Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water supply Arkansas)

Select Item Title Year Published
Arkansas municipal water supplies: chemical data. 0
Arkansas water policy 1980
Arkansas water resources. 1959
Arkansas' ground-water resources. 1955
Arkansas-Red River basins water quality conservation : appendix. 1964
Arkansas-Red River basins water quality conservation : summary report on a basic study of water quality, sources of natural and manmade salt pollution, and suggested corrective measures. 1964
Arkansas-Red River basins water quality conservation. 1964
Chemical quality of surface waters of Arkansas 1945-1955 ; a summary / 1957
Fresh-water aquifers of Crittenden County, Arkansas. 1961
Geology and ground-water resources of Bradley, Calhoun, and Ouachita Counties, Arkansas / 1964
Geology and ground-water resources of Desha and Lincoln Counties, Arkansas, 1961
Geology and ground-water resources of Drew County, Arkansas. 1956
Ground-water flow patterns and water budget of a bottomland forested wetland, Black Swamp, eastern Arkansas / 1996
Ground-water potential of Mississippi County, Arkansas. 1960
Ground-water resources in a part of southwestern Arkansas. 1955
Ground-water resources of Chicot County, Arkansas, 1955
Ground-water resources of parts of Lonoke, Prairie, and White Counties, Arkansas. 1957
Resume of the ground-water resources of Bradley, Calhoun, and Ouachita Counties, Arkansas, 1962
Stream flow quantity and quality correlations and statistical analyses. 1963
Surface-water resources of Arkansas / 1950
Technical memorandum, specific problem analysis (activity 3, phase II) : 1975 national assessment, Arkansas-White-Red region. 1977
Technical memorandum, state regional futures and problem lists (activity 2, phase II) : 1975 national assessment, Arkansas-White-Red region. 1976
Use of water in Arkansas, 1960, 1961
Use of water in Arkansas, 1965, 1966
Water and land resources; Bartholomew-Beouf-Macon basin in Arkansas. 1972
Water Quality Water Supply Study Arkansas River Basin John Martin Dam Colorado to Great Bend Kansas Draft. 1972
Water resources data. Arkansas. 1981
Water resources of Clark, Cleveland, and Dallas counties, Arkansas / 1969
Water resources of Grant and Hot Spring Counties, Arkansas / 1968
Water resources of Hempstead, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, and Nevada counties, Arkansas / 1972
Water resources of Jackson and Independence Counties, Arkansas / 1967
Water resources of Pulaski and Saline counties, Arkansas / 1967
Water-resources reconnaissance of the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas. 1965
Water-supply characteristics of selected Arkansas streams. 1965

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