Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=effluent)

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Select Item Title Year Published
163N Demineralization Plant wastewater stream-specific report 1990
183-D Filter Backwash Wastewater stream-specific report 1990
1979 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1980
1980 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1981
1982 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1983
1983 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1984
1985 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management / 1986
1986 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management 1987
1986 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1987
1987 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1988
1988-1989 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1990
1995 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1996
1996 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1997
1998 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management / 1999
1999 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management 2000
209-E Laboratory reflector water stream-specific report 1990
2101-M Laboratory wastewater stream-specific report 1990
222-S Laboratory wastewater stream-specific report 1990
241-A Tank Farm Cooling Water stream-specific report 1990
241-AY/AZ Tank Farms Steam Condensate stream-specific report 1990
242-A Evaporator Condensate stream-specific report 1990
242-A Evaporator Cooling Water stream-specific report 1990
242-A Evaporator Process Condensate stream-specific report 1990
242-S Evaporator Steam Condensate stream-specific report 1990
244-AR Vault Cooling Water stream-specific report 1990
2724-W Laundry wastewater stream-specific report 1990
284-E Powerplant Wastewater stream-specific report 1990
284-W Powerplant Wastewater stream-specific report 1990
300 area process wastewater stream-specific report 1990
400 Area Secondary Cooling Water stream-specific report 1990
A comparison of results from the analysis of pulp mill effluents for compounds of pulpmill and bleach plant origin. 1983
A preliminary discussion of the Lower Potomac STP (LPSTP) allowable effluent flow rate / 1973
A quantitative method for effluent compliance monitoring resource allocation / 1975
A report of pollution of the Upper Mississippi River and major tributaries. 1966
A stress function for evaluating strategies for water quality management / 1981
A Survey of PCB in wastewater from paper recycling operations / 1978
A survey of the status of biomonitoring in state NPDES and nonpoint source monitoring programs / 1989
A thesis entitled an evaluation of two small extended aeration sewage treatment plants located in Lucas County, Ohio / 1972
Aerobic treatability of feedlot runoff / 1971
Amendments to the effluent limitations guidelines, pretreatment standards, and new source performance standards for the bleached papergrade kraft and soda subcategory of the pulp, paper, and paperboard point source category : Part 430; proposed rule. 1997
An economic analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the iron and steel manufacturing point source category. 1982
An Economic analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the iron and steel manufacturing point source category / 1980
An Emerging Technology: Counter-Current Aeration: A Promising Process Modification 1983
An estimate of small business financing needs to comply with EPA regulations / 1983
An evaluation of marketable effluent permit systems / 1974
An evaluation of septic leachate detection / 1986
Analysis of effluent data from the crushed stone industry / 1984
Analysis of GAC effluent blending during the ICR treatment studies / 1999
Analysis of the economic impact of proposed effluent limitation guidelines for the poultry meat processing industry / 1974
Analysis of the relative performance of POTW and paper industry wastewater treatment systems on conventional and non-conventional pollutants. 1996
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