Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 651 - 700
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil Pollution)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Soil vapor extraction technology : reference handbook / 1991
Soil vapor extraction technology : reference handbook / 1991
Soil washing a preliminary assessment of its applicability to Hanford / 1991
Soil Washing Treatability Tests for Pesticide-Contaminated Soil. 1994
Soil, Clay, and caustic soda effects on solubility, sorption, and mobility of hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1983
Soil, clay, and caustic soda effects on solubility, sorption, and mobility of hexachlorocyclopentadiene / 1987
Soil-gas and geophysical techniques for detection of subsurface organic contamination / 1988
Soil-gas and geophysical techniques for detection of subsurface organic contamination / 1988
Soils : analysis, monitoring, remediation. 0
Soils and environmental quality 1994
Soils and environmental quality 2004
Soils and environmental quality / 2005
Soils and environmental quality / 2000
Soils in waste treatment and utilization 1985
Soils washing technologies for : Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, leaking underground storage tanks, site remediation / 1991
Solid Oxygen Source for Bioremediation in Subsurface Soils (Revised). 1994
Solid-Phase Treatment of a Pentachlorophenol-Contaminated Soil Using Lignin-Degrading Fungi. 1993
Solidification/stabilization process / 1989
Solvent extraction. 1994
Sorption equilibria of vapor phase organic pollutants on unsaturated soils and soil minerals / 1990
Spatial modeling and assessment of environmental contaminants : risk assessment and remediation / 2021
Standard operating procedure (SOP) #4 : wildlife toxicity reference value literature review, data extraction and coding for ecological soil screening levels (Eco-SSLs) / 2005
Standard operating procedure (SOP) #4: wildlife toxicity reference value literature review, data extraction and coding for ecological soil screening levels (Eco-SSLs) / 2007
State of technology review : soil vapor extraction systems / 1989
Statistical analysis and areal trends of background concentrations of metals in soils of Clark County, Washington 1997
Statistical estimation and visualization of ground-water contamination data 2000
Statistical estimation and visualization of ground-water contamination data {computer file} / 2000
Statistical methods for evaluating the attainment of cleanup standards : vol. 3. Reference-based standards for soils and solid media / 1992
Status of oil pollution and oil pollution control in the West and Central African region. 1982
Studies of sampling, storage and analysis of soils contaminated with gasoline and diesel / 1995
Studies on the Microbial Ecology of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Biodegradation. 1994
Study of asbestos contamination of former Vermiculite Northwest - W.R. Grace Vermiculite Exfoliation Facility / 2004
Subsurface assessment handbook for contaminated sites / 1994
Subsurface contamination monitoring using laser fluorescence 1999
Subsurface transport and fate processes 1993
Subsurface volatilization and ventilation system (SVVS)® : innovative technology evaluation report. 1995
Subsurface volatilization and ventilation system (SVVS)® : SITE technology capsule. 1995
Subsurface volatilization and ventilation system® / 1995
Summary of treatment technology effectiveness for contaminated soil. 1990
Summary report environmental technology resource book : in-situ remediation of soil and groundwater / 1992
Summary Report on Review and Analysis of Treatability Data Involving Solidification/Stabilization of Soils : Literature Review / 1991
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated soil / 1990
Supercritical fluid extraction for the analysis of contaminated soils 1992
Superfund innovative technology evaluation program : annual report to Congress, FY 1995. 1996
Superfund method for the determination of releasable asbestos in soils and bulk materials. 1997
Superfund record of decision : Ross Metals Inc OU 1, Rossville, TN. 1999
Superfund record of decision Carter Industrial, MI first remedial action / 1991
Superfund Record of Decision: Mountain Pine Pressure Treating, Inc., Plainview, Yell County, Arkansas. 2004
Superfund risk assessment in soil contamination studies / 1992
Superfund risk assessment in soil contamination studies : second volume / 1996
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