Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Volatile organic)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Chemical-specific parameters for toxicity characteristic contaminants / 1991
Chemistry of Oxidant Formation: Implications for Designing Effective Control Strategies. 1987
Choices and Challenges: Controlling Volatile Organic Compounds and Hazardous Air Pollutants from Spray Painting Facilities. 1997
Choosing an adsorption system for VOC : carbon, zeolite, or polymers? / 1999
Classification of Binary Mass Spectra of Toxic Compounds with an Inductive Expert System and Comparison with SIMCA Class Modeling (Journal Version). 1988
Clean Air Interstate Rule Emissions Inventory Technical Support Document. 2005
Cleaning excavated soil using extraction agents : a state-of-the-art review / 1989
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends : 1996 edition : executive summary. 1997
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends. 1997
Clearing the air : an updated report on emission trends in selected U.S. cities / 1997
Clearing the air, choosing the future : reducing highway vehicle emissions in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area : final report / 1992
Climate change 1995 : the science of climate change / 1996
Climate Change and Global Isoprene Emissions. 1991
Closed cycle cooler for VOC preconcentration : final report / 1993
Closed cycle cooler for VOC preconcentration : project summary / 1994
CMB8: New Software for Chemical Mass Balance Receptor Modeling. 1997
Coating Alternatives Guide (CAGE) for Metal Parts and Products Painting. 1995
Coating operations test method and method development survey / 1998
Cold cleaning machine operations new source performance standards : background information/basis and purpose document. 1994
Cold Trapping of Volatile Organic Compounds on Fused Silica Capillary Columns. 1983
Column Vapor Extraction Experiments on Gasoline Contaminated Soil. 1991
Combustion area sources : data sources / 1992
Combustion Practice for Control of Organic Emissions from Municipal Waste-to-Energy Plants. 1988
Common indoor sources of volatile organic compounds : emission rates and techniques for reducing consumer exposures / 1999
Communities in motion : outreach and partnerships funded projects 1997-2002. / 2003
Communities in motion : showcasing outreach initiatives 1997-2001 2002
Companies remove oily wastes. 1997
Comparative analysis of contaminated heating oils / 1984
Comparative Evaluation of Two Extraction Procedures: The TCLP and the EP. 1991
Comparison of 0600-0900 AM hydrocarbon compositions obtained from 29 cities / 1989
Comparison of a Cryogenic Preconcentration Technique and Direct Injection for the Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Low PPB (Parts-per-Billion) (NMOL/MOL) Gas Standards of Toxic Organic Compounds. 1988
Comparison of a Modified VOST Sampling Method to Method 0030. 1993
Comparison of Air Quality Measurements in Roanoke, Virginia, and Other Integrated Air Cancer Project Monitoring Locations. 1993
Comparison of air stripper simulations and field performance data / 1990
Comparison of ambient air sampling techniques for volatile organic compounds / 1985
Comparison of Audit Techniques and Performance Audit Results for EPA Method 25 for Volatile Organic Compounds. 1987
Comparison of Data from an IAQ Test House with Predictions of an IAQ Computer Model. 1991
Comparison of Design Specifications for Three Large Environmental Chambers. 1998
Comparison of diffusion- and pumped-sampling methods to monitor volatile organic compounds in ground water, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, July 1999-December 2002 2005
Comparison of polyurethane foam and XAD-2 resin as collection media for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in air / 1986
Comparison of solid adsorbent sampling techniques for volatile organic compounds in ambient air {Microfiche} 1985
Comparison of the mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic activity of particle bound organics from wood stoves, residential oil furnaces, and other combustion sources / 1981
Comparison of the sink characteristics of three full-scale environmental chambers {miroform} / 1999
Comparison of the Speciated VOC Composition at Selected Houston, Texas Area Sites for the Years 1978 and 2000. 2004
Comparison of vapor concentrations of volatile organic compounds with ground-water concentrations of selected contaminants in sediments beneath the Sudbury River, Ashland, Massachusetts, 2000 2002
Comparison of VOA compositing procedures 1995
Comparisons of air stripper simulations and field performance data 1990
Comparisons of air stripper simulations and field performance data 1990
Compendium of ERT air sampling procedures. 1992
Compendium of methods for the determination of air pollutants in indoor air / 1990
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