Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of unit train and slurry pipeline transportation of coal / 1977
A Listing of Proposed, Planned or Under Construction Energy Projects in Fedearl Region VIII, a Joint Report 1975
A summary of accidents related to non-nuclear energy. 1977
Abatement of deposition and scour in sewers / 1977
Accidents and unscheduled events associated with non-nuclear energy resources and technology / 1977
Acoustic location of leaks in pressurized underground petroleum pipelines / 1992
Acoustic location of leaks in pressurized underground petroleum pipelines / 1992
Adequacy of the regulatory oversight of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline & terminal / 1990
Advanced propulsion systems and alternative fuels for non-highway transportation 1985
Agreement and grant of right-of-way for Trans-Alaska Pipeline between the United States of America and Amerada Hess Corporation, ARCO Pipe Line Company, Exxon Pipeline Company, Mobil Alaska Pipeline Company, Phillips Petroleum Company, Sohio Pipe Line Company, and Union Alaska Pipeline Company. 1974
Alaskan industry experience in arctic sewage treatment / 1971
Alaskan oil transportation issues / 1977
Alternative control techniques document : volatile organic liquid storage in floating and fixed roof tanks / 1994
Analysis of a Pipe when in Contact with the Ocean Bottom and Rigidly Fixed at One End. 1971
Analysis of carbon-14 and tritium in reactor stack gas / 1975
Analysis of Drinking Water Systems: A Spatial Approach. 1985
Applied Geologic, Microbiological, and Engineering Constraints of In-situ BTEX Bioremediation. 1993
AST '94 (Aboveground Storage Tanks). Held in Dallas, Texas on September 27-29, 1994. 1994
AWWA standard for cement-mortar protective lining and coating for steel water pipe : 4 in. and larger-- shop applied. 1989
Bioassay Procedures for Predicting Coliform Bacterial Growth in Drinking Water. 1990
Biologically mediated corrosion and water quality deterioration in distribution systems / 1984
Bison Pipeline Project : draft environmental impact statement / 2009
Bison pipeline project draft environmental impact statement [electronic resource] / 2009
Bison Pipeline project: final environmental impact statement 2009
Buried pipe design / 2001
Causeways in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea / 1988
Channel erosion surveys along the TAPS route, Alaska, 1977 1977
Choosing offshore pipeline routes : problems and solutions / 1980
Circulation and trajectory calculations in the eastern Strait of Juan De Fuca using a CODAR system / 1981
City of Spokane Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Project. 1979
Coal movement by railroads: 1974. 1976
Commentary on residual radioactivity. {Microfiche} / prepared forUS Environmental Protection Agency by the Radiation Advisory Committee. 1995
Comments of the Alcan Project on the Federal Power Commission's recommendation concerning an Alaska natural gas transportation system. 1977
Comparison of Drinking Water Mutagenicity with Leaching of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Water Distribution Pipes. 1987
Computer Study of the Koh-Chang Model for Dredged Material Disposal. 1979
Control of asbestos fiber loss from asbestos-cement watermain {microform} / 1984
Corrosion in Water Distribution Systems of the Pacific Northwest. 1987
Cost of retrofitting coke oven particulate controls / 1974
Cross-connection control manual. 1989
Dairy Manure Management Methods. 1974
Decision Support for Renewal of Wastewater Collection and Water Distribution Systems. 2011
Decision-support tools for predicting the performance of water distribution and wastewater collection systems [electronic resource] / 2002
Dedicated ethanol pipeline feasibility study : Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Section 243 : report to Congress / 2010
Defense logistics DOD addressing concerns about its fuel depot in Norwalk, California : report to the Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Military Installations and Facilities, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / 1992
Design of slurry transport systems 1991
Destin Dome 56 Unit Development and Production Plan and Right-of-Way Pipeline Application. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Volume 1: Sections 1-10. 1999
Destin Dome 56 Unit Development and Production Plan and Right-of-Way Pipeline Application. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Volume 2: Figures and Tables. 1999
Developing a Data Base on Infrastructure Needs. 1989
Developing and Applying the Water Supply Simulation Model. 1986
Diffusion from a source of mass for turbulent flow of water and of slurries in a pipe / 1959
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