Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 313
Showing: Items 301 - 313
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Subsurface)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Variable source area concept for identifying critical runoff-generating areas in a watershed 1989
Water Infiltration Control to Achieve Mine Water Pollution Control: The Dents Run Watershed Demonstration Project. 1980
Water quality management guidance for mine-related pollution sources : new, current and abandoned / 1977
Water Resources as a Basis for Comprehensive Planning and Development of the Christina River Basin. 1973
Water Table Control and Subsurface Irrigation in Mineral and High Organic Coastal Plain Soils. 1972
Water/road interaction technology series. 1997
Wellhead protection in confined, semi-confined, fractured, and karst aquifer settings. 1993
West Jackson County, Mississippi : constructed wetland treatment system case history. 1993
Western Research Institute Contained Recovery of Oily Wastes (CROW) process : innovative technology evaluation report / 2000
Wetland treatment systems : a case history : the Lakeland wetland treatment system. 1993
Wetland treatment systems : a case history : the Orlando Easterly Wetlands Reclamation Project. 1993
Wetlands as a part of reuse and disposal : Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District. 1993
Wetlands from wastewater : the Hayward Marsh expansion project. 1993
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