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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soils Leaching)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abstract proceedings : Second Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : Philadelphia, PA, May 15-17, 1990. 1990
Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils / 1994
Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils / 1994
Acidic precipitation-induced chemical changes in subalpine fir forest organic soil layers / 1980
Aluminum migration and chemical weathering in subalpine and alpine soils and tills, Mt. Moosilauke, N.H.; the effects of acid rain : a thesis submitted to the faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy 1984
Characterization of explosives processing waste decomposition due to composting 1991
Characterization of explosives processing waste decomposition due to composting 1990
Comparison of leachate characteristics from selected municipal solid waste test cells / 1984
Confined disposal area effluent and leachate control : laboratory and field investigations : final report / 1978
Determination of kinetics of phosphorus mineralization in soils under oxidizing conditions / 1977
Deterministic and stochastic evaluation of nitrate-nitrogen leaching from soils with dual pore systems in karst regions final report / 1991
Effect of capillarity and soil structure on flow in low permeability saturated soils at disposal facilities / 1987
Effects of acid precipitation on soil leachate quality : computer calculations / 1980
Effects of acid rain on forest nutrient status 1985
Efficiency of soil core and soil-pore water sampling systems 1986
Efficiency of soil core and soil-pore water sampling systems / 1987
Electroplating plant operating conditions related to wastewater sludge leachability / 1984
Evaluation of liner materials exposed to leachate : second interim report / 1976
Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International, Atlanta, Georgia, June 19-21, 1989 : technical papers. 1989
Investigation of landfill leachate pollutant attenuation by soils / 1978
Laboratory studies of soil bedding requirements for flexible membrane liners / 1984
Laboratory studies of soil bedding requirements for flexible membrane liners / 1984
Laboratory Study of the Soluble Metals in Rock from the Broad Quadrangle, Georgia. 1971
Leachability of metals from mineral processing waste 2004
Leaching of pesticides in selected Hawaii oxisols and andisols as influenced by soil profile characteristics / 1996
Liner materials exposed to municipal solid waste leachate / 1983
Liner materials exposed to municipal solid waste leachate / 1982
Liner materials exposed to municipal solid waste leachate : third interim report / 1979
Liner materials exposed to municipal solid waste leachate {MICROFICHE} 1982
Long-Term Effects of Land Application of Domestic Wastewater: Tooele, Utah, Slow Rate Site. Volume 2: Engineering Soil Properties. 1979
Method 1312 Synthetic precipitation leach test for soils. 1988
Mobile system for extracting spilled hazardous materials from excavated soils / 1984
Modeling the transport of heavy metals in soils 1990
MULTIMED, the multimedia exposure assessment model for evaluating the land disposal of wastes--model theory / 1993
MULTIMED, the multimedia exposure assessment model for evaluating the land disposal of wastes--model theory : project summary / 1993
Multimedia exposure assessment model (MULTIMED) for evaluating the land disposal of wastes model theory / 1990
Nitrogen losses from sprinkler-applied nitrogen fertilizer technical completion report / 1978
Performance testing of method 1312 : QA support for RCRA testing / 1989
Performance testing of method 1312 : QA support for RCRA testing : project report / 1989
Physical and chemical characterization of dredged material sediments and leachates in confined land disposal areas : final report / 1978
Predicting movement of selected metals in soil : application to disposal problems / 1990
Production and management of leachate from municipal landfills : summary and assessment / 1984
Production and management of leachate from municipal landfills : summary and assessment / 1984
Relation of climate to leaching of solutes and pollutants through soils : report to Environmental Data Service NOAA for NOAA grant no. NG-34-72, for the period of June 15, 1973 through June 15, 1974, submitted to Arnold Hull 1974
Sanitary landfill stabilization with leachate recycle and residual treatment / 1975
Second Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 15-17, 1990 : technical papers. 1990
Septic systems handbook 1987
Septic systems handbook / 1991
Some guidelines for onsite studies of pesticide leaching in the unsaturated and saturated zones 1992
Superfund record of decision : Highlands Acid Pit Site, TX. 1984
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