Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=aquifers)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Bioremediation. 1992
Bioremediation: An Information Update on Applying Bioremediation to Site Cleanup. 1992
Biorestoration of aquifers contaminated with organic compounds 1988
Biotransformation and Mineralization of Alkylbenzenes under Denitrifying Conditions. 1993
Biotransformation of Monoaromatic and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons at an Aviation Gasoline Spill Site. 1991
Biotransformations of Selected Alkylbenzenes and Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Methanogenic Aquifer Material: A Microcosm Study. 1986
Blaine Gypsum Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project. 1997
Borehole sensing methods for ground-water investigations at hazardous waste sites / 1986
Brine Contamination of Louisiana Aquifers / 1987
Calculation of Permeability of Cretaceous Sandstones from Pumping and Static Level Data in Selected Areas of Western South Dakota. 1973
Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP) Documents Available. 1988
Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP): Hydrogeologic Papers. 1988
Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP): Institutionsl Recommendations. 1988
Capture Zone Modeling Using the Wellhead Analytic Element Model (WhAEM). 1994
Carbonate Equilibria and Groundwater Sample Collection: Implications for Estimated Average Subsurface Properties in Continental North America. 1991
Carbonate geochemistry and hydrogeology relationships : Laura, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands : project completion report for Laura Island hydrogeochemistry 1987
Case studies in wellhead protection : ten examples of innovative wellhead protection programs. 1992
Case studies in wellhead protection area delineation and monitoring / 1993
Case Study of the Hydrogeologic Conditions in the Outcrop Area of an Aquifer. 1972
Causes of Shallow Ground-water Problems in part of Spanish Valley, Grand County, Utah 1988
Cenomanian-Turonian aquifer of central Israel : its development and possible use as a storage reservoir 1964
Characteristic Solution to Nitrate Transport and Fate in Ground Water in Agricultural Watersheds. 2000
Characteristics of aquifers in the northern Uinta Basin area, Utah and Colorado / 1976
Characterization of Aquifers and Aquifer Systems and Wellhead Delineations in Wyoming.
Characterization of organic matter in soil and aquifer solids / 1997
Characterization of Subsurface Bacteria Associated with Two Shallow Aquifers in Oklahoma. 1985
Chemical Distributions and Anaerobic Transformation of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in a Sand Aquifer. 1994
Chemical enhancements to pump-and-treat remediation / 1992
Chemical Exchange Capabilities of the Baton Rouge Ground-Water System. 1972
Chemical Speciation and Competitive Cationic Partitioning on a Sandy Aquifer Material. 1989
Chesapeake Bay Groundwater Toxics Loading Workshop proceedings / 1993
Chicot / Atchafalaya Aquifer Region: Southwest Louisiana 2009
Clean Water for the Nation's Estuaries Proceedings of the Virginia Public Meeting Fort Monroe, Virginia November 19, 1968. 1968
Clinton Street-Ballpark aquifer in Binghamton and Johnson City, New York 1977
Coastal aquifer management : monitoring, modeling, and case studies / 2004
Colorado Surface Impoundment Assessment: an inventory of surface impoundments and a preliminary assessment of their groundwater quality impacts 1979
Column Studies on BTEX Biodegradation under Microaerophilic and Denitrifying Conditions. 1992
Combining Treatability Studies and Site Characterization for Rational Design of In situ Bioremediation Using Nitrate as an Electron Acceptor. 1993
Comment on 'An Advection-Diffusion Concept for Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Unconsolidated Geological Deposits' by Gillham et al. 1986
Comparison of Methods to Determine Oxygen Demand for Bioremediation of a Fuel Contaminated Aquifer. 1988
Compendium of Local Wellhead Protection Ordinances: Alabama through Idaho. 1991
Compendium of Local Wellhead Protection Ordinances: Illinois through Nebraska. 1991
Compendium of Local Wellhead Protection Ordinances: Nevada through Oklahoma. 1991
Compendium of Local Wellhead Protection Ordinances: Oregon through Wyoming. 1991
Compilation of existing data for aquifer sensitivity and ground-water vulnerability assessment for the Caddo Indian Tribe in parts of Caddo and Canadian counties, Oklahoma 2000
Compilation of ground-water models / 1993
Compilation of Industrial and Municipal Injection Wells in the United States. Volume 1. 1974
Compilation of Industrial and Municipal Injection Wells in the United States. Volume 2. 1974
Compilation of results of aquifer tests in Texas 1969
Completion Report Brookings County Wellhead Protection Area Mapping Project. 1988
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