Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A quality assurance program for the EPA/Shawnee wet limestone scrubber demonstration program / 1976
A study on the accuracy of type-S pitot tubes / 1977
A Summary of leak detection methods for petroleum underground storage tank systems. 1990
A type-s pitot tube calibration study / 1975
Abatement of deposition and scour in sewers / 1977
Above Ground Gamma Ray Logging for Locating Structures and Areas Containing Elevated Levels of Uranium Decay Chain Radionuclides. 1978
Alternative onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems on severely limited sites : project summary / 1987
Alternatives to chlorination for control of condenser tube bio-fouling / 1977
Angular flow insensitive pitot tube suitable for use with standard stack testing equipment / 1979
Annual book of ASTM standards 2003. Section 2, Nonferrous metal products. 2003
Asbestos-in-Buildings Technical Bulletin: Abatement of Asbestos-Containing Pipe Insulation. 1986
Assessment of corrosion products from once-through cooling systems with mechanical antifouling devices / 1980
Assessment of current information on overland flow treatment of municipal wastewater / 1980
At a Glance : Improved Information Could Better Enable EPA to Manage Electronic Waste and Enforce Regulations. 2013
Behavior of Asbestos-Cement Pipe Under Various Water Quality Conditions: Part 2, Theoretical Considerations. 1981
Blind-B performance evaluation study : a statistical evaluation of the April 18, 1995 data. 1995
Capital and O and M Cost Relationships for Hazardous Waste Incineration: Addendum No. 1 - Ionizing Wet Scrubber Costs. 1985
Carbon nanotubes : properties and applications / 2006
Carbon nanotubes and related structures : new materials for the 21st century / 1999
Chlorine minimization/optimization for condenser biofouling control : (phases I and II) / 1979
Chlorine minimization/optimization for condenser biofouling control : final report / 1980
Citations from the NTIS bibliographic database : boiler and steam generator corrosion: fossil fuel power plants (Mar 76-Present) / 1993
Compendium of ERT air sampling procedures. 1992
Concentration and Size Distribution of Airborne Dust Particles in a Horizontal Duct Following a Venturi (Benchuri Koho no Suiheikannai ni Okeru Funjin no Bunpu to Ryudo Bunpu). 1973
Construction and Evaluation of a Flow Test Stand. 1984
Construction costs for municipal wastewater conveyance systems : 1973-1977 / 1978
Construction costs for municipal wastewater conveyance systems : 1973-1979 / 1981
Conventional and advanced sewer design concepts for dual purpose flood and pollution control : a preliminary case study, Elizabeth, New Jersey / 1978
Copper-Induced Corrosion of Galvanized Steel Pipe. 1986
Coupled Mass and Energy Transport Phenomena in Aerosol/Vapor-Laden Gases. 2. Computer Modeling of Water Vapor/Droplet Interaction and Entrainment. 1991
Creep-Rupture Tests of Internally Pressurized Haynes Alloy No. 25 Tubes. 1971
Cross-stack optical convolution velocimeter : development and evaluation of a breadboard design / 1979
Current state of corrosion control: technologies and costs. 1991
Dental Surpak. 1969
Design and Evaluation of an Electronic Radiography System. 1971
Design, Fabricate, Perform Tests, and Deliver Ceramic Envelopes in Support of Electrostatic Gyro Development Final Report, 24 Jun. 1970 - 15 Jun. 1971. 1971
Detecting leaks : successful methods step-by-step. 1989
Determinants and Options for Water Distribution System Management: A Cost Evaluation. 1982
Determination of Biaxial Creep Strength of T-111 Tantalum Alloy. 1971
Determination of Mean Droplet Size in Calculating Venturi Tube Ash Collector (Opredelenie Srednego Razmera Kapel dlya Rascheta Zoloulovitelya). 1973
Development document for the porcelain enameling point source category. 1981
Development of Range Squared and Off-Gating Modifications for a Lidar System. 1973
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines Rubber Processing Industry. 1974
Economic impact analysis of the electrical and electronics components industry : economic analysis of Phase II electronics / 1983
Electronic Product Inventory Study. 1970
Entrapment separators for scrubbers : initial report / 1974
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project : profile of the electronics and computer industry. 1995
Establishment of a baseline coefficient value for properly constructed Type-S pitot tubes / 1977
Estimation of small system water treatment costs / 1985
Evaluation of Corrosion Issues for Nanofiltration Treated Water. 1996
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