Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
200 MGD activated sludge plant removes phosphorus by pickle liquor / 1973
200 MGD Activated Sludge Plant Removes Phosphorus by Pickle Liquor. 1973
A laboratory and field study of reduced sulfur sampling and monitoring systems / 1975
A study of new catalytic agents to determine chemical oxygen demand / 1977
A Toxicity evaluation of lower Fox River water and sediments / 1986
Absorption from Aqueous Solution. 1974
Acid Aerosol Measurement Intercomparison Workshop : April 10-11, 1991, Research Triangle Park, N.C. : final report / 1992
Acid Deposition in Utah, An Analysis by the Acid Deposition Technical Advisory Committee 1986
Activated carbon treatment of kraft bleaching effluents / 1977
Activated carbon treatment of unbleached kraft effluent for reuse / 1975
Acute and Chronic Effects of Alum to Midge Larva (Diptera: Chironomidae). 1981
Addendum report and determination of chlorophenolics, special analytical services contract 1047, episode 1886 / 1991
Aerial Photographic Tracing of Pulp Mill Effluent in Marine Waters. 1970
Air pollution control technology and costs : seven selected emission sources : kraft mill recovery boilers, ferroalloy furnaces, feed and grain processing, glass melting furnaces, crushed stone and aggregate industry, asphalt saturators, industrial surface coatings / 1974
Aircraft data summaries for the SURE intensives / 1981
Alum Addition and Step-Feed Studies in Oxygen-Activated Sludge. 1977
Alum Control of Internal Phosphorus Loading in a Shallow Lake. 1982
Aluminum Reclamation by Acidic Extraction of Aluminum-Anodizing Sludges. 1988
Ammonium sulfate and bisulfate formation in air preheaters {microform} / 1982
Ammonium sulfate manufacture : background information for promulgated emission standards / 1980
Ammonium sulfate manufacture : background information for proposed emission standards / 1979
An analytical method for and characterization of, catechol and phenol in black liquor and pulp mill wastewaters / 1997
Anaerobic Biodegradation of Nitrogen-Substituted and Sulfonated Benzene Aquifer Contaminants. 1989
Anaerobic Biodegradation of o-, m- and p-cresol by Sulfate-Reducing Bacterial Enrichment Cultures Obtained from a Shallow Anoxic Aquifer. 1989
Analysis of meteorological conditions during the 1977 Anclote Keys plume study / 1978
Analysis of organic compounds in two kraft mill wastewaters / 1975
Analysis of thermal decomposition products of flue gas conditioning agents / 1979
Analytical system for measuring malodorous compounds from kraft mills / 1978
Applicability of the Meyers process for chemical desulfurization of coal / 1974
Assessment of the role of nitrogen oxides in nonurban ozone formation / 1986
Atmospheric emissions from the pulp and paper manufacturing industry : cooperative study project / 1973
AWWA standard for aluminum sulfate-- liquid, ground or lump. 1993
AWWA standard for ammonium sulfate. 1996
AWWA standard for ferric sulfate 2006
AWWA standard for ferrous sulfate. 1990
AWWA standard for ferrous sulfate. 1995
Biological Treatment of Acid Mine Water. 1971
Bioremediation of Acid Mine Drainage Using Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria. 2006
Bupropion, d-Amphetamine, and Amitriptyline-Induced Conditioned Taste Aversion in Rats: Dose Effects. 1983
Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus removal in staged nitrification-denitrification treatment / 1975
Certain Toxicity Testing for Cobalt Sulfate Heptahydrate (CASRN 10026-24-1) and Cobalt Monoxide (CASRN 1307-96-6). 2008
Characteristics of Individual Particles at a Rural Site in the Eastern United States. 1986
Chemical Analyses of Water Wells in Selected Strippable Coal and Lignate Areas, Denver Basin, Colorado 1980
Chemical and microbiological investigations of a surface coal mine settling pond / 1979
Chemical Desulfurization of Coal: Report of Bench-Scale Developments. Volume 1. 1973
Chemical Desulfurization of Coal: Report of Bench-Scale Developments. Volume 2. 1973
Chronic Neonatal Organotin Exposure Alters Radial-Arm Maze Performance in Adult Rats. 1982
Closed loop system for the treatment of water pickle liquor / 1977
Cloud and Chemical Pathway Characterization of the Nonlinear Response of Sulfur Deposition and Sulfate Air Concentrations to Changes in SO2 Emissions in the RADM. 1994
Color characterization before and after lime treatment / 1974
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