Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparative study of two spawning populations of the white bass, Roccus chrysops (Rafinesque), in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, with special reference to homing behavior / by / 1961
A stream systems evaluation : an emphasis on spawning habitat for salmonids / 1979
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in Roanoke River, North Carolina, in 1989. 1990
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina in 1990. 1992
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina, in 1988. 1989
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina, in 1991. 1993
Albemarle-Pamlico Coupling Study. 1991
Aquaculture Potential for Hornyhead Chubs. 2010
Atlas of the spawning and nursery areas of Great Lakes fishes 1982
Beach spawning fishes : reproduction in an endangered ecosystem / 2015
Characterization of spawning gravel and stream system evaluation / 1980
Daily Growth of the Juvenile Fish (Menidia menidia) in the Natural Habitat Compared with Juveniles Reared in the Laboratory. 1981
Determination of physical and hydraulic preferences of brown and brook trout in the selection of spawning locations 1977
Dissolved oxygen, temperature, survival of young at fish spawning sites / 1976
Draft "removing impediments to migratory fishes in the Chesapeake Bay watershed" : an agreement commitment report from the Fish Passage Workgroup. 1988
Effects of modified hydrology on Campbell River salmonids / 1976
Effects of pumped storage project operations on the spawning success of Centrarchid fishes in Leesville Lake, Virginia / 1975
Emerging technologies for reef fisheries research and management / 2006
Emerging technologies for reef fisheries research and management / 2006
Environmental factors affecting survival of young salmon in spawning beds and their possible relation to logging / 1964
Estimating streamflow characteristics at spawning sites in Oregon / 1980
Fall Chinook salmon spawning in the Columbia River near Hanford 1947-1969 1970
Feeding by Alaska Whitefish, Coregonus nelsoni, During the Spawning Run. 1976
Feeding Ecology of Atlantic Menhaden ('Brevoortia tyrannus') in Chesapeake Bay. 2007
Hydrology of four streams in western Washington as related to several Pacific salmon species : Humptulips, Elochoman, Green, and Wynoochee Rivers / 1972
Hydrology of four streams in western Washington as related to several Pacific salmon species, 1972
Implementation Plan for Removing Impediments to Migratory Fishes in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Annual Progress Report, 1994. 1995
Kootenai River white sturgeon investigations : annual report 1993 / 1994
Methods for Spawning, Culturing and Conducting Toxicity Tests with Early Life Stages of Estuarine and Marine Fishes. 1994
Monitoring spawning gravel in managed forested watersheds : a proposed procedure / 1979
Oil Effects on Spawning Behavior and Reproduction in Pacific Herring (Clupea Haraengus Pallasi). 1985
Oil Effects on Spawning Behavior and Reproduction in Pacific Herring (Clupea Harengus Pallasi). 1982
Operation of Abernathy Channel for incubation of salmon eggs / 1968
Ovarian Mycosis in the Topsmelt 'Atherinops affinis'. 1991
Population biology and management of the walleye in western Lake Superior / 1992
Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Effects of Bathymetric Alterations of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal on Striped Bass. 1992
Proceedings from the conference Salmon-spawning gravel, a renewable resource in the Pacific Northwest? : conference held October 6-7, 1980, Seattle, Washington / 1981
Relationship between logging activities and salmon production : July 1, 1970 to June 30, 1972 / 1973
Removing impediments to migratory fishes in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : annual progress report 1995 / 1996
Reproduction and distribution of fishes in a cooling lake : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1985
Reproductive Ecology and Spawning Periodicity of the Atlantic Silverside, 'Menidia menidia' (Pisces: Atherinidae). 1982
Reproductive Rhythmicity of the Atherinid Fish, 'Colpichthys regis', from Estero Del Soldado, Sonora, Mexico. 1987
Results of an anadromous fish survey Hanover County, Virginia, Crump/Pollard Creek system 1988
Salmonid spawning gravel scour module / 1996
Salmonid spawning habitat availability level 1 survey / 1996
Sediment particle sizes used by salmon for spawning with methods for evaluation / 1979
Spawning areas and abundance of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River Basin, past and present / 1968
Spawning behavior and strain tolerance of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis, Mitchill) in acidified water / 1975
Spawning, egg development, and early life history dynamics of arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) in the Gulf of Alaska / 2007
Status and habitat requirements of the white sturgeon populations in the Columbia River downstream from McNary Dam : final report of research, July 1986 - September 1992 / 1993
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