Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=agricultural)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Alternate methods of manure handling / 1978
Alternative agriculture / 1989
Alternative agriculture : scientists' review. 1990
Alternative control technology document : control of VOC emissions from the application of agricultural pesticides / 1993
Alternative Financing Methods for Clean Water. 1971
Alternatives for future urban growth in California's Central Valley : the bottom line for agriculture and taxpayers : summary report / 1995
Alternatives for reducing insecticides on cotton and corn : economic and environmental impact / 1979
Alternatives for Reducing Insecticides on Cotton and Corn: Economic and Environmental Impact - Supplement 1: Detailed Data for Static and Linear Analysis of Alternatives for Reducing Insecticides on Cotton and Corn. 1979
Alternatives for Reducing Insecticides on Cotton and Corn: Economic and Environmental Impact - Supplement 2: Procedures Used in Setting Up the Agricultural Production Model. 1979
AMA guide to safe farming and gardening 1977
America's animal factories : how states fail to prevent pollution from livestock waste / 1998
America's private land, a geography of hope 1996
American journal of alternative agriculture. 1986
Americans in agriculture : portraits of diversity. 1990
Ammonia removal from agricultural runoff and secondary effluents by selected ion exchange / 1969
An analysis of opportunities to increase carbon sequestration by planting trees on timberland and agricultural land in the United States, 1993-2035 / 1993
An ecological assessment of insect diversity at organic central coast vegetable farms on two spatial scales / 2013
An interdisciplinary assessment of regional-scale nonpoint source ground-water vulnerability : theory and application / 2001
An introduction to agrotopoclimatology / 1974
An introduction to soils of Pennsylvania / 1982
Anaerobic digestion : results of research and demonstration projects 1987
Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge and organic agricultural wastes 1986
Anaerobic-Aerobic Lagoon Treatment of Dairy Manure Wastes. 1974
Analysis of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Rocky Mountain-Prairie Region. Preliminary Draft. Part I. 1974
Analysis of state laws and regulations impacting animal waste management / 1978
Anhydrous Ammonia Theft. Chemical Safety Alert. 2000
Anilines 1982
Animal agriculture : concentrated animal feeding operations--livestock operations inspection. 2003
Animal agriculture : waste management practices : report to the honorable Tom Harkin, ranking minority member, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 1999
Animal Manures as Feedstuffs: Broiler Litter Feeding Trials. 1983
Animal Manures as Feedstuffs: Cattle Manure Feeding Trials. 1983
Animal Manures as Feedstuffs: Nutrient Characteristics. 1983
Animal Manures as Feedstuffs: Poultry Manure Feeding Trials. 1983
Animal Nutrition Technology Exchange : a conference developed by the Agricultural Nutrient Reduction Workgroup of the Chesapeake Bay Program's Nutrient Subcommittee. 2000
Animal waste composting with carbonaceous material / 1978
Animal waste management in the Northern Great Plains / 1976
Animal waste management. 1969
Animal Waste Management. Proceedings of National Symposium on Animal Waste Management Held at Warrenton, Virginia on September 28-30, 1971. 1971
Animal waste pollution and its control (Oct 70-May 90) citations from the NTIS bibliographic database. 1990
Animal waste pollution in America : Environmental risks of livestock & poultry production. 1997
Animal Waste Utilization for Pollution Abatement - Technology and Economics. Phase I. 1971
Animal Waste Utilization for Pollution Abatement Technology and Economics. Phase II. 1974
Animal waste utilization on cropland and pastureland : a manual for evaluating agronomic and environmental effects. 1979
Animal waste utilization on cropland and pastureland : a manual for evaluating agronomic and environmental effects. 1978
Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes IX : proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium, 12-15 October, 2003, Raleigh, North Carolina. 2003
Annual report for ... / 0
Annual Report of Activities During Fiscal Year 1972. 1972
Annual Report on Irrigation Tailwater Management 1976-1977. 1981
Annual Report, 1 Jul 1969-30 Jun 1970. 1970
Annual Report, 1971. 1971
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