Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Shell NOx/SO2 Flue Gas Treatment Process: Pilot Plant Evaluation. 1983
Shell NOx/SO2 Flue Gas Treatment Process: Pilot Plant Evaluation. Project Summary. 1983
Simple Transmission Network Planning Method: Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study. 1983
Siting of major facilities : presentations at the 104th meeting of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission. 1979
Size and Composition of Visibility-Reducing Aerosols in Southwestern Plumes. 1980
SO2 scrubbing technologies : a review. 2000
SO2 abatement for stationary sources in Japan / 1976
SO2 Free Two-Stage Coal Combustion Process. 1972
SO2 Free Two-Stage Coal Combustion Process. Appendices. 1972
SO2 oxidation in plumes : a review and assessment of relevant mechanistic and rate studies / 1976
Socio-economic impacts of coal development in Nebraska 1974
Solid Waste as Fuel for Power Plants. 1973
Some aspects of the environment and electric power generation. 1972
Some Questions on the Formation of Corrosive Sulfur and Vanadium Compounds Contained in Fuel Oils During Burning in Gas Turbine Power Plant Combustion Chambers (Nekotore Voprosy Obrazovaniya Korrozionnoagressivnykh Coedinenii Sery i Vanadiya, Soderzhaschikhsya v Neftyanykh Toplivakh, pri Gorenii v Kamerakh Sgoraniya GTU). 1972
Sorbent selection for the CAFB residual oil gasification demonstration plant / 1977
Source Apportionment Methods Applied to the Determination of the Origin of Ambient Aerosols That Affect Visibility in Forested Areas. 1983
Source assessment : severity of stationary air pollution sources--a simulation approach / 1976
Source Assessment: Dry Bottom Utility Boilers Firing Pulverized Bituminous Coal. 1980
Source Test and Evaluation Report: Cane Run Unit No. 6, Louisville Gas and Electric Co. 1981
Southwest energy study : an evaluation of coal-fired electric power generation in the Southwest / 1972
SOx Out on a LIMB (Limestone Injection Multistage Burner). 1988
Spatial distribution and temperature selection of fish near the thermal outfall of a power plant during fall, winter and spring / 1980
St. Louis demonstration final report : power plant equipment, facilities, and environmental evaluations / 1977
St. Louis demonstration final report : refuse processing plant equipment, facilities, and environmental evaluations / 1977
Stack gas reheat evaluation / 1980
Stack Heights and Locations in Complex Terrain. 1985
Stack sampling technical information : a collection of monographs and papers / 1978
Standards support and environmental impact statement. 1976
State of the Art for Controlling NOx Emissions, Part I. Utility Boilers. 1972
Statement of sulfates research approach. 1977
Statewide Emission Inventory for Oklahoma. 1971
Statewide Emission Inventory of Vermont. 1971
Statewide Emissions Inventory for the State of Louisiana. 1971
Statewide Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions State of Ohio 1970 (Revised). 1972
Status of Dry SO2 Control Systems: Fall 1982. 1983
Status of electric power in the Missouri River Basin : planning, capacity, future needs, environmental quality, laws and policies. 1980
Status of Flue Gas Desulfurization on Utility and Industrial Boilers in the United States and Japan. 1980
Status of SO2 scrubbing technologies / 1999
Status of various electric energy conservation programs, activities, and powerplant capacities in the United States : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives 1983
Status Report on Acid Precipitation and Its Biological Consequences as of April 1981. 1982
Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category: 2007/2008 Detailed Study Report. 2008
Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category: Final Detailed Study Report. 2009
Steam-Electric Plant Operation and Design Report (EIA-767) Extract Data Tape, (1985-1987). 1987
Stone & Webster/Ionics SO2 removal and recovery process : phase I, final report / 1975
Structure of Corticolous Lichen Communities Before and After Exposure to Emissions from a 'Clean' Coal-Fired Generating Station. 1980
Studies in the Analysis of Metropolitan Water Resource Systems. Volume VI. Estimating Economies of Scale in Thermal Electric Power Systems Subjected to Environmental Quality Constraints. 1973
Studies of effects of thermal pollution in Biscayne Bay, Florida / 1974
Studies of Flue Gas Desulfurization at Louisville Gas and Electric's Paddy's Run Station: Volume I. Carbide and Commercial Lime Testing. 1982
Studies of Flue Gas Desulfurization at Louisville Gas and Electric's Paddy's Run Station: Volume II. Review and Analysis of Commercial Operations. 1982
Studies of Trace Elements in Soils and Plants from the Four Corners Area of New Mexico. 1972
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