlands b...
Examining the impacts of increased corn production on groundwater quality using a coupled modeling system
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 15, 2017]
This study demonstrates the value of a coupled chemical transport modeling system for investigating groundwater nitrate contamination responses associated with nitrogen (N) fertilizer application and increased corn production. The coupled Community Multiscale Air Quality Bidirect...
Sensitivity of lake thermal and mixing dynamics to climate change
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 19, 2015]
Warming-induced changes in lake thermal and mixing regimes present risks to water quality and ecosystem services provided by U.S. lakes and reservoirs. Modulation of responses by different physical and hydroclimatic settings are not well understood. We explore the potential effec...