Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Combined sewer overflow abatement plan, Des Moines, Iowa / 1974
Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Technology. 1970
Combined sewer overflow seminar papers. 1973
Combined Sewer Overflow Seminar Papers. 1970
Combined Sewer Overflow Study for the Hudson River Conference. 1973
Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment by the Rotating Biological Contactor Process. 1974
Combined Sewer Temporary Underwater Storage Facility. 1970
Combined Use of Ion Exchange Resins and Granular Activated Carbon for the Control of Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products. 1993
Coming Era of Conservation and Industrial Utilization of Recyclable Materials. 1988
Comment on 'Changes in the Chemistry of Surface Waters' by C. T. Driscoll et al. 1989
Commerce Committees : a study of the House and Senate Commerce Committees 1975
Community water system survey 2000. Volume I Overview / 2002
Community water system survey 2000. Volume II Detailed tables and survey methodology / 2002
Community water system survey : Volume I Overview / 1997
Community water system survey : Volume II Detailed survey result tables and methodology report / 1997
Community Water System Survey, 2006. Volume 1: Overview. 2009
Community Water System Survey, 2006. Volume 2: Detailed Tables and Survey Methodology. 2009
Companion Document for the Conference on Waste Reduction for Industrial Air Toxic Emissions. Held in Greensboro, North Carolina on April 24-25, 1989. 1989
Comparative Water Loss of Douglas-Fir and Oregon White Oak. 1971
Comparing Constant-Rate and Declining-Rate Direct Filtration of a Surface Water. 1986
Comparison of Episodic Acidification in Canada, Europe and the United States. 1990
Comparison of High Molecular Weight Organics Isolated from Drinking Water in Five Cities. 1986
Comparison of instantaneous loads calculated using total and total-recoverable trace element concentration data collected at the Susquehanna River, Conowingo Dam, April 1992-1993 addendum to the fall line toxics 1992 final report / 1994
Comparison of Measured and Modeled Surface Fluxes of Heat, Moisture, and Chemical Dry Deposition. 1996
Comparison of Several Standard Materials and Techniques for the Warren-Averbach Determination of Microstructure Characteristics of Calcium Hydroxide Sorbent Materials. 1990
Comparison of some properties of mine soils and contiguous natural soils / 1978
Comparison of Surface Water Laws and Regulations from Southeastern States. 2005
Compendium of Animal Waste Management (2nd). 1969
Compendium of ERT surface water and sediment sampling procedures : interim final. 1991
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement No. 14 (Including Supplements 1-7). 1983
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Volume 1. Stationary Point and Area Sources. Fourth Edition. Supplement D. 1991
Compilation of current practices at land disposal facilities : summary of liner and leak detection designs, action leakage rates, response action plans, and management of liquids in landfills / 1992
Complying with the long term 2 enhanced surface water treatment rule : small entity compliance guide : one of the simple tools for effective performance (STEP) guide series. 2007
Complying with the Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfection byproducts rule : supplement B : One of the Simple Tools for Effective Performance (STEP) guide series for small subpart H systems using conventional filtration treatment. 2006
Complying with theGround Water Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide. One of the Simple Tool for Effective Performance (STEP) Guide Series. 2007
Comprehensive management of phosphorus water pollution, 1974
Comprehensive wastewater management plan, Spokane County, Washington 1981
Computer management of a combined sewer system / 1974
Computer Methods for Transient Analysis of Water-Table Aquifers. 1971
Computer Simulation for Design Criteria for Urban Flow Storage Systems. 1973
Conceptual Development of a Toxic Screening Model. 1984
Conceptual Engineering Report - Kingman Lake Project. 1970
Conceptual Framework for Assessing Cumulative Impacts on the Hydrology of Nontidal Wetlands. 1988
Condition of Illinois Water Resources, 1999. 1999
Conjunctive Use of Ground and Surface Waters. 1972
Conjunctive Use Surface Water-Groundwater Simulator. 1973
Consensus method for determining groundwaters under the direct influence of surface water using microscopic particulate analysis (MPA) / 1992
Considerations for Modeling Small-Particulate Impacts from Surface Coal-Mining Operations Based on Wind-Tunnel Simulations. 1993
Constancy of Sediment: Water Partition Coefficients of Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants. 1985
Constructed Wetland Design: the First Generation. 1992
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