Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
Your Search: (SUBJECT=floodplains)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aquatic habitats in relation to river flow in the Apalachicola River floodplain, Florida 1998
Connectivity of streams and wetlands to downstream waters : a review and synthesis of the scientific evidence / 2015
Diamond Fork Power System, Draft Environmental Statement 1983
Diamond Fork Power System, Final Environmental Impact Statement 1984
Draft programmatic environmental impact statement/draft environmental impact report Sacramento River Flood Control System Evaluation, phases II-V / 1991
Dynamics of urban development on flood plains : project completion report / 1977
Effects of Flow Augmentation on Channel Morphology and Riparian Vegetation in the Upper Arkansas River Basin, Colorado. 1997
Emerging issues in wetland/floodplain management : summary : report of a technical seminar series / 1979
Environmental Assessment Central Platte Valley Light Rail Transit Spur 2000
Environmental inventory for flood damage reduction study along Turtle Creek, South Beloit, Illinois, and Beloit Wisconsin 1977
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the eleventh international conference, November 4-6, 2009, Seattle, Washington / 2010
Final Environmental Assessment, Central Platte Valley Light Rail Transit Spur 2000
Flood plain information : Blacksmith Fork and Spring Creek, Millville, Utah 1976
Flood plain information : Cottonwood Creek, El Paso County, Colo. 1976
Flood plain information on main stem & south branch Big Timber Creek in Camden and Gloucester Counties, New Jersey / 1969
Flood plain information, Southampton County, Virginia, Nottoway River 1975
Flood plain information: Little Crab Orchard Creek and Piles Fork Creek, Carbondale, Illinois. 1970
Flood plain mapping of Patuxent River watershed 1974
Flood-prone areas and land-use planning : selected examples from the San Francisco Bay region, California / 1977
Floodplain development pressures and Federal programs. 1979
Floodplain development pressures and federal programs. Part 1: Case study analysis and recommendations for the 201 wastewaster treatment works program / 1979
Geospatial Assessment of Ecological Functions and Flood-Related Risks on Floodplains Along Major Rivers in the Puget Sound Basin, Washington. 2015
Guide for selecting Manning's roughness coefficients for natural channels and flood plains / 1989
Hydraulic Analyses for LaGrange Pool of the Illinois River: A Component of the Restoration of Large River Ecosystems Project. 1999
Identification and Protection of Reference Wetland Natural Communities in Maryland: Potomac Watershed Floodplain Forests. 1999
Identifying bankfull stage in forested streams in the eastern United States. 2001
Land prices in flood hazard areas : applying methods of land value analysis / 1976
Logistics of ecological sampling on large rivers / 2001
MDE wetlands & waterways program website 2000
Methodology for planning land use and engineering alternatives for floodplain management by Reuben Nathan Weisz. 1973
Methods for delineating flood-prone areas in the great basin of Nevada and adjacent states 1988
Nonstructural floodplain management study overview / 1979
Ohio floodplain management handbook : a resource handbook for local floodplain officials to administer flood damage reduction regulations / 2005
Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment: An Evaluation of Environmental Planning Efforts and Land Use Regulation as of 2009 for the Fifty Two Communities in the Piscataqua Region. 2010
Preliminary guide to the onsite identification and delineation of the wetlands of the interior United States 1982
Preliminary guide to the onsite identification and delineation of the wetlands of the North Atlantic United States 1982
Preliminary guide to the onsite identification and delineation of the wetlands of the South Atlantic United States 1982
Proceedings of the Floodplain Management Conference, Canberra, Australia, 7-10 May, 1980 1981
Proposed flood hazard evaluation guidelines for federal executive agencies 1969
Recommended Ohio floodplain regulation criteria for floodplain management / 2006
Science for floodplain management into the 21st Century. Volume 3 Overview of river-floodplain ecology in the Upper Mississippi River Basin / 1996
Sensitive areas : map folio : King County, Washington / 1990
Sharing the challenge : floodplain management into the 21st century / 1994
Spatial and temporal patterns of nitrification rates in forested floodplain wetland soils of Upper Mississippi River pool 8 / 2008
State Highway 82 East of Basalt to Buttermilk Ski Area, Final Environmental Impact Statement, 4 (f) Evaluation Volume 1 1993
Supplement No. 1 to flood plain information : Albuquerque Arroyos, Part III, Albuquerque, NM / 1976
Vegetation of the Missouri River Floodplain in North Dakota. 1973

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