Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Xenobiotic metabolism)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biodegradation and detoxification of environmental pollutants / 1982
Biological reactive intermediates II : chemical mechanisms and biological effects / 1982
Environmental Toxicology 1980
Enzymatic basis of detoxication 1980
Laboratory procedure for estimating residue dynamics of xenobiotic contaminants in a freshwater food chain 1980
Metabolism of pesticides. Update III / 1980
Microbial transformations of bioactive compounds 1982
Molecular Regulation of the Induction of Cytochrome P-450E in the Estuarine Fish 'Fundulus heteroclitus'. 1989
Pesticide and xenobiotic metabolism in aquatic organisms : based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 176th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, September 11-17, 1978 / 1979
Toxicants and drugs : kinetics and dynamics / 1981
Uptake, metabolism and disposition of xenobiotic chemicals in fish : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1980
Xenobiotic metabolism, in vitro methods : a symposium / 1979
Xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster and the albino rat, with emphasis on glutathione s-transferase / 1979

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